58 aimOrientation[0] = aimOrientation[0] + lr;
61 aimOrientation[1] = aimOrientation[1] + ud + 5;
94 itemCfg =
99 case ItemBehaviorType.TWOHANDED:
100 case ItemBehaviorType.POLEARMS:
103 case ItemBehaviorType.FIREARMS:
131 m_Player.OnThrowingModeChange(enable);
165 if( itemCfg && itemCfg.
m_iType == ItemBehaviorType.HEAVY )
176 if( playerPB.GetEmoteManager().IsEmotePlaying() )
179 if( playerPB.GetActionManager().GetRunningAction() != NULL )
182 if( playerPB.IsRestrained() || playerPB.IsItemsToDelete())
185 if( playerPB.GetDayZPlayerInventory().IsProcessing() )
188 if( playerPB.GetWeaponManager().IsRunning() )
203 if(input_interface && input_interface.
207 if( boo || pHic.
IsWeaponRaised() || (itemInHandsCfg && itemInHandsCfg.
m_iType == ItemBehaviorType.HEAVY) )
220 if ( pEntityInHands == null )
void DayZPlayerImplementThrowing(DayZPlayer pPlayer)
bool m_bThrowingInProgress
bool CanContinueThrowing(HumanInputController pHic)
bool CanContinueThrowingEx(HumanInputController pHic, EntityAI pEntityInHands)
void SetThrowingModeEnabled(bool enable)
const float c_fThrowingForceCoef
const float c_fThrowingForceMin
bool CanChangeThrowingStance(HumanInputController pHic)
void HandleThrowing(HumanInputController pHic, HumanCommandWeapons pHcw, EntityAI pEntityInHands, float pDt)
const float c_fThrowingForceMax
bool IsThrowingModeEnabled()
bool m_bThrowingAnimationPlaying
bool IsThrowingInProgress()
Throwing wind-up only (button hold)
bool IsThrowingAnimationPlaying()
Throwing animation after button release.
bool m_bThrowingModeEnabled
proto native bool IsStandingFromBack()
return true if prone on back is chaning to crounch/stand
proto native bool WasItemLeaveHandsEvent()
proto native void SetThrowingMode(bool pState)
proto native void SetActionProgressParams(float pStart, float pEnd)
sets start and end animation position - f.e. for reload clip action
proto native bool IsThrowingMode()
proto native float GetBaseAimingAngleLR()
returns base aiming angle LR - without sway/offsets/...
proto native void ThrowItem(int throwType)
proto native float GetBaseAimingAngleUD()
returns base aiming angle UD - without sway/offsets/...
proto native bool SyncedPress(string action, bool check_focus=true)
static const vector Forward
proto vector AnglesToVector()
Converts spherical coordinates (yaw, pitch, roll in degrees) to unit length vector.