167 for (
int i = 0; i < l; i++)
246 EntityAI entityInHands = player.GetHumanInventory().GetEntityInHands();
269 string eventStr =
"Event: ";
270 eventStr = eventStr + aEvent.ToString() +
" ";
279 Print(
"Event: " + aEvent.ToString());
281 eventStr += aEvent.ToString();
300 int abilityCount = w.GetAbilityCount();
302 for (
int i = 0; i < abilityCount; ++i)
306 if (abConfigIndex != -1)
312 m_Selector.AddItem(
"=========== All - not safe =========", NULL, 0);
318 for (
int a = 0; a < l; a++)
346 Print(
373 Print(
"Weapon Change pressed");
378 Print(
"No dispatcher - cannot get selected weapon");
385 Print(
"No selected object");
389 Param1<string> p1 = Param1<string>.Cast(p);
441 Print(
"DayzPlayerImplement_Weapons OnKC_MULTIPLY");
458 Print(
Dispatcher GetDispatcher()
void PluginDayzPlayerWeaponsDebugUserData(int pAction, int pActionType)
class PluginDayzPlayerWeaponsDebugUserData PluginDayzPlayerDebug_AbilityConfig(string pName, int pAction, int pActionT)
int m_actionType
corresponds to Human::actions == RELOAD, MECHANISM, ...
pair ( action, actionType )
Super root of all classes in Enforce script.
Param CallMethod(CallID call_id, Param params)
proto native void DebugResetEvents()
proto native int GetRunningAction()
returns -1 when no action is running or RELOAD,MECHANISM, ....
proto native void SetActionProgressParams(float pStart, float pEnd)
sets start and end animation position - f.e. for reload clip action
proto native bool StartAction(WeaponActions pAction, int pActionType)
start reload,mechanism,chambering,unjam ...
proto native int DebugIsEvent()
return -1 when there is no event, otherwise it returns pId of event from animation
proto native void SetInitState(int pFrameIndex)
proto native int GetRunningActionType()
returns -1 when no action is running or appropriate action type
Base Param Class with no parameters. Used as general purpose parameter overloaded with Param1 to Para...
ButtonWidget m_ButtonStart
void WeaponsInit(Weapon_Base w)
EditBoxWidget m_WeaponSlotS
void WeaponsStartAction()
float m_CH_WeapActionProgressStart
TextWidget m_WidgetActionRunning
string m_CH_WeaponChangeI
Weapon_Base m_CurrentWeapon
EditBoxWidget m_WeaponActionProgressStart
int FindAbilityConfig(int pAction, int pActionT)
void ~PluginDayzPlayerDebug_Weapons()
float m_CH_WeapActionProgressEnd
TextWidget m_WidgetActionEvents
bool OnClick(Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
buttons clicks
ref array< ref PluginDayzPlayerDebug_AbilityConfig > m_AbilityConfig
bool IsWeaponChange(out string pNewWeapon, out int pHideSlot, out int pShowSlot)
EditBoxWidget m_SetInitStateI
TextListboxWidget m_Selector
int m_CH_LastWeapActionType
EditBoxWidget m_WeaponActionProgressEnd
ButtonWidget m_SetInitStateB
ButtonWidget m_WeaponChange
void CreateModuleWidgets()
int m_CH_WeaponChangeSlotS
void DestroyModuleWidgets()
ButtonWidget m_WeaponHide
int m_CH_WeaponChangeSlotH
EditBoxWidget m_WeaponSlotH
void PluginDayzPlayerDebug_Weapons(Widget pMainWnd)
void PluginDayzPlayerWeaponsDebugUserData(int pAction, int pActionType)
Result for an object found in CGame.IsBoxCollidingGeometryProxy.
proto native CGame GetGame()
proto void Print(void var)
Prints content of variable to console/log.
static proto bool CastTo(out Class to, Class from)
Try to safely down-cast base class to child class.
proto native void ClearKey(KeyCode key)
proto native int KeyState(KeyCode key)