DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
Не найдено
См. документацию.
1class PlayerListScriptedWidget extends ScriptedWidgetEventHandler
3 protected Widget m_Root;
4 protected ScrollWidget m_ScrollContainer;
5 protected Widget m_Content;
8 protected int m_TotalEntries;
11 void PlayerListScriptedWidget( Widget parent, string header_text = "" )
12 {
13 m_Root = GetGame().GetWorkspace().CreateWidgets( "gui/layouts/xbox/ingamemenu_xbox/players_info_panel.layout", parent );
14 m_ScrollContainer = ScrollWidget.Cast( m_Root.FindAnyWidget( "ScrollFrame" ) );
15 m_Content = m_Root.FindAnyWidget( "Content" );
19 m_ScrollContainer.VScrollToPos01( 0 );
20 }
23 {
24 delete m_Root;
25 }
28 {
29 if ( m_Content && m_Content.GetChildren() )
30 SetFocus( m_Content.GetChildren().FindAnyWidget( "Button" ) );
31 m_ScrollContainer.VScrollToPos01( 0 );
32 }
34 void Reload( SyncPlayerList player_list )
35 {
36 if ( player_list && player_list.m_PlayerList && m_Entries )
37 {
38 foreach ( string UID, PlayerListEntryScriptedWidget widget : m_Entries )
39 {
40 SyncPlayer player_found;
41 foreach ( SyncPlayer player : player_list.m_PlayerList )
42 {
43 if ( player && player.m_UID == UID )
44 {
45 player_found = player;
46 break;
47 }
48 }
49 if ( !player_found )
50 {
52 }
53 }
55 for ( int i = 0; i < player_list.m_PlayerList.Count(); i++ )
56 {
57 SyncPlayer player2 = player_list.m_PlayerList.Get( i );
59 m_Entries.Find( player2.m_UID, player_widget );
60 if ( !player_widget )
61 {
62 AddPlayer( player2.m_PlayerName, player2.m_UID, true );
63 }
64 }
65 }
66 }
68 bool IsEmpty()
69 {
70 return ( m_Entries.Count() == 0 );
71 }
73 void OnLoadServersAsync( GetServersResult result_list, EBiosError error, string response )
74 {
76 }
78 void Reload( BiosFriendInfoArray player_list )
79 {
80 if ( player_list && m_Entries )
81 {
82 foreach ( string UID, PlayerListEntryScriptedWidget widget : m_Entries )
83 {
84 BiosFriendInfo player_found;
85 int j = 0;
86 while ( !player_found && j < player_list.Count() )
87 {
88 if ( player_list[j].m_Uid == UID )
89 player_found = player_list[j];
90 j++;
91 }
93 if ( !player_found )
94 {
96 }
97 }
99 for ( int i = 0; i < player_list.Count(); i++ )
100 {
101 BiosFriendInfo player2 = player_list.Get( i );
102 PlayerListEntryScriptedWidget player_widget;
103 m_Entries.Find( player2.m_Uid, player_widget );
104 if ( !player_widget )
105 {
106 AddPlayer( player2.m_DisplayName, player2.m_Uid, false );
107 }
108 }
109 }
110 }
113 {
114 foreach ( BiosPrivacyUidResult result : player_list )
115 {
116 PlayerListEntryScriptedWidget player_widget;
117 m_Entries.Find( result.m_Uid, player_widget );
118 if ( player_widget )
119 {
120 player_widget.LoadPermissions( result.m_Results );
121 }
122 }
123 }
125 void ReloadLocal( map<string, bool> player_list )
126 {
127 if ( player_list )
128 {
129 for ( int i = 0; i < player_list.Count(); i++ )
130 {
131 string uid = player_list.GetKey( i );
132 bool muted = OnlineServices.IsPlayerMuted( uid );
133 PlayerListEntryScriptedWidget player_widget;
134 m_Entries.Find( uid, player_widget );
135 if ( player_widget )
136 {
137 player_widget.SetMute( muted );
138 }
139 }
140 }
141 }
144 {
145 if ( button && m_Entries )
146 {
147 foreach ( string UID, PlayerListEntryScriptedWidget widget : m_Entries )
148 {
149 if ( widget && widget.GetButtonWidget() == button )
150 {
151 return widget;
152 }
153 }
154 }
156 return null;
157 }
159 string FindPlayerByWidget( Widget button )
160 {
161 if ( button && m_Entries )
162 {
163 foreach ( string UID, PlayerListEntryScriptedWidget widget : m_Entries )
164 {
165 if ( widget && widget.GetButtonWidget() == button )
166 {
167 return UID;
168 }
169 }
170 }
172 return "";
173 }
175 void AddPlayer( string name, string UID, bool show_permissions )
176 {
177 if ( m_Entries )
178 {
179 m_Entries.Insert( UID, new PlayerListEntryScriptedWidget( m_Content, name, UID, show_permissions, this ) );
181 }
182 }
184 void RemovePlayer(string UID)
185 {
186 if (m_Entries)
187 {
189 if (m_Entries.Get(UID) == m_SelectedEntry)
190 {
191 for (int i = 0; i < m_Entries.Count() - 1; i++)
192 {
193 if (m_Entries.GetElement(i) != m_Entries.Get(UID))
194 continue;
196 // Select next possibe player entry after the one to delete if possible
197 if (i + 1 <= m_Entries.Count() - 1)
198 {
199 next_entry = m_Entries.GetElement(i + 1);
200 }
201 }
202 }
204 m_Entries.Remove(UID);
207 // If there is no other possibe player entry after the current one to select we try to select the first indexed one
208 if (!next_entry)
209 {
210 next_entry = m_Entries.GetElement(0);
211 }
213 // If we found a next entry to select from we select it in the UI class and focus on it
214 // if not we only deselect the current one as there is no other possible entry to focus on
215 if (next_entry)
216 {
217 SelectPlayer(next_entry);
218 }
219 else
220 {
221 if (m_SelectedEntry)
222 m_SelectedEntry.Deselect();
223 }
225 m_Content.Update();
226 }
227 }
229 bool IsMuted( string UID )
230 {
231 if ( m_Entries && m_Entries.Get( UID ) )
232 {
233 return m_Entries.Get( UID ).IsMuted();
234 }
235 return false;
236 }
238 bool IsGloballyMuted( string UID )
239 {
240 if ( m_Entries && m_Entries.Get( UID ) )
241 {
242 return m_Entries.Get( UID ).IsGloballyMuted();
243 }
244 return false;
245 }
247 void SetMute( string UID, bool mute )
248 {
249 if ( m_Entries && m_Entries.Get( UID ) )
250 {
251 m_Entries.Get( UID ).SetMute( mute );
252 }
253 }
255 void ToggleMute( string UID )
256 {
257 if ( m_Entries && m_Entries.Get( UID ) )
258 {
259 m_Entries.Get( UID ).ToggleMute();
260 }
261 }
269 {
270 if (m_SelectedEntry)
271 {
272 m_SelectedEntry.Deselect();
273 }
275 m_SelectedEntry = entry;
278 // Focus on new selected entry as OnFocus event function will handle the rest
279 m_SelectedEntry.Focus();
280 #endif
282 if (GetGame().GetUIManager().GetMenu())
285 }
288 {
289 if ( entry )
290 {
291 float x, y;
292 float x_s, y_s;
293 float x_l, y_l;
295 Widget root = entry.GetButtonWidget().GetParent();
296 Widget first_child = root.GetParent().GetChildren();
297 Widget last_child = first_child;
298 while ( last_child )
299 {
300 if ( last_child.GetSibling() )
301 last_child = last_child.GetSibling();
302 else
303 break;
304 }
306 root.GetParent().Update();
307 root.Update();
309 m_ScrollContainer.GetScreenPos( x, y );
310 m_ScrollContainer.GetScreenSize( x_s, y_s );
312 float bottom_pos = y + y_s;
314 root.GetScreenPos( x_l, y_l );
315 root.GetScreenSize( x_s, y_s );
317 if ( root == first_child )
318 {
319 m_ScrollContainer.VScrollToPos01( 0 );
320 }
321 else if ( root == last_child )
322 {
323 m_ScrollContainer.VScrollToPos01( 1 );
324 }
325 else if ( y_l + y_s >= bottom_pos )
326 {
327 m_ScrollContainer.VScrollToPos( m_ScrollContainer.GetVScrollPos() + y_s );
328 }
329 else if ( y_l <= y )
330 {
331 m_ScrollContainer.VScrollToPos( m_ScrollContainer.GetVScrollPos() - y_s );
332 }
333 }
334 }
Possible Error codes for bios API. This is the list of errors that can be returned from bios API....
Определения BIOSErrorModule.c:7
array< ref BiosPrivacyUidResult > BiosPrivacyUidResultArray
Определения BiosPrivacyService.c:49
array< ref BiosFriendInfo > BiosFriendInfoArray
Определения BiosSocialService.c:17
PlayerSpawnPresetDiscreteItemSetSlotData name
one set for cargo
Определения ConnectErrorServerModule.c:19
Определения ControlsXboxNew.c:4
Icon x
Icon y
Widget m_Root
Определения SizeToChild.c:91
string m_DisplayName
The Displayable nick name of the friend.
Определения BiosSocialService.c:7
string m_Uid
The Uid of the friend.
Определения BiosSocialService.c:6
BiosFriendInfo represents friend information.
Определения BiosSocialService.c:5
BiosPrivacyUidResult represents the per user result of the GetPermissionsAsync request.
Определения BiosPrivacyService.c:44
proto native UIManager GetUIManager()
proto native WorkspaceWidget GetWorkspace()
GetServersResult the output structure of the GetServers operation.
Определения BiosLobbyService.c:344
static bool IsPlayerMuted(string id)
Определения OnlineServices.c:357
Определения OnlineServices.c:2
void ReloadLocal(map< string, bool > player_list)
Определения PlayerListScriptedWidget.c:125
void Reload(BiosFriendInfoArray player_list)
Определения PlayerListScriptedWidget.c:78
bool IsMuted(string UID)
Определения PlayerListScriptedWidget.c:229
void ScrollToEntry(PlayerListEntryScriptedWidget entry)
Определения PlayerListScriptedWidget.c:287
void PlayerListScriptedWidget(Widget parent, string header_text="")
Определения PlayerListScriptedWidget.c:11
void OnLoadServersAsync(GetServersResult result_list, EBiosError error, string response)
Определения PlayerListScriptedWidget.c:73
PlayerListEntryScriptedWidget GetSelectedPlayer()
Определения PlayerListScriptedWidget.c:263
void SelectPlayer(PlayerListEntryScriptedWidget entry)
Определения PlayerListScriptedWidget.c:268
Widget m_Root
Определения SizeToChild.c:9
void RemovePlayer(string UID)
Определения PlayerListScriptedWidget.c:184
ScrollWidget m_ScrollContainer
Определения PlayerListScriptedWidget.c:4
void AddPlayer(string name, string UID, bool show_permissions)
Определения PlayerListScriptedWidget.c:175
PlayerListEntryScriptedWidget FindEntryByWidget(Widget button)
Определения PlayerListScriptedWidget.c:143
bool IsGloballyMuted(string UID)
Определения PlayerListScriptedWidget.c:238
PlayerListEntryScriptedWidget m_SelectedEntry
Определения PlayerListScriptedWidget.c:9
void SetMute(string UID, bool mute)
Определения PlayerListScriptedWidget.c:247
void PlayerListEntryScriptedWidget(Widget parent, string name, string uid, bool show_permissions, PlayerListScriptedWidget tab)
Определения PlayerListEntryScriptedWidget.c:18
void Reload(BiosPrivacyUidResultArray player_list)
Определения PlayerListScriptedWidget.c:112
void ToggleMute(string UID)
Определения PlayerListScriptedWidget.c:255
void ~PlayerListScriptedWidget()
Определения PlayerListScriptedWidget.c:22
void Reload(SyncPlayerList player_list)
Определения PlayerListScriptedWidget.c:34
string FindPlayerByWidget(Widget button)
Определения PlayerListScriptedWidget.c:159
ref map< string, ref PlayerListEntryScriptedWidget > m_Entries
Определения PlayerListScriptedWidget.c:6
map: item x vector(index, width, height)
Определения EnWidgets.c:651
string m_PlayerName
Определения SyncPlayer.c:11
string m_UID
Keeping for backwards compatability with mods.
Определения SyncPlayer.c:8
Определения SyncPlayer.c:2
ref array< ref SyncPlayer > m_PlayerList
Определения SyncPlayerList.c:3
Определения SyncPlayerList.c:2
proto native UIScriptedMenu GetMenu()
Returns most-top open menu.
override void Refresh()
Определения ChatInputMenu.c:70
Определения EnWidgets.c:190
proto native CGame GetGame()
proto native external Widget CreateWidgets(string layout, Widget parentWidget=NULL, bool immedUpdate=true)
Create widgets from *.layout file.
proto native void SetFocus(Widget w)
WorkspaceWidget Widget
Defined in code.