DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Файл BaseBuildingBase.c

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class  ItemBase


class BaseBuildingBase extends ItemBase bsbDebugPrint (string s)
void BaseBuildingBase ()
override void EEDelete (EntityAI parent)
override string GetInvulnerabilityTypeString ()
override bool CanObstruct ()
override int GetHideIconMask ()
void SynchronizeBaseState ()
override void OnVariablesSynchronized ()
void OnSynchronizedClient ()
void RegisterPartForSync (int part_id)
void UnregisterPartForSync (int part_id)
bool IsPartBuildInSyncData (int part_id)
void RegisterActionForSync (int part_id, int action_id)
void ResetActionSyncData ()
void SetActionFromSyncData ()
void SetPartFromSyncData (ConstructionPart part)
void SetPartsFromSyncData ()
ConstructionPart GetConstructionPartById (int id)
bool HasBase ()
void SetBaseState (bool has_base)
override bool IsDeployable ()
bool IsOpened ()
ItemBase CreateConstructionKit ()
void CreateConstructionKitInHands (notnull PlayerBase player)
vector GetKitSpawnPosition ()
string GetConstructionKitType ()
void DestroyConstructionKit (ItemBase construction_kit)
void DestroyConstruction ()
override void OnStoreSave (ParamsWriteContext ctx)
override bool OnStoreLoad (ParamsReadContext ctx, int version)
override void AfterStoreLoad ()
void SetPartsAfterStoreLoad ()
override void OnCreatePhysics ()
override void EEHealthLevelChanged (int oldLevel, int newLevel, string zone)
override void EEOnAfterLoad ()
override void EEInit ()
override void EEItemAttached (EntityAI item, string slot_name)
override void EEItemDetached (EntityAI item, string slot_name)
void OnSetSlotLock (int slotId, bool locked, bool was_locked)
override bool IgnoreOutOfReachCondition ()
void OnPartBuiltServer (notnull Man player, string part_name, int action_id)
void OnPartBuiltClient (string part_name, int action_id)
void OnPartDismantledServer (notnull Man player, string part_name, int action_id)
void OnPartDismantledClient (string part_name, int action_id)
void OnPartDestroyedServer (Man player, string part_name, int action_id, bool destroyed_by_connected_part=false)
void OnPartDestroyedClient (string part_name, int action_id)
void HandleItemFalling (ConstructionPart part)
void ItemFall (vector min, vector max)
void InitBaseState ()
void InitVisuals ()
void UpdateVisuals ()
void UpdateAttachmentVisuals (string slot_name, bool is_locked)
void UpdatePhysics ()
void UpdateAttachmentPhysics (string slot_name, bool is_locked)
void UpdateNavmesh ()
override bool CanUseConstruction ()
override bool CanUseConstructionBuild ()
bool IsAttachmentSlotLocked (EntityAI attachment)
bool IsAttachmentSlotLocked (string slot_name)
void GetAttachmentSlots (EntityAI entity, out array< string > attachment_slots)
bool CheckSlotVerticalDistance (int slot_id, PlayerBase player)
bool CheckMemoryPointVerticalDistance (float max_dist, string selection, PlayerBase player)
bool CheckLevelVerticalDistance (float max_dist, string selection, PlayerBase player)
void ConstructionInit ()
Construction GetConstruction ()
override bool CanReceiveAttachment (EntityAI attachment, int slotId)
bool HasAttachmentsBesidesBase ()
override bool ShowZonesHealth ()
override bool IsTakeable ()
override bool CanPutInCargo (EntityAI parent)
override bool CanRemoveFromCargo (EntityAI parent)
override bool CanPutIntoHands (EntityAI parent)
override bool IsFacingPlayer (PlayerBase player, string selection)
override bool IsPlayerInside (PlayerBase player, string selection)
bool MustBeBuiltFromOutside ()
 Some buildings can only be built from outside.
bool IsFacingCamera (string selection)
bool PerformRoofCheckForBase (string partName, PlayerBase player, out bool result)
bool HasProperDistance (string selection, PlayerBase player)
bool CanFoldBaseBuildingObject ()
ItemBase FoldBaseBuildingObject ()
void CreateAreaDamage (string slot_name, float rotation_angle=0)
void CalcDamageAreaRotation (float angle_deg, out vector center, out vector orientation)
void DestroyAreaDamage (string slot_name)
override bool IsIgnoredByConstruction ()
void SoundBuildStart (string part_name)
void SoundDismantleStart (string part_name)
void SoundDestroyStart (string part_name)
string GetBuildSoundByMaterial (string part_name)
string GetDismantleSoundByMaterial (string part_name)
void CheckForHybridAttachments (EntityAI item, string slot_name)
override int GetDamageSystemVersionChange ()
override void SetActions ()
void DebugCustomState ()
array< stringOnDebugSpawnBuildExcludes ()
 Excludes certain parts from being built by OnDebugSpawn, uses Contains to compare.
override void OnDebugSpawn ()
void FullyBuild ()
void bsbDebugSpam (string s)


const string ANIMATION_DEPLOYED = "Deployed"
float m_ConstructionKitHealth
ref Construction m_Construction
bool m_HasBase
int m_SyncParts01
int m_SyncParts02
int m_SyncParts03
int m_InteractedPartId
int m_PerformedActionId
const string SOUND_BUILD_WOOD_LOG = "putDown_WoodLog_SoundSet"
const string SOUND_BUILD_WOOD_PLANK = "putDown_WoodPlank_SoundSet"
const string SOUND_BUILD_WOOD_STAIRS = "putDown_WoodStairs_SoundSet"
const string SOUND_BUILD_METAL = "putDown_MetalPlank_SoundSet"
const string SOUND_BUILD_WIRE = "putDown_BarbedWire_SoundSet"
const string SOUND_DISMANTLE_WOOD_LOG = "Crash_WoodPlank_SoundSet"
const string SOUND_DISMANTLE_WOOD_PLANK = "Crash_WoodPlank_SoundSet"
const string SOUND_DISMANTLE_WOOD_STAIRS = "Crash_WoodPlank_SoundSet"
const string SOUND_DISMANTLE_METAL = "Crash_MetalPlank_SoundSet"
const string SOUND_DISMANTLE_WIRE = "putDown_BarbedWire_SoundSet"
EffectSound m_Sound
ref map< string, ref AreaDamageManagerm_DamageTriggers
ref array< stringm_HybridAttachments
ref array< stringm_Mountables