88 type = ObjIntersectView;
199 proto
static bool RaycastRV(
vector begPos,
vector endPos, out
vector contactPos, out
vector contactDir, out
int contactComponent, set<Object> results = NULL,
Object with = NULL,
Object ignore = NULL,
bool sorted =
bool ground_only =
int iType = ObjIntersectView,
float radius = 0.0,
CollisionFlags flags =
enum PGPolyFlags BUILDING
Redefinition of 'RAGDOLL_NO_CHARACTER'.
bool OnContact(IEntity other, Contact contact)
static proto bool GetHitSurface(Object other, vector begPos, vector endPos, string surface)
static proto bool SphereOverlapBullet(vector position, float radius, PhxInteractionLayers layerMask, notnull CollisionOverlapCallback callback)
static proto bool GetHitSurfaceAndLiquid(Object other, vector begPos, vector endPos, string surface, out int liquidType)
static proto bool GeometryOverlapBullet(vector transform[4], dGeom geometry, PhxInteractionLayers layerMask, notnull CollisionOverlapCallback callback)
static proto bool EntityOverlapSingleBullet(vector transform[4], IEntity entity, IEntity other, PhxInteractionLayers layerMask, notnull CollisionOverlapCallback callback)
static proto bool RaycastRV(vector begPos, vector endPos, out vector contactPos, out vector contactDir, out int contactComponent, set< Object > results=NULL, Object with=NULL, Object ignore=NULL, bool sorted=false, bool ground_only=false, int iType=ObjIntersectView, float radius=0.0, CollisionFlags flags=CollisionFlags.NEARESTCONTACT)
Raycasts world by given parameters.
static proto bool BoxOverlapBullet(vector transform[4], vector extents, PhxInteractionLayers layerMask, notnull CollisionOverlapCallback callback)
static proto bool EntityOverlapBullet(vector transform[4], IEntity entity, PhxInteractionLayers layerMask, notnull CollisionOverlapCallback callback)
static proto bool CapsuleOverlapBullet(vector transform[4], float radius, float height, PhxInteractionLayers layerMask, notnull CollisionOverlapCallback callback)
static proto bool SphereCastBullet(vector begPos, vector endPos, float radius, PhxInteractionLayers layerMask, Object ignoreObj, out Object hitObject, out vector hitPosition, out vector hitNormal, out float hitFraction)
static proto bool RayCastBullet(vector begPos, vector endPos, PhxInteractionLayers layerMask, Object ignoreObj, out Object hitObject, out vector hitPosition, out vector hitNormal, out float hitFraction)
static proto bool CylinderOverlapBullet(vector transform[4], vector extents, PhxInteractionLayers layerMask, notnull CollisionOverlapCallback callback)
static proto bool RaycastRVProxy(notnull RaycastRVParams in, out notnull array< ref RaycastRVResult > results, array< Object > excluded=null)
vector endPos
end position of raycast (e.g. player direction)
bool groundOnly
raycasts only ground (ignores all objects). Default value is false if not needed.
bool sorted
used only if groundOnly = false
Object with
ignore object with this object, otherwise collision hits, used only if groundOnly is false
float radius
radius along the ray tested
vector begPos
begin position of raycast (e.g. player position)
void RaycastRVParams(vector vBeg, vector vEnd, Object pIgnore=null, float fRadius=0.0)
Object ignore
ignore this object in collision, used only if groundOnly is false
Object obj
object,that we collide with (NULL if none), If hierLevel > 0 object is the proxy object
int component
index of component in corresponding geometry level
bool entry
is false if begining point was TriggerInsider
bool exit
is false if end point was inside
vector dir
direction outside (in world coord) or (in case of line-object collision) direction and size of the in...
int hierLevel
which hierarchy level is the collision detected at, == 0 = objects in landscape, > 0 = proxy
SurfaceInfo surface
surface material info handle
vector pos
position of collision (in world coord)
Object parent
if hierLevel > 0 most parent of the proxy object
Result for an object found in CGame.IsBoxCollidingGeometryProxy.
Is not collidable, but invokes touch events.