DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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◆ MatrixMultiply3()

static proto void Math3D::MatrixMultiply3 ( vector mat0[3],
vector mat1[3],
out vector res[3] )

Transforms rotation matrix.

mat0vector[3] first matrix
mat1vector[3] second matrix
[out]resvector[3] result of first and second matrix multiplication
vector mat0[3] = { "1.5 2.5 0", "0.1 1.3 0", "0 0 1" }; // rotation matrix
vector mat1[3] = { "1 0.4 0", "0 1 0", "0 1.3 2.7" }; // rotation matrix
vector res[3];
Math3D.MatrixMultiply3(mat0, mat1, res)
Print( res );
>> <1.54,3.02,0>,<0.1,1.3,0>,<0.13,1.69,2.7>
Определения EnConvert.c:106
proto void Print(void var)
Prints content of variable to console/log.
void Math3D()
Определения EnMath3D.c:29

Используется в Hologram::AlignProjectionOnTerrain() и Weapon::LiftWeaponCheck().