DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
Не найдено

◆ GetConfigRecursive()

TStringArray PluginBase::GetConfigRecursive ( string path,
string name,
string config_class_path,
string config_class,
local array< string > overridden,
int depth = 0,
local bool check_base_class_of_class = false )

См. определение в файле PluginConfigViewer.c строка 153

154 {
155 string tabs = MakeTabs( depth + 1 );
156 string child_path = path;
157 int count = GetGame().ConfigGetChildrenCount( child_path );
158 int i = 0;
160 bool name_printed = false;
162 TStringArray result = new TStringArray;
164 for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
165 {
166 string child_name = "";
167 GetGame().ConfigGetChildName( child_path, i, child_name );
168 string c_child_path = child_path + " " + child_name;
170 string child_name_lower = child_name;
171 child_name_lower.ToLower();
173 if ( overridden.Find(child_name_lower) == -1 )
174 {
175 if ( !name_printed )
176 {
177 result.Insert( ":" + MakeTabs(depth, check_base_class_of_class) + "!" + name );
178 name_printed = true;
179 }
180 overridden.Insert( child_name_lower );
182 int type = GetGame().ConfigGetType( c_child_path );
184 if ( type != CT_CLASS )
185 {
186 if ( type != CT_ARRAY )
187 {
188 result.Insert( "-" + tabs + "!" + child_name + " = " + GetGame().ConfigGetTextOut(c_child_path) );
189 }
190 else
191 {
192 result.Insert( "-" + tabs + "!" + child_name + "[] = {" );
194 TStringArray strs = new TStringArray;
195 GetGame().ConfigGetTextArray( c_child_path, strs );
196 string tabs_array = MakeTabs( depth + 2 );
197 int j;
198 for ( j = 0; j < strs.Count(); j++ )
199 {
200 result.Insert( "-" + tabs + "!" + child_name + "[]" + j.ToStringLen(6) + "~" + strs.Get(j) + "," );
201 }
203 result.Insert( "-" + tabs + "!" + child_name + "[]" + j.ToStringLen(6) + "~}" );
204 }
205 }
206 else
207 {
208 array<string> overridden_sub = new array<string>;
210 if ( GetGame().ConfigGetChildrenCount(c_child_path) > 0 )
211 {
212 TStringArray config1 = GetConfigRecursive( c_child_path, child_name, config_class_path, config_class, overridden_sub, depth + 1 );
213 result.InsertAll( config1 );
214 }
215 else
216 {
217 result.Insert( ":" + tabs + "!" + child_name );
218 }
220 string cc_child_path = c_child_path;
221 string c_config_class_path = config_class_path;
222 string c_child_name = child_name;
224 int cc = 0;
226 while ( true )
227 {
228 string base_class = "";
230 GetGame().ConfigGetBaseName( cc_child_path, base_class );
232 int start = c_config_class_path.Length() + 1;
233 int len = cc_child_path.Length();
234 len -= c_config_class_path.Length() + c_child_name.Length();
235 len -= 2;
237 if ( base_class != "" )
238 {
239 string only_child_path = "";
240 if ( len < 0 )
241 {
242 only_child_path = base_class;
243 }
244 else
245 {
246 only_child_path = cc_child_path.Substring( start, len ) + " " + base_class;
247 }
249 string c_base_child_path = GetBaseClassPathCombined( cc_child_path, base_class );
250 string base_class_path = GetBaseClassPath( c_config_class_path, c_base_child_path, config_class );
252 if ( base_class_path != "" )
253 {
254 TStringArray config2 = GetConfigRecursive( base_class_path, base_class, base_class_path, config_class, overridden_sub, depth + 1, true );
255 result.InsertAll( config2 );
256 }
257 else
258 {
259 TStringArray config3 = GetConfigRecursive( base_class, base_class, base_class, config_class, overridden_sub, depth + 1, true );
260 result.InsertAll( config3 );
262 break;
263 }
265 cc_child_path = base_class_path;
266 c_child_name = base_class;
267 c_config_class_path = cc_child_path.Substring( 0, cc_child_path.Length() - only_child_path.Length() - 1);
268 }
269 else
270 {
271 break;
272 }
273 }
274 }
275 }
276 }
278 if ( name_printed )
279 {
280 result.Insert( ":" + MakeTabs(depth, check_base_class_of_class) + "#" + name );
281 }
283 if ( !check_base_class_of_class )
284 {
285 TStringArray full_path = new TStringArray;
286 GetGame().ConfigGetFullPath( child_path, full_path );
288 if ( full_path.Count() > 1 )
289 {
290 TStringArray config4 = GetConfigRecursive( config_class + " " + full_path.Get(1), full_path.Get(1), config_class + " " + full_path.Get(1), config_class, overridden, depth );
291 result.InsertAll( config4 );
292 }
293 }
294 else
295 {
296 string class_base_class = "";
297 GetGame().ConfigGetBaseName( child_path, class_base_class );
299 if ( class_base_class != "" )
300 {
301 string base_child_path = GetBaseClassPathCombined( child_path, class_base_class );
302 string cc_base_child_path = GetBaseClassPath( config_class_path, base_child_path, config_class );
304 if ( cc_base_child_path != "" )
305 {
306 TStringArray config5 = GetConfigRecursive( cc_base_child_path, class_base_class, cc_base_child_path, config_class, overridden, depth, true );
307 result.InsertAll( config5 );
308 }
309 else
310 {
311 TStringArray config6 = GetConfigRecursive( class_base_class, class_base_class, class_base_class, config_class, overridden, depth, true );
312 result.InsertAll( config6 );
313 }
314 }
315 }
317 return result;
318 }
PlayerSpawnPresetDiscreteItemSetSlotData name
one set for cargo
string path
Определения OptionSelectorMultistate.c:142
proto bool ConfigGetChildName(string path, int index, out string name)
Get name of subclass in config class on path.
proto native void ConfigGetFullPath(string path, out TStringArray full_path)
proto bool ConfigGetBaseName(string path, out string base_name)
Get name of base class of config class on path.
proto native void ConfigGetTextArray(string path, out TStringArray values)
Get array of strings from config on path.
proto native int ConfigGetType(string path)
Returns type of config value.
proto native int ConfigGetChildrenCount(string path)
Get count of subclasses in config class on path.
string GetBaseClassPathCombined(string child_path, string base_class)
Определения PluginConfigViewer.c:70
string GetBaseClassPath(string config_class_path, string class_path, string config_class)
Определения PluginConfigViewer.c:46
TStringArray GetConfigRecursive(string path, string name, string config_class_path, string config_class, local array< string > overridden, int depth=0, local bool check_base_class_of_class=false)
Определения PluginConfigViewer.c:153
string MakeTabs(int count, bool inheritance=false)
Определения PluginConfigViewer.c:7
proto native CGame GetGame()
array< string > TStringArray
Определения EnScript.c:685
proto native int Length()
Returns length of string.
proto string Substring(int start, int len)
Substring of 'str' from 'start' position 'len' number of characters.
proto int ToLower()
Changes string to lowercase. Returns length.

Перекрестные ссылки CGame::ConfigGetBaseName(), CGame::ConfigGetChildName(), CGame::ConfigGetChildrenCount(), CGame::ConfigGetFullPath(), CGame::ConfigGetTextArray(), CGame::ConfigGetType(), GetBaseClassPath(), GetBaseClassPathCombined(), GetConfigRecursive(), GetGame(), string::Length(), MakeTabs(), name, path, string::Substring() и string::ToLower().

Используется в GetConfig() и GetConfigRecursive().