void | PPEManager () |
void | Cleanup () |
void | Init () |
| Launched from 'DayZGame.DeferredInit' to make earlier access, use, and updates impossible (downside of a non-static system)
void | InitPPEManagerClassMap () |
| Ordered by 'PostProcessEffectType' for easy access through the same enum; ID saved all the same.
void | RegisterPPEClass (PPEClassBase material_class) |
| Registeres material class and creates data structure within.
void | SendMaterialValueData (PPERequestParamDataBase data) |
void | SetMaterialParamUpdating (int material_id, int parameter_id, int order) |
| Queues material/parameter to update (once)
void | RemoveMaterialUpdating (int material_id, int order=0) |
| Currently unused, requests remain in the hierarchy and are used when needed (slightly faster than constantly re-shuffilng the arrays)
void | ClearMaterialUpdating () |
void | SetRequestActive (PPERequesterBase request, bool active) |
| Marks requester as 'active'. Currently indistinguiishable from 'updating' requester, can potentially be used for intermittently updated requesters.
void | SetRequestUpdating (PPERequesterBase request, bool active) |
| Marks requester as 'updating' and to be processed on manager update.
bool | GetExistingRequester (typename req, out PPERequesterBase ret) |
bool | IsAnyRequesterRunning (array< typename > requesters) |
void | RemoveActiveRequestFromMaterials (PPERequesterBase req) |
void | RequestsCleanup () |
| Unused cleanup method, should it be ever needed.
void | InsertUpdatedMaterial (int mat_id) |
| Marks material class as updated and values to be set in the course of update - 'ProcessApplyValueChanges'.
void | ProcessRequesterUpdates (float timeslice) |
void | ProcessMaterialUpdates (float timeslice) |
void | ProcessApplyValueChanges () |
void | Update (float timeslice) |
Param | GetPostProcessDefaultValues (int material, int parameter) |
| Returns default values as Param. See 'PPEConstants' file for various typedefs used.
Param | GetPostProcessCurrentValues (int material, int parameter) |
| Returns current values as Param. See 'PPEConstants' file for various typedefs used.
void | ChangePPEMaterial (PostProcessPrioritiesCamera priority, PostProcessEffectType type, string path, bool scriptside_only) |
| Changes material file associated with the script material class. Will be used very rarely, mostly set in C++ anyway.
void | StopAllEffects (int mask=0) |
| stops all effects of a certain kind
void | DbgPrnt (string text) |