if (player)
vector begPos = player.GetPosition();
vector endPos = begPos + (player.GetDirection() * 100);
int contactComponent;
set<Object> results = new set<Object>;
bool sorted;
bool ground_only;
int iType;
float radius;
if (
GetGame().Raycast(begPos, endPos, contactPos, contactDir, contactComponent, results, with, ignore, sorted, ground_only, iType, radius) )
GetGame().Raycast(begPos, endPos, contactPos, contactDir, contactComponent, results, with, ignore, sorted, ground_only, iType, radius) );
>> vector begPos = 0x00000000dd62df30 {<750.573,49.8043,2167.25>}
>> vector endPos = 0x00000000dd62df3c {<849.589,49.8043,2181.25>}
>> vector contactPos = 0x00000000dd62df48 {<751.068,49.8043,2167.32>}
>> vector contactDir = 0x00000000dd62df54 {<0.987203,2.04891e-08,0.139505>}
>> int contactComponent = 8
>> set<Object> results = set<Object><a022d840>
>> bool sorted = 0
>> bool ground_only = 0
>> int iType = 0
>> float radius = 0
>> 1
proto native CGame GetGame()
proto void Print(void var)
Prints content of variable to console/log.