DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Файл ScriptAnalytics.c

См. исходные тексты.

Структуры данных

class  StatsEventMeasuresData
class  StatsEventDeathData
class  StatsEventScoredKillData
class  StatsEventDisconnectedData
class  StatsEventSpawnedData
class  StatsEventData
class  Analytics


class StatsEventData SendPlayerDeath (StatsEventDeathData data)
 send event about death to statistic DB
void StatsEventData (string eventName)
void AddBool (string key, bool value)
void AddInt (string key, int value)
void AddFloat (string key, float value)
void AddString (string key, string value)
void AddVector (string key, vector value)
static proto native void SendPlayerScoredKill (StatsEventScoredKillData data)
 send event about kill to statistic DB
static proto native void SendPlayerDisconnected (StatsEventDisconnectedData data)
 send event to statistic DB
static proto native void SendPlayerMeasures (StatsEventMeasuresData data)
 send event about player status to statistic DB
static proto native void SendPlayerSpawned (StatsEventSpawnedData data)
 send event about spawning to statistic DB
static proto native void SendEvent (StatsEventData data)
 universal analytics event


string m_eventName
autoptr map< string, intm_valuesBool
autoptr map< string, intm_valuesInt
autoptr map< string, floatm_valuesFloat
autoptr map< string, stringm_valuesString
autoptr map< string, vectorm_valuesVector