22 m_Timer.Run( 0.01,
"PrepareMeasurement", null,
true );
33 float dispersion = 80;
42 bool is_collision =
RaycastRV( from, to, contact_pos, contact_dir, contactComponent, NULL , NULL, GetHierarchyRootPlayer(),
false, ObjIntersectIFire);
47 hit_normal[1] = hit_normal[1] + 90;
51 p.SetOrientation(hit_normal);
void AddAction(typename actionName)
void ParticleManager(ParticleManagerSettings settings)
Constructor (ctor)
static proto bool RaycastRV(vector begPos, vector endPos, out vector contactPos, out vector contactDir, out int contactComponent, set< Object > results=NULL, Object with=NULL, Object ignore=NULL, bool sorted=false, bool ground_only=false, int iType=ObjIntersectView, float radius=0.0, CollisionFlags flags=CollisionFlags.NEARESTCONTACT)
Raycasts world by given parameters.
override void OnWorkStart()
void StartPeriodicMeasurement()
override void SetActions()
void PrepareMeasurement()
void StopPeriodicMeasurement()
override void OnWorkStop()
Legacy way of using particles in the game.
static const int DEBUG_DOT
proto vector VectorToAngles()
Converts vector to spherical coordinates with radius = 1.
proto vector AnglesToVector()
Converts spherical coordinates (yaw, pitch, roll in degrees) to unit length vector.
proto native CGame GetGame()
proto native vector Vector(float x, float y, float z)
Vector constructor from components.
static proto float RandomFloat(float min, float max)
Returns a random float number between and min[inclusive] and max[exclusive].
class JsonUndergroundAreaTriggerData GetPosition