Структуры данных | |
class | EconomyLogCategories |
Categories for CEApi.EconomyLog. Подробнее... | |
class | EconomyOutputStrings |
Special strings for CEApi.EconomyOutput. Подробнее... | |
class | CEItemProfile |
Функции | |
class EconomyLogCategories | EconomyMapStrings () |
Special strings for CEApi.EconomyMap. | |
void | EconomyLogCategories () |
void | ~EconomyLogCategories () |
void | ~EconomyMapStrings () |
static string | Category (string category) |
Generates string that will make CEApi.EconomyMap use all items with this category. | |
static string | Tag (string tag) |
Generates string that will make CEApi.EconomyMap use all items with this tag. | |
void | EconomyOutputStrings () |
void | ~EconomyOutputStrings () |
void | ~CEApi () |
proto native void | ExportSpawnData () |
Regenerates "storage/spawnpoints.bin" if necessary. | |
proto native void | ExportProxyData (vector vCenter=vector.Zero, float fRadius=0) |
Generates "storage/export/mapgrouppos.xml". | |
proto native void | ExportClusterData () |
Generates "storage/export/mapgroupcluster.xml". | |
proto native void | ExportProxyProto () |
Generates "storage/export/mapgroupproto.xml". | |
proto native void | MarkCloseProxy (float fRadius, bool bAllSelections) |
Invalidates loot spawn points which are closer than the radius supplied. | |
proto native void | RemoveCloseProxy () |
Removes all invalid points. | |
proto native void | ListCloseProxy (float fRadius) |
Outputs a list of all loot points closer than specified radius. | |
proto native bool | SpawnAnalyze (string sClassName) |
Will emulate the spawning of the item which is being looked at and generate images (.tga) in storage/lmap and output logs. | |
proto native void | TimeShift (float fShift) |
Subtracts the supplied value from the current lifetime of all items in the world. | |
proto native void | OverrideLifeTime (float fLifeTime) |
Fills in the Debug Lifetime, which will be used for any new DE spawned. | |
proto native Entity | SpawnGroup (string sGroupName, vector vPos, float fAngle=-1) |
Force spawn specific prototype group + loot at position. | |
proto native void | SpawnDE (string sEvName, vector vPos, float fAngle=-1) |
Force spawn specific dynamic event. | |
proto native void | SpawnDEEx (string sEvName, vector vPos, float fAngle, int uFlags) |
Force spawn specific dynamic event. | |
proto native void | SpawnLoot (string sEvName, vector vPos, float fAngle, int iCount=1, float fRange=1) |
Spawn an item through CE. | |
proto native void | SpawnDynamic (vector vPos, bool bShowCylinders=true, float fDefaultDistance=0) |
Spawn all entities with dynamic category through CE. | |
proto native void | SpawnVehicles (vector vPos, bool bShowCylinders=false, float fDefaultDistance=20) |
Spawn all entities with vehicles category through CE. | |
proto native void | SpawnBuilding (vector vPos, bool bShowCylinders=false, float fDefaultDistance=20) |
Spawn all entities with building category through CE. | |
proto native void | SpawnEntity (string sClassName, vector vPos, float fRange, int iCount) |
Spawn an entity through CE. | |
proto native Object | SpawnSingleEntity (string sClassName, vector vPos) |
Spawn an entity through CE. | |
proto native void | SpawnRotation (string sClassName, vector vPos, float fRange, int iCount, int iFlags) |
Spawn an entity through CE. | |
proto native void | SpawnPerfTest (string sClassName, int iCount) |
Spawn an entity through CE, x amount of times in a grid. | |
proto native void | CleanMap () |
Queue up the depleting of lifetime of everything in the world. | |
proto native void | EconomyLog (string sLogType) |
Outputs debug file to storage/log/*.csv. | |
proto native void | EconomyMap (string sMapType) |
Outputs debug file to storage/lmap/*.tga showing the current places this is spawned. | |
proto native void | EconomyOutput (string sOutputType, float fRange) |
Outputs debug logs into server log or rpt. | |
proto native void | RadiusLifetimeIncrease (vector vCenter, float fRadius, float fValue) |
Process lifetime increase within radius by value (sec) | |
proto native void | RadiusLifetimeDecrease (vector vCenter, float fRadius, float fValue) |
Process lifetime decrease within radius by value (sec) | |
proto native void | RadiusLifetimeReset (vector vCenter, float fRadius) |
Process lifetime reset to default value from DB within radius. | |
Globals API | |
Get values from globals.xml | |
proto native int | GetCEGlobalInt (string varName) |
Get int from globals.xml. | |
proto native float | GetCEGlobalFloat (string varName) |
Get float from globals.xml. | |
proto native string | GetCEGlobalString (string varName) |
Get string from globals.xml. | |
Avoidance API | |
Optimized internal methods that the CE uses to avoid spawning DE within certain distances | |
proto native bool | AvoidPlayer (vector vPos, float fDistance) |
Check if there is a player within a radius. | |
proto native bool | AvoidVehicle (vector vPos, float fDistance, string sDEName="") |
Check if there is a vehicle within a radius. | |
proto native int | CountPlayersWithinRange (vector vPos, float fRange) |
Check if there is a vehicle within a radius. | |
CE Debug menu Script API | |
DIAG ONLY: These options are available from the in-game debug menu on Diag exe (Game > Central Economy), documentation can be found on wiki | |
proto native void | LootSetSpawnVolumeVisualisation (ESpawnVolumeVis mode) |
"Spawn Volume Vis" | |
proto native void | LootToggleSpawnSetup (bool mode) |
"Setup Vis" | |
proto native void | LootToggleVolumeEditing (bool mode) |
"Edit Volume" | |
proto native void | LootRetraceGroupPoints () |
"Re-Trace Group Points" | |
proto native void | LootExportGroup () |
"Export Group >>" | |
proto native void | LootExportAllGroups () |
"Export All Groups >>>>" / GetCEApi.ExportProxyProto(); | |
proto native void | LootExportMap () |
"<<< Export Map" / GetCEApi.ExportProxyData(vector.Zero, 0); | |
proto native void | LootExportClusters () |
"<<< Export Clusters" / GetCEApi().ExportClusterData() | |
proto native void | LootDepleteLifetime () |
"Deplete Lifetime" | |
proto native void | LootSetDamageToOne () |
"Set Damage = 1.0" | |
proto native void | LootDepleteAndDamage () |
"Damage + Deplete" | |
proto native void | InfectedToggleVisualisation (bool mode) |
"Infected Vis" | |
proto native void | InfectedToggleZoneInfo (bool mode) |
"Infected Zone Info" | |
proto native void | InfectedSpawn () |
"Infected Spawn" | |
proto native void | InfectedResetCleanup () |
"Reset Cleanup" | |
proto native void | AnimalToggleVisualisation (bool mode) |
"Animal Vis" | |
proto native void | AnimalSpawn () |
"Animal Spawn" | |
proto native void | AnimalAmbientSpawn () |
"Ambient Spawn" | |
proto native void | ToggleVehicleAndWreckVisualisation (bool mode) |
"Vehicle&Wreck Vis" | |
proto native void | ToggleLootVisualisation (bool mode) |
"Loot Vis" | |
proto native void | ToggleClusterVisualisation (bool mode) |
"Cluster Vis" | |
proto native void | ToggleDynamicEventStatus (bool mode) |
"Dynamic Events Status" | |
proto native void | ToggleDynamicEventVisualisation (bool mode) |
"Dynamic Events Vis" | |
proto native void | DynamicEventSpawn () |
"Dynamic Events Spawn" | |
proto native void | DynamicEventExport () |
"Export Dyn Event >>" | |
proto native void | ToggleOverallStats (bool mode) |
"Overall Stats" | |
Переменные | |
const int | ECE_NONE = 0 |
const int | ECE_SETUP = 2 |
const int | ECE_TRACE = 4 |
const int | ECE_CENTER = 8 |
const int | ECE_UPDATEPATHGRAPH = 32 |
const int | ECE_ROTATIONFLAGS = 512 |
const int | ECE_CREATEPHYSICS = 1024 |
const int | ECE_INITAI = 2048 |
const int | ECE_AIRBORNE = 4096 |
const int | ECE_EQUIP_ATTACHMENTS = 8192 |
const int | ECE_EQUIP_CARGO = 16384 |
const int | ECE_EQUIP = 24576 |
const int | ECE_EQUIP_CONTAINER = 2097152 |
const int | ECE_LOCAL = 1073741824 |
const int | ECE_NOSURFACEALIGN = 262144 |
const int | ECE_KEEPHEIGHT = 524288 |
const int | ECE_NOLIFETIME = 4194304 |
const int | ECE_NOPERSISTENCY_WORLD = 8388608 |
const int | ECE_NOPERSISTENCY_CHAR = 16777216 |
const int | ECE_DYNAMIC_PERSISTENCY = 33554432 |
const int | ECE_IN_INVENTORY = 787456 |
const int | ECE_PLACE_ON_SURFACE = 1060 |
const int | ECE_OBJECT_SWAP = 787488 |
const int | ECE_FULL = 25126 |
const int | RF_NONE = 0 |
const int | RF_FRONT = 1 |
const int | RF_TOP = 2 |
const int | RF_LEFT = 4 |
const int | RF_RIGHT = 8 |
const int | RF_BACK = 16 |
const int | RF_BOTTOM = 32 |
const int | RF_ALL = 63 |
const int | RF_IGNORE = 64 |
const int | RF_TOPBOTTOM = 34 |
const int | RF_LEFTRIGHT = 12 |
const int | RF_FRONTBACK = 17 |
const int | RF_RANDOMROT = 64 |
const int | RF_ORIGINAL = 128 |
const int | RF_DECORRECTION = 256 |
const int | RF_DEFAULT = 512 |
const string | Economy = "economy" |
const string | EconomyRespawn = "economy_respawn" |
const string | RespawnQueue = "respawn_queue" |
const string | Container = "container" |
const string | Matrix = "matrix" |
const string | UniqueLoot = "uniqueloot" |
const string | Bind = "bind" |
const string | SetupFail = "setupfail" |
const string | Storage = "storage" |
const string | Classes = "class" |
const string | Category = "category" |
const string | Tag = "tag" |
const string | SCategory = "s_category" |
const string | STag = "s_tag" |
const string | SAreaflags = "s_areaflags" |
const string | SCrafted = "s_crafted" |
const string | MapGroup = "map_group" |
const string | MapComplete = "map_complete" |
const string | InfectedZone = "infected_zone" |
const string | ALL_ALL = "all:all" |
Everything. | |
const string | ALL_LOOT = "all:loot" |
All loot. | |
const string | ALL_VEHICLE = "all:vehicle" |
All vehicles. | |
const string | ALL_INFECTED = "all:infected" |
All infected. | |
const string | ALL_ANIMAL = "all:animal" |
All animals. | |
const string | ALL_PLAYER = "all:player" |
All players. | |
const string | ALL_PROXY = "all:proxy" |
All proxies. | |
const string | ALL_PROXY_STATIC = "all:proxystatic" |
All static loot spawns. | |
const string | ALL_PROXY_DYNAMIC = "all:proxydynamic" |
All dynamic loot spawns. | |
const string | ALL_PROXY_ABANDONED = "all:proxyabandoned" |
All abandoned loot spawns. | |
class EconomyOutputStrings | OFF = 0 |
class EconomyOutputStrings | ADAPTIVE = 0 |
class EconomyOutputStrings | VOLUME = 0 |
class EconomyOutputStrings | OCCUPIED = 0 |
const string | LINKS = "links" |
Lists stats regarding which loot spawn) that are linked together and how many there are. | |
const string | SUSPICIOUS = "suspicious" |
Lists loot spawns that have more loot than their maximum + 4. | |
const string | DE_CLOSE_POINT = "declosepoint" |
Lists DE spawns that have positions that are within supplied range (< fRange, not equal) | |
const string | ABANDONED = "abandoned" |
Lists loot spawns that have been marked as abandoned. | |
const string | EMPTY = "empty" |
Lists loot spawns that are not abandoned but have no loot. | |
const string | CLOSE = "close" |
Lists loot spawns that are not abandoned and within the supplied range (< fRange, not equal) | |
const string | WORLD = "world" |
Lists the number of objects inside of categories. | |
const string | STATUS = "status" |
Lists overall CE stats. | |
const string | LOOT_SIZE = "lootsize" |
Lists the maxlootsize of all CE items. | |
These don't do anything anymore but are left for backwards compatibility | |
class CEItemProfile | CEApi () = 0 |
API to interact with Central Economy. | |
proto native void | PlatformStatTest () |
proto native void | LootToggleProxyEditing (bool mode) |
proto native void | OnUpdate () |
proto native CEApi | GetCEApi () |
Get the CE API. | |