DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
Не найдено

◆ OnActivate()

void WeaponParticlesBase::OnActivate ( ItemBase weapon,
int muzzle_index,
string ammoType,
ItemBase muzzle_owner,
ItemBase suppressor,
string config_to_search )

См. определение в файле WeaponParticles.c строка 165

166 {
167 if ( !GetGame().IsServer() || !GetGame().IsMultiplayer() )
168 {
169 // Handle effect's parameters
170 if ( PrtTest.m_GunParticlesState ) // Check if particles are enabled by debug
171 {
172 if ( m_MuzzleIndex == -1 || m_MuzzleIndex == muzzle_index )
173 {
174 if ( CheckBoltStateCondition(weapon) ) // onlyIfBoltIsOpen
175 {
176 if ( !suppressor || suppressor.IsRuined() || !(m_IgnoreIfSuppressed) ) // ignoreIfSuppressed
177 {
178 if ( CheckHealthCondition( muzzle_owner.GetHealthLevel() ) ) // onlyWithinHealthLabel
179 {
180 if ( CheckOverheatingCondition( muzzle_owner.GetOverheatingCoef() ) ) // onlyWithinOverheatLimits
181 {
182 if ( CheckRainCondition( GetGame().GetWeather().GetRain().GetActual() ) ) // onlyWithinRainLimits
183 {
184 if ( m_OnlyIfBulletIs == "" || m_OnlyIfBulletIs == ammoType ) // onlyIfBulletIs
185 {
186 if ( m_OnlyIfWeaponIs == "" || m_OnlyIfWeaponIs == weapon.GetType() ) // onlyIfWeaponIs
187 {
188 // Get particle ID
189 int particle_id = CheckParticleOverride(ammoType);
191 if (ParticleList.IsValidId(particle_id))
192 {
193 // Get position of the particle
194 vector local_pos = muzzle_owner.GetSelectionPositionLS(m_OverridePoint);
195 local_pos += m_PositionOffset;
197 // Set orientation of the particle
198 vector particle_ori = CheckOrientationOverride(local_pos, muzzle_owner);
200 // Create particle
201 Particle p = ParticleManager.GetInstance().PlayOnObject( particle_id, muzzle_owner, local_pos, particle_ori );
202 OnParticleCreated(weapon, ammoType, muzzle_owner, suppressor, config_to_search, p);
203 }
204 else
205 {
206 ErrorEx(string.Format("No valid particle found for: '%1'", m_Name));
207 }
209 // Create light
211 {
212 vector global_pos = muzzle_owner.ModelToWorld(local_pos + Vector(-0.2, 0, 0));
213 int randX = Math.RandomInt( 0,10 );
214 if ( randX > 8 )
215 ScriptedLightBase.CreateLight( MuzzleFlashLight_2, global_pos );
216 else if ( randX > 4 )
217 ScriptedLightBase.CreateLight( MuzzleFlashLight_1, global_pos );
218 else
219 ScriptedLightBase.CreateLight(MuzzleFlashLight, global_pos);
220 }
221 }
222 }
223 }
224 }
225 }
226 }
227 }
228 }
229 }
230 }
231 }
void MuzzleFlashLight_1()
Определения MuzzleFlashLight.c:24
void ParticleManager(ParticleManagerSettings settings)
Constructor (ctor)
Определения ParticleManager.c:88
int particle_id
Определения SmokeSimulation.c:28
bool CheckRainCondition(float rain_coef)
Определения WeaponParticles.c:280
bool CheckHealthCondition(int health_label)
Определения WeaponParticles.c:268
vector m_PositionOffset
Определения WeaponParticles.c:25
string m_OnlyIfWeaponIs
Определения WeaponParticles.c:22
bool m_IgnoreIfSuppressed
Определения WeaponParticles.c:10
string m_OnlyIfBulletIs
Определения WeaponParticles.c:21
int m_MuzzleIndex
Определения WeaponParticles.c:12
vector CheckOrientationOverride(vector local_pos, ItemBase muzzle_owner)
Определения WeaponParticles.c:327
bool CheckOverheatingCondition(float overheating_coef)
Определения WeaponParticles.c:274
int CheckParticleOverride(string ammoType)
Определения WeaponParticles.c:286
string m_Name
Определения WeaponParticles.c:27
string m_OverridePoint
Определения WeaponParticles.c:23
void OnParticleCreated(ItemBase weapon, string ammoType, ItemBase muzzle_owner, ItemBase suppressor, string config_to_search, Particle p)
Определения WeaponParticles.c:233
bool CheckBoltStateCondition(ItemBase weapon)
Определения WeaponParticles.c:255
bool m_IlluminateWorld
Определения WeaponParticles.c:9
proto native CGame GetGame()
enum ShapeType ErrorEx
proto native vector Vector(float x, float y, float z)
Vector constructor from components.

Перекрестные ссылки CheckBoltStateCondition(), CheckHealthCondition(), CheckOrientationOverride(), CheckOverheatingCondition(), CheckParticleOverride(), CheckRainCondition(), ErrorEx, GetGame(), ParticleList::IsValidId(), PrtTest::m_GunParticlesState, m_IgnoreIfSuppressed, m_IlluminateWorld, m_MuzzleIndex, m_Name, m_OnlyIfBulletIs, m_OnlyIfWeaponIs, m_OverridePoint, m_PositionOffset, MuzzleFlashLight_1(), OnParticleCreated(), particle_id, ParticleManager(), Math::RandomInt() и Vector().