DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Файл Sound.c

См. исходные тексты.

Структуры данных

class  AbstractSoundScene
class  SoundObject
class  AbstractWaveEvents


enum  WaveKind


 SetSoundControllerOverride (string controllerName, float value, SoundControllerAction action)
proto native void MuteAllSoundControllers ()
proto native void ResetAllSoundControllers ()
class AbstractSoundScene SoundObjectBuilder (SoundParams soundParams)
void AbstractSoundScene ()
void ~AbstractSoundScene ()
proto native AbstractWave Play2D (SoundObject soundObject, SoundObjectBuilder soundBuilder)
proto native AbstractWave Play3D (SoundObject soundObject, SoundObjectBuilder soundBuilder)
proto native SoundObject BuildSoundObject (SoundObjectBuilder soundObjectbuilder)
proto native float GetRadioVolume ()
proto native void SetRadioVolume (float vol, float time)
proto native float GetSpeechExVolume ()
proto native void SetSpeechExVolume (float vol, float time)
proto native float GetMusicVolume ()
proto native void SetMusicVolume (float vol, float time)
proto native float GetSoundVolume ()
proto native void SetSoundVolume (float vol, float time)
proto native float GetVOIPVolume ()
proto native void SetVOIPVolume (float vol, float time)
proto native float GetSilenceThreshold ()
proto native float GetAudioLevel ()
SoundObject BuildSoundObject ()
proto native void Initialize (SoundParams soundParams)
proto native void AddEnvSoundVariables (vector position)
proto native void AddVariable (string name, float value)
proto void AddVariables (notnull array< string > names, array< float > values=null)
void UpdateEnvSoundControllers (vector position)
 Deprecated - same functionality, just poor naming.
void SetVariable (string name, float value)
 Deprecated - same functionality, just poor naming.
class SoundObject SoundParams (string name)
void SoundObject (SoundParams soundParams)
proto void UpdateVariables (notnull array< float > values)
proto native void SetParent (IEntity parent, int pivot=-1)
proto native IEntity GetParent ()
 Get parent of the Effect.
proto native int GetHierarchyPivot ()
proto native void SetPosition (vector position)
 Note: Sets the position locally if parented, retrieves globally with the sound offset.
proto native vector GetPosition ()
 Get the world position of the Effect.
proto native void SetSpeed (vector speed)
 Note: Sets the speed locally if parented, retrieves globally with the parent speed.
proto native vector GetSpeed ()
proto native void SetOcclusionObstruction (float occlusion, float obstruction)
proto native void SetKind (WaveKind kind)
proto native bool Load (string name)
proto native bool IsValid ()
 Checks if the ScriptCaller is valid.
proto string GetName ()
 Test name getter. Strictly for UI porposes!
class AbstractWaveEvents InitEvents ()
void AbstractWave ()
proto void SetUserData (Managed inst)
proto Managed GetUserData ()
proto void Play ()
void PlayWithOffset (float offset)
proto void Stop ()
 Stops all elements this effect consists of.
proto void Restart ()
proto void SetStartOffset (float offset)
proto float GetLength ()
 WARNING: Blocking! Waits for header to load.
proto float GetCurrPosition ()
 Current position in percentage of total length.
proto void Loop (bool setLoop)
proto float GetVolume ()
proto void SetVolume (float value)
proto void SetVolumeRelative (float value)
proto void SetFrequency (float value)
proto float GetFrequency ()
proto void SetPosition (vector position, vector velocity="0 0 0")
proto void SetFadeInFactor (float volume)
proto void SetFadeOutFactor (float volume)
proto void SetDoppler (bool setDoppler)
proto void Skip (float timeSec)
proto bool IsHeaderLoaded ()
AbstractWaveEvents GetEvents ()
void OnPlay ()
void OnStop ()
void OnLoad ()
void OnHeaderLoad ()
void OnEnd ()


ref ScriptInvoker Event_OnSoundWaveStarted = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker Event_OnSoundWaveStopped = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker Event_OnSoundWaveLoaded = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker Event_OnSoundWaveHeaderLoaded = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker Event_OnSoundWaveEnded = new ScriptInvoker()