DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Файл DamageSystem.c

См. исходные тексты.

Структуры данных

class  TotalDamageResult

Определения типов

typedef map< string, ref array< string > > DamageZoneMap


enum  DamageType
 exposed from C++ (do not change) Подробнее...


enum DamageType CloseCombatDamage (EntityAI source, Object targetObject, int targetComponentIndex, string ammoTypeName, vector worldPos, int directDamageFlags=ProcessDirectDamageFlags.ALL_TRANSFER)
static proto native void CloseCombatDamageName (EntityAI source, Object targetObject, string targetComponentName, string ammoTypeName, vector worldPos, int directDamageFlags=ProcessDirectDamageFlags.ALL_TRANSFER)
static proto native void ExplosionDamage (EntityAI source, Object directHitObject, string ammoTypeName, vector worldPos, int damageType)
static bool GetDamageZoneMap (EntityAI entity, out DamageZoneMap zoneMap)
static bool GetDamageZoneFromComponentName (notnull EntityAI entity, string component, out string damageZone)
 Returns damage zone to which the named component belongs.
static bool GetComponentNamesFromDamageZone (notnull EntityAI entity, string damageZone, out array< string > componentNames)
static string GetDamageDisplayName (EntityAI entity, string zone)
static void ResetAllZones (EntityAI entity)
