DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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◆ HitZoneSelectionRaycastHelper()

bool HitZoneSelectionRaycastHelper ( out vector hitPos,
out int hitZone,
out Object target )

См. определение в файле DayZPlayerImplementMeleeCombat.c строка 535

536 {
537 return HitZoneSelectionRaycast(hitPos, hitZone, target, false);
538 // Not sure if desired, as it can give some results that feel a little odd
539 // But it will depend entirely on the player and situation..
540 // I guess the crosshair is hidden while melee anyways though
541 // || ( m_DZPlayer.IsInThirdPerson() && HitZoneSelectionRaycast(hitPos, hitZone, target, true);
542 }
bool HitZoneSelectionRaycast(out vector hitPos, out int hitZone, out Object target, bool useCamera)

Перекрестные ссылки HitZoneSelectionRaycast().

Используется в TargetSelection().