8 m_ID = SymptomIDs.SYMPTOM_HOT;
39 player.GetMovementState(hms);
72 return new HeatComfortmMetaADD();
static void SymptomLog(string message=LOG_DEFAULT, string plugin=LOG_DEFAULT, string author=LOG_DEFAULT, string label=LOG_DEFAULT, string entity=LOG_DEFAULT)
int m_iMovement
current stance (DayZPlayerConstants.STANCEIDX_ERECT, ...), only if the command has a stance
static bool IsSymptomLogEnable()
override void OnGetActivatedClient(PlayerBase player)
gets called once on a Symptom which is being activated
override SmptAnimMetaBase SpawnAnimMetaObject()
override void OnAnimationPlayFailed()
override bool CanActivate()
void PlayAnimationADD(int type)
override void OnGetActivatedServer(PlayerBase player)
gets called once on an Symptom which is being activated
bool m_DestroyOnAnimFinish
override void OnGetDeactivatedServer(PlayerBase player)
only gets called once on an active Symptom that is being deactivated
override void OnUpdateClient(PlayerBase player, float deltatime)
override void OnUpdateServer(PlayerBase player, float deltatime)
gets called every frame
override void OnGetDeactivatedClient(PlayerBase player)
only gets called once on an active Symptom that is being deactivated
defined in C++