50 screenSpace[0] = screenSpace[0] - sx/2;
51 screenSpace[1] = screenSpace[1] - sy/2;
53 m_Root.SetPos(screenSpace[0], screenSpace[1]);
73 itemInHands =
74 if ( itemInHands && itemInHands.IsWeapon() )
vector m_Position
Cached world position.
proto native vector GetScreenPos(vector world_pos)
Transforms position in world to position in screen in pixels as x, y component of vector,...
override ScriptInvoker GetUpdateQueue(int call_category)
Super root of all classes in Enforce script.
proto bool Remove(func fn, int flags=EScriptInvokerRemoveFlags.ALL)
remove specific call from list
proto bool Insert(func fn, int flags=EScriptInvokerInsertFlags.IMMEDIATE)
insert method to list
proto native CGame GetGame()
static proto bool CastTo(out Class to, Class from)
Try to safely down-cast base class to child class.