DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Файл DayZPlayerMeleeFightLogic_LightHeavy.c

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enum  EFightLogicCooldownCategory { EVADE = 0 }
 Light / Heavy punches. Подробнее...


void DayZPlayerMeleeFightLogic_LightHeavy (DayZPlayerImplement player)
void Init (DayZPlayerImplement player)
void ~DayZPlayerMeleeFightLogic_LightHeavy ()
bool IsInBlock ()
void SetBlock (bool block)
bool IsEvading ()
bool GetCurrentHitType ()
bool CanFight ()
void RegisterCooldowns ()
EMeleeHitType GetAttackTypeFromInputs (HumanInputController pInputs)
EMeleeHitType GetAttackTypeByWeaponAttachments (EntityAI pEntity)
float GetAttackTypeByDistanceToTarget (EntityAI pTarget, EMeleeTargetType pTargetType=EMeleeTargetType.ALIGNABLE)
bool HandleFightLogic (int pCurrentCommandID, HumanInputController pInputs, EntityAI pEntityInHands, HumanMovementState pMovementState, out bool pContinueAttack)
bool HandleHitEvent (int pCurrentCommandID, HumanInputController pInputs, InventoryItem itemInHands, HumanMovementState pMovementState, out bool pContinueAttack)
 Handle the event that our melee hit something.
bool HandleInitialFirearmMelee (int pCurrentCommandID, HumanInputController pInputs, InventoryItem itemInHands, HumanMovementState pMovementState, out bool pContinueAttack)
 NOTE: Only singular (or first) hits, combo attacks are handled in combo.
bool HandleInitialMeleeErc (int pCurrentCommandID, HumanInputController pInputs, InventoryItem itemInHands, HumanMovementState pMovementState, out bool pContinueAttack)
 First attack in raised erc (light or heavy if modifier is used). Also added support for finishers.
bool HandleProneKick (int pCurrentCommandID, HumanInputController pInputs, InventoryItem itemInHands, HumanMovementState pMovementState, out bool pContinueAttack)
 kick from raised pne
bool HandleSprintAttack (int pCurrentCommandID, HumanInputController pInputs, InventoryItem itemInHands, HumanMovementState pMovementState, out bool pContinueAttack)
 sprint attack in erc stance
bool HandleComboHit (int pCurrentCommandID, HumanInputController pInputs, InventoryItem itemInHands, HumanMovementState pMovementState, out bool pContinueAttack)
 combo hits - when we are already in Melee command and clicking UseButton
void EvaluateHit (InventoryItem weapon)
void EvaluateHit_Player (InventoryItem weapon, Object target)
void EvaluateHit_Infected (InventoryItem weapon, Object target)
bool EvaluateFinisherAttack (InventoryItem weapon, Object target)
 Check and evaluate stealth kill, if applicable.
void EvaluateHit_Common (InventoryItem weapon, Object target, bool forcedDummy=false, int forcedWeaponMode=-1)
void EvaluateHit_NonAlignableObjects (InventoryItem weapon, Object target)
bool WeaponDestroyedCheck (InventoryItem weapon, out string ammo)
void GetTargetData (out EntityAI target, out EMeleeTargetType targetType)
bool DummyHitSelector (EMeleeHitType hitType, out string ammoType)
 evaluation of hit player vs. player
bool IsBehindEntity (int angle, DayZPlayer source, Object target)
 DEPRECATED - moved into DayZPlayerImplementMeleeCombat.
void SetCooldown (float time, EFightLogicCooldownCategory cooldownCategory)
void ResetCooldown (EFightLogicCooldownCategory cooldownCategory)
void EnableControls ()
void DisableControls ()
void DamageHands (DayZPlayer DZPlayer, ClothingBase gloves, InventoryItem itemInHands)
int DetermineFinisherAnimation (int finisher_type)
 Picks a specific finisher animation. Not used for mounted bayonet stabs.
string DetermineFinisherAmmo (int finisher_type)
 Picks a specific finisher ammo fot the hit type. This gets synchronized and guides further behaviour of the target.
bool IsShortDistance (EntityAI pTarget, float pDistanceSq)
int GetFinisherType (InventoryItem weapon, EntityAI target)
bool IsHitTypeFinisher (int type)
int DetermineSpecificFinisherType (ItemBase weapon, int component)


enum EFightLogicCooldownCategory EVADE_COOLDOWN = 0.5
 cooldown timers settings
const float CLOSE_TARGET_DISTANCE = 1.5
const string DUMMY_LIGHT_AMMO = "Dummy_Light"
 dummy ammo types
const string DUMMY_HEAVY_AMMO = "Dummy_Heavy"
PlayerBase m_Player
ref DayZPlayerImplementMeleeCombat m_MeleeCombat
EMeleeHitType m_HitType
ref map< int, ref Timerm_CooldownTimers
Mission m_Mission
bool m_IsInBlock
bool m_IsEvading
bool m_IsInComboRange
bool m_WasPreviousHitProcessed
DayZPlayerImplement m_DZPlayer
bool m_IsFinisher