26class BotTestSpamUserActions_GetEntityFromSlot : BotTimedWait
44 if (!
64 if (!
151 ref BotTestSpamUserActions_GetEntityFromSlot
160 m_GetRef =
new BotTestSpamUserActions_GetEntityFromSlot(
this, 2.0);
177 m_Owner.GetInventory().CreateAttachment(
void botDebugPrint(string s)
override void OnTimeout()
FSMTransition< BotStateBase, BotEventBase, BotActionBase, BotGuardBase > BotTransition
ref InventoryLocation m_Src
override void OnExit(HandEventBase e)
HandStateEquipped OnEntry
enum ProcessDirectDamageFlags m_Owner
represents event that triggers transition from state to state
Bot Finite State Machine (Hierarchical)
void BotStateBase(Bot bot=NULL, BotStateBase parent=NULL)
nested state machine (or null)
ref BotFSM m_FSM
hierarchical parent state of this state (or null)
Bot m_Bot
man that this state belongs to
override void OnExit(BotEventBase e)
override void OnEntry(BotEventBase e)
ref BotTestSpamUserActions_Start m_Start
void BotTestSpamUserActions(Bot bot=NULL, BotStateBase parent=NULL)
ref BotTestSpamUserActions_GetEntityFromSlot m_GetRef
override void OnEntry(BotEventBase e)
override void OnUpdate(float dt)
override void OnExit(BotEventBase e)
static bool SetGroundPosByOwner(EntityAI owner, notnull EntityAI item, out InventoryLocation ground)
script counterpart to engine's class Inventory
proto native void SetAttachment(notnull EntityAI parent, EntityAI e, int slotId)
sets current inventory location type to Attachment with slot id set to <slotId>
static proto native int GetSlotIdFromString(string slot_name)
converts string to slot_id
provides access to slot configuration
proto native CGame GetGame()