void | DayZPlayerMeleeFightLogic_LightHeavy (DayZPlayerImplement player) |
void | Init (DayZPlayerImplement player) |
void | ~DayZPlayerMeleeFightLogic_LightHeavy () |
bool | IsInBlock () |
void | SetBlock (bool block) |
bool | IsEvading () |
bool | GetCurrentHitType () |
bool | CanFight () |
void | RegisterCooldowns () |
EMeleeHitType | GetAttackTypeFromInputs (HumanInputController pInputs) |
EMeleeHitType | GetAttackTypeByWeaponAttachments (EntityAI pEntity) |
float | GetAttackTypeByDistanceToTarget (EntityAI pTarget, EMeleeTargetType pTargetType=EMeleeTargetType.ALIGNABLE) |
bool | HandleFightLogic (int pCurrentCommandID, HumanInputController pInputs, EntityAI pEntityInHands, HumanMovementState pMovementState, out bool pContinueAttack) |
bool | HandleHitEvent (int pCurrentCommandID, HumanInputController pInputs, InventoryItem itemInHands, HumanMovementState pMovementState, out bool pContinueAttack) |
| Handle the event that our melee hit something.
bool | HandleInitialFirearmMelee (int pCurrentCommandID, HumanInputController pInputs, InventoryItem itemInHands, HumanMovementState pMovementState, out bool pContinueAttack) |
| NOTE: Only singular (or first) hits, combo attacks are handled in combo.
bool | HandleInitialMeleeErc (int pCurrentCommandID, HumanInputController pInputs, InventoryItem itemInHands, HumanMovementState pMovementState, out bool pContinueAttack) |
| First attack in raised erc (light or heavy if modifier is used). Also added support for finishers.
bool | HandleProneKick (int pCurrentCommandID, HumanInputController pInputs, InventoryItem itemInHands, HumanMovementState pMovementState, out bool pContinueAttack) |
| kick from raised pne
bool | HandleSprintAttack (int pCurrentCommandID, HumanInputController pInputs, InventoryItem itemInHands, HumanMovementState pMovementState, out bool pContinueAttack) |
| sprint attack in erc stance
bool | HandleComboHit (int pCurrentCommandID, HumanInputController pInputs, InventoryItem itemInHands, HumanMovementState pMovementState, out bool pContinueAttack) |
| combo hits - when we are already in Melee command and clicking UseButton
void | EvaluateHit (InventoryItem weapon) |
void | EvaluateHit_Player (InventoryItem weapon, Object target) |
void | EvaluateHit_Infected (InventoryItem weapon, Object target) |
bool | EvaluateFinisherAttack (InventoryItem weapon, Object target) |
| Check and evaluate stealth kill, if applicable.
void | EvaluateHit_Common (InventoryItem weapon, Object target, bool forcedDummy=false, int forcedWeaponMode=-1) |
void | EvaluateHit_NonAlignableObjects (InventoryItem weapon, Object target) |
bool | WeaponDestroyedCheck (InventoryItem weapon, out string ammo) |
void | GetTargetData (out EntityAI target, out EMeleeTargetType targetType) |
bool | DummyHitSelector (EMeleeHitType hitType, out string ammoType) |
| evaluation of hit player vs. player
bool | IsBehindEntity (int angle, DayZPlayer source, Object target) |
| DEPRECATED - moved into DayZPlayerImplementMeleeCombat.
void | SetCooldown (float time, EFightLogicCooldownCategory cooldownCategory) |
void | ResetCooldown (EFightLogicCooldownCategory cooldownCategory) |
void | EnableControls () |
void | DisableControls () |
void | DamageHands (DayZPlayer DZPlayer, ClothingBase gloves, InventoryItem itemInHands) |
int | DetermineFinisherAnimation (int finisher_type) |
| Picks a specific finisher animation. Not used for mounted bayonet stabs.
string | DetermineFinisherAmmo (int finisher_type) |
| Picks a specific finisher ammo fot the hit type. This gets synchronized and guides further behaviour of the target.
bool | IsShortDistance (EntityAI pTarget, float pDistanceSq) |
int | GetFinisherType (InventoryItem weapon, EntityAI target) |
bool | IsHitTypeFinisher (int type) |
int | DetermineSpecificFinisherType (ItemBase weapon, int component) |