class PPEManagerStatic CAMERA_ID = 0 |
/brief Postprocess manager, responsible for updates, receiving, and re-distributing requester data to their respective destinations. /par Basic post process flow outline: Getting a registered 'PPERequester' instance from the 'PPERequesterBank'
/par Launching the requester, either through an overriden 'Start' method, or custom method with some setters (both flag it as active and to be processed)
/par On render update, PPEManager: Handles queued requester changes, re-distributes individual commands to material structure
/par Updates the material/parameter structure and calculates the blend values /par Sets the final values via native functions (only called once per changed parameter - optimization stonks)
/note Requester serves as a centralized platform for specific effec/group of effects. Although technically the direct commands to mat/param would be feasible, this allows for easier control of effect groups, /note and clearer command hierarchy (no value setters without clear parentage).
Используется в ChangePPEMaterial().