Generates string that will make CEApi.EconomyMap use all items with this category.
- Заметки
- This is refering to the CE categories of loot defined in cfglimitsdefinition.xml
- Предупреждения
- This is persistent per session, when you set it, it will persist until it is set to something else
- Аргументы
category | string The desired loot category |
- Возвращает
The string to pass into CEApi.EconomyMap
proto native CEApi GetCEApi()
Get the CE API.
class EconomyLogCategories EconomyMapStrings()
Special strings for CEApi.EconomyMap.
См. определение в файле CentralEconomy.c строка 112
113 {
114 return string.Format("category:%1", category);
115 }
Перекрестные ссылки string::Format().