DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
Не найдено
Widget UI system

Структуры данных

class  WorkspaceWidget
class  Widget
class  TextWidget
class  UIWidget
class  EditBoxWidget
class  SimpleProgressBarWidget
class  BaseListboxWidget
class  SimpleListboxWidget
class  SpacerWidget
class  ScriptedWidgetEventHandler
 map: item x vector(index, width, height) Подробнее...

Определения типов

typedef TypeID WidgetType
typedef TypeID EventType


enum  WidgetFlags {
enum  WidgetAlignment
enum  VideoCommand {
 Legacy, do not use. Подробнее...
enum  VideoState {
enum  VideoCallback {
enum  ControlID {


static proto string TranslateString (string stringId)
static proto void SetLV (float lv)
 Set global LV of widgets, value between [-15, 0], default: 0, lower value is less bright.
static proto void SetTextLV (float lv)
 Set global LV of the text in widgets, value between [-15, 0], default: 0, lower value is less bright.
static proto void SetObjectLighting (float lighting)
 Set global lighting of objects in widgets, value between [0, 1], default: 1, lower value is less bright.
proto native owned string GetName ()
 Test name getter. Strictly for UI porposes!
proto native void SetName (string name)
proto native owned string GetTypeName ()
proto native WidgetType GetTypeID ()
proto native void Show (bool show, bool immedUpdate=true)
proto native void Enable (bool enable)
proto native int GetFlags ()
proto native int SetFlags (int flags, bool immedUpdate=true)
proto native int GetSort ()
 ADDS the value to the existing flag.
proto native void SetSort (int sort, bool immedUpdate=true)
proto native int ClearFlags (int flags, bool immedUpdate=true)
proto native bool IsControlClass ()
 SUBSTRACTS the value to the existing flag.
proto native owned string GetStyleName ()
proto void GetUserData (out Class data)
proto native void SetUserData (Class data)
proto native int GetUserID ()
proto native void SetUserID (int id)
proto native bool IsVisible ()
proto native bool IsVisibleHierarchy ()
proto native void SetPos (float x, float y, bool immedUpdate=true)
proto native void SetSize (float w, float h, bool immedUpdate=true)
proto native void SetScreenPos (float x, float y, bool immedUpdate=true)
proto native void SetScreenSize (float w, float h, bool immedUpdate=true)
proto native void SetColor (int color)
proto native int GetColor ()
proto native void SetRotation (float roll, float pitch, float yaw, bool immedUpdate=true)
proto native vector GetRotation ()
 returns rotation of widget in order roll, pitch, yaw
proto native void SetAlpha (float alpha)
proto native float GetAlpha ()
proto void GetPos (out float x, out float y)
proto void GetSize (out float width, out float height)
proto void GetScreenPos (out float x, out float y)
proto void GetScreenSize (out float width, out float height)
proto native void SetTransform (vector mat[4], bool immedUpdate=true)
proto native Widget GetParent ()
 Get parent of the Effect.
proto native Widget GetChildren ()
proto native Widget GetSibling ()
proto native void AddChild (Widget child, bool immedUpdate=true)
proto native void RemoveChild (Widget child)
proto native volatile void Update ()
proto void GetScript (out Class data)
proto native Widget FindWidget (string pathname)
proto native Widget FindAnyWidget (string pathname)
proto native Widget FindAnyWidgetById (int user_id)
proto native void SetHandler (ScriptedWidgetEventHandler eventHandler)
proto native void Unlink ()
proto native external Widget WorkspaceWidget::CreateWidget (WidgetType type, int left, int top, int width, int height, WidgetFlags flags, int color, int sort, Widget parentWidget=NULL)
 Create widgets by WidgetType.
proto native external Widget WorkspaceWidget::CreateWidgets (string layout, Widget parentWidget=NULL, bool immedUpdate=true)
 Create widgets from *.layout file.
proto native Widget GetWidgetUnderCursor ()
proto native Widget CancelWidgetDragging ()
proto native Widget GetDragWidget ()
proto native void ReportMouse (int mousex, int mousey, Widget rootWidget)
proto native void Widget::SetTextSpacing (int horiz, int vert)
proto native void Widget::SetTextExactSize (int size)
 set text exact size. Exact Text flag must be enabled. 0 equals original size.
proto native void Widget::SetTextOffset (int left, int top)
proto native void Widget::SetText (string text, bool immedUpdate=true)
proto native void Widget::SetOutline (int outlineSize, int argb=0xFF000000)
proto native int Widget::GetOutlineSize ()
proto native int Widget::GetOutlineColor ()
proto native void Widget::SetShadow (int shadowSize, int shadowARGB=0xFF000000, float shadowOpacity=1, float shadowOffsetX=0, float shadowOffsetY=0)
proto native int Widget::GetShadowSize ()
proto native int Widget::GetShadowColor ()
proto native float Widget::GetShadowOpacity ()
proto void Widget::GetShadowOffset (out float sx, out float sy)
proto native void Widget::SetItalic (bool italic)
proto native bool Widget::GetItalic ()
proto native void Widget::SetBold (bool bold)
proto native bool Widget::GetBold ()
proto void Widget::GetTextSize (out int sx, out int sy)
 Returns text size in pixels.
proto void Widget::SetTextFormat (string text, void param1=NULL, void param2=NULL, void param3=NULL, void param4=NULL, void param5=NULL, void param6=NULL, void param7=NULL, void param8=NULL, void param9=NULL)
proto native float Widget::GetTextProportion ()
 Get text proportion - ratio between button height and button text height in interval <0,1>
proto native void Widget::SetTextProportion (float val)
 Set text proportion - ratio between button height and button text height in interval <0,1>
proto native float TextWidget::SetLineBreakingOverride (int mode)
proto native float TextWidget::GetContentHeight ()
proto native float TextWidget::GetContentOffset ()
proto native void TextWidget::SetContentOffset (float offset, bool snapToLine=false)
proto native void TextWidget::ElideText (int line, float maxWidth, string str)
proto native int TextWidget::GetNumLines ()
proto native void TextWidget::SetLinesVisibility (int lineFrom, int lineTo, bool visible)
proto native float TextWidget::GetLineWidth (int line)
proto native void Widget::SetRefresh (int period, int offset)
 when period > 1 then every n-th frame will be rendered. Offset is initial counter.
proto native void Widget::SetResolutionScale (float xscale, float ycale)
proto native bool Widget::LoadImageFile (int num, string name, bool noCache=false)
proto native void Widget::SetImageTexture (int image, RTTextureWidget texture)
proto void Widget::GetImageSize (int image, out int sx, out int sy)
 returns size of image
proto native bool Widget::SetImage (int num)
proto native int Widget::GetImage ()
 Returns active image.
proto native void Widget::SetUV (float uv[4][2])
proto native bool Widget::LoadMaskTexture (string resource)
proto native float Widget::GetMaskProgress ()
proto native void Widget::SetMaskProgress (float value)
proto native float Widget::GetMaskTransitionWidth ()
proto native void Widget::SetMaskTransitionWidth (float value)
proto native int TextWidget::GetLinesCount ()
proto native int TextWidget::GetCarriageLine ()
proto native int TextWidget::GetCarriagePos ()
proto void TextWidget::GetText (out string text)
proto native void TextWidget::SetLine (int line, string text)
proto void TextWidget::GetLine (int line, out string text)
proto native void Widget::SetTextColor (int color)
proto native void Widget::SetTextOutline (int outlineSize, int argb=0xFF000000)
proto native int Widget::GetTextOutlineSize ()
proto native int Widget::GetTextOutlineColor ()
proto native void Widget::SetTextShadow (int shadowSize, int shadowARGB=0xFF000000, float shadowOpacity=1.0, float shadowOffsetX=0.0, float shadowOffsetY=0.0)
proto native int Widget::GetTextShadowSize ()
proto native int Widget::GetTextShadowColor ()
proto native float Widget::GetTextShadowOpacity ()
proto native float Widget::GetTextShadowOffsetX ()
proto native float Widget::GetTextShadowOffsetY ()
proto native void Widget::SetTextItalic (bool italic)
proto native bool Widget::GetTextItalic ()
proto native void Widget::SetTextBold (bool bold)
proto native bool Widget::GetTextBold ()
proto native void Widget::DrawLine (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float width, int color)
proto native void Widget::Clear ()
proto string UIWidget::GetText ()
proto native void UIWidget::SetText (string str)
proto native void EditBoxWidget::SetHideText (bool hide)
proto native void UIWidget::SetMinMax (float minimum, float maximum)
proto native float UIWidget::GetMin ()
proto native float UIWidget::GetMax ()
proto native float UIWidget::GetCurrent ()
proto native void UIWidget::SetCurrent (float curr)
proto native float UIWidget::GetStep ()
proto native void UIWidget::SetStep (float step)
proto native bool UIWidget::GetState ()
proto native bool UIWidget::SetState (bool state)
proto void UIWidget::GetText (out string text)
proto native void UIWidget::SetTextOffset (float xoffset, float yoffset)
proto native void UIWidget::SetTextHorizontalAlignment (int align)
proto native void UIWidget::SetTextVerticalAlignment (int align)
proto native float UIWidget::GetTextProportion ()
 Get text proportion - ratio between button height and button text height in interval <0,1>
proto native void UIWidget::SetTextProportion (float val)
 Set text proportion - ratio between button height and button text height in interval <0,1>
proto native int UIWidget::AddItem (string item)
proto native void UIWidget::ClearAll ()
proto native void UIWidget::SetItem (int item, string value)
proto native void UIWidget::RemoveItem (int item)
proto native int UIWidget::GetNumItems ()
proto native int UIWidget::SetCurrentItem (int n)
proto native int UIWidget::GetCurrentItem ()
proto native bool UIWidget::IsChecked ()
proto native void UIWidget::SetChecked (bool checked)
proto native void UIWidget::ClearItems ()
proto native void UIWidget::SelectRow (int row)
proto native int UIWidget::GetSelectedRow ()
proto native void UIWidget::RemoveRow (int row)
proto native void UIWidget::EnsureVisible (int row)
proto native int SimpleListboxWidget::AddItem (string text, Class userData, int column, int row=-1)
 Insert new Row, if row = -1, new Row is inserted at the end otherwise at row index.
proto native void SimpleListboxWidget::SetItem (int position, string text, Class userData, int column)
proto bool SimpleListboxWidget::GetItemText (int row, int column, out string text)
 Get item.
proto void SimpleListboxWidget::GetItemData (int row, int column, out Class data)
proto native void SimpleListboxWidget::SetItemColor (int row, int column, int color)
proto native void UIWidget::AddChildAfter (Widget child, Widget after, bool immedUpdate=true)
class SpacerBaseWidget extends UIWidget GetContentAlignmentH ()
proto native void AddChildAfter (Widget child, Widget after, bool immedUpdate=true)
proto native void SetContentAlignmentH (WidgetAlignment alignment)
proto native WidgetAlignment GetContentAlignmentV ()
proto native void SetContentAlignmentV (WidgetAlignment alignment)
proto native bool IsScrollbarVisible ()
proto native float GetContentWidth ()
proto native float GetContentHeight ()
proto native float GetHScrollPos ()
proto native float GetHScrollPos01 ()
proto native bool HScrollStep (int steps)
proto native void HScrollToPos (float pos)
proto native void HScrollToPos01 (float pos01)
proto native void HScrollToWidget (Widget child)
proto native float GetVScrollPos ()
proto native float GetVScrollPos01 ()
proto native bool VScrollStep (int steps)
proto native void VScrollToPos (float pos)
proto native void VScrollToPos01 (float pos01)
proto native void VScrollToWidget (Widget child)
proto native bool Widget::Load (string name, bool looping=false, int startTime=0)
 Load a video file.
proto native void Widget::Unload ()
 Unload the video, freeing up all resources.
proto native bool Widget::Play ()
 Starts video playback.
proto native bool Widget::Pause ()
 Pauses video playback.
proto native bool Widget::Stop ()
 Stop video playback (cancels everything and sets it back at time 0)
proto native bool Widget::SetTime (int time, bool preload)
 Set the desired time for the video (preload decides whether it will already load the next frames too)
proto native int Widget::GetTime ()
 Get the current time of the video.
proto native int Widget::GetTotalTime ()
 Get the total time of the video.
proto native void Widget::SetLooping (bool looping)
 Set whether the video should loop.
proto native bool Widget::IsLooping ()
 Whether looping is enabled.
proto native bool Widget::IsPlaying ()
 QoL direct method to check for playing state (buffering while playing will still return true)
proto native VideoState Widget::GetState ()
 Get the current state of the video.
proto native void Widget::DisableSubtitles (bool disable)
 Enable/Disable subtitles.
proto native bool Widget::IsSubtitlesDisabled ()
 Check if subtitles are disabled (enabled by default if available, so it will return false even if there are none)
proto void Widget::SetCallback (VideoCallback cb, func fn)
 Set a callback for a certain video event.
int Widget::Play (VideoCommand cmd)
 Legacy, preferably not used, left for backwards compat.
bool Widget::LoadVideo (string name, int soundScene)
 Legacy, preferably not used, left for backwards compat.
proto native void SetGUIWidget (IEntity ent, int index, RTTextureWidget w)
bool ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::OnClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
bool ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::OnModalResult (Widget w, int x, int y, int code, int result)
bool ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::OnDoubleClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
bool ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::OnSelect (Widget w, int x, int y)
bool ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::OnItemSelected (Widget w, int x, int y, int row, int column, int oldRow, int oldColumn)
bool ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::OnFocus (Widget w, int x, int y)
bool ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::OnFocusLost (Widget w, int x, int y)
bool ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y)
bool ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y)
bool ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::OnMouseWheel (Widget w, int x, int y, int wheel)
bool ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::OnMouseButtonDown (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
bool ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::OnMouseButtonUp (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
bool ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::OnController (Widget w, int control, int value)
 control is one of ControlID
bool ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::OnKeyDown (Widget w, int x, int y, int key)
bool ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::OnKeyUp (Widget w, int x, int y, int key)
bool ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::OnKeyPress (Widget w, int x, int y, int key)
bool ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::OnChange (Widget w, int x, int y, bool finished)
bool ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::OnDrag (Widget w, int x, int y)
bool ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::OnDragging (Widget w, int x, int y, Widget reciever)
bool ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::OnDraggingOver (Widget w, int x, int y, Widget reciever)
bool ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::OnDrop (Widget w, int x, int y, Widget reciever)
bool ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::OnDropReceived (Widget w, int x, int y, Widget reciever)
bool ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::OnResize (Widget w, int x, int y)
bool ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::OnChildAdd (Widget w, Widget child)
bool ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::OnChildRemove (Widget w, Widget child)
bool ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::OnUpdate (Widget w)
bool ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::OnEvent (EventType eventType, Widget target, int parameter0, int parameter1)
proto native void SetCursorWidget (Widget cursor)
proto native void ShowCursorWidget (bool show)
 direct mouse cursor visibility control
proto native bool LoadWidgetImageSet (string filename)
proto native void LoadWidgetStyles (string filename)
proto native bool SetActiveWindow (Widget w, bool resetFocus)
proto native void SetFocus (Widget w)
proto native void SetModal (Widget w)
proto native Widget GetFocus ()
proto native void SetWidgetWorld (RenderTargetWidget w, IEntity wrldEntity, int camera)
proto native bool ReloadTexture (string path)


 WA_LEFT = 0
 WA_TOP = 0
WorkspaceWidget Widget ()
 Defined in code.
enum VideoCommand GetScrollbarWidth

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