150 ScriptAnalytics.SendPlayerDeath(data);
156 ScriptAnalytics.SendPlayerScoredKill(data);
162 ScriptAnalytics.SendPlayerDisconnected(data);
168 ScriptAnalytics.SendPlayerMeasures(data);
174 ScriptAnalytics.SendPlayerSpawned(data);
static proto native void SendEvent(StatsEventData data)
universal analytics event
static proto native void SendPlayerScoredKill(StatsEventScoredKillData data)
send event about kill to statistic DB
static proto native void SendPlayerMeasures(StatsEventMeasuresData data)
send event about player status to statistic DB
class StatsEventData SendPlayerDeath(StatsEventDeathData data)
send event about death to statistic DB
static proto native void SendPlayerDisconnected(StatsEventDisconnectedData data)
send event to statistic DB
static proto native void SendPlayerSpawned(StatsEventSpawnedData data)
send event about spawning to statistic DB
static void PlayerDisconnected(StatsEventDisconnectedData data)
static void PlayerMeasures(StatsEventMeasuresData data)
static void PlayerSpawned(StatsEventSpawnedData data)
static void PlayerDeath(StatsEventDeathData data)
static void PlayerScoredKill(StatsEventScoredKillData data)
autoptr map< string, int > m_valuesBool
autoptr map< string, int > m_valuesInt
autoptr map< string, vector > m_valuesVector
void AddBool(string key, bool value)
void StatsEventData(string eventName)
void AddInt(string key, int value)
autoptr map< string, float > m_valuesFloat
void AddFloat(string key, float value)
autoptr map< string, string > m_valuesString
void AddVector(string key, vector value)
void AddString(string key, string value)
vector m_Position
position of player when died
string m_Cause
cause of death (hunger, sickness, player-killed, zombie-killed...)
string m_WeaponName
name of weapon which caused death
float m_Distance
distance in meters (rounded) from spawn position to death position
int m_ListDamages[5]
list of damages (5 values) during last n sec. For example: {20, 80, 0, 0, 0}
int m_CharacterLifetime
lifetime of character in seconds
string m_CharacterId
character ID
string m_CharacterId
character ID
string m_Reason
reason of disconnect (quit, kick, ban, sign-out...)
int m_TemperatureStatus
state of temperature (current state)
int m_CntFiredAmmo
firearm rounds fired during interval
int m_FoodStatus
state of food (hunger) (current state)
int m_CntConsumedFood
count of consumed food during interval
int m_CntKillInfected
count of infected kills during interval
vector m_PositionStart
player world position at the start of interval
int m_BloodStatus
state of blood (current state)
float m_DistanceVehicle
traveled distance (meters) in vehicle during interval
int m_CntLootAny
count of any loot collected during interval
int m_CntLootCloth
count of cloth collected during interval
int m_TimeInterval
amount of real time in seconds covered by this event
int m_CntCraftedItem
number of items crafted during interval
int m_CntLootAmmo
count of ammo collected during interval
int m_CntConsumedWater
count of consumed water during interval
float m_TimeVONIn
amount of time in seconds with inbound VON during interval
float m_TimeVONOut
amount of time in seconds with outbound VON during interval
int m_DaytimeHour
current daytime in gameplay (hour in 24h format)
int m_HealthRestored
number of health point restored during interval
int m_SicknessStatus
state of sickness (current state)
int m_CntLootFirearm
count of firearms collected during interval
vector m_PositionEnd
player world position at the end of interval
string m_CharacterId
character ID
int m_HydrationStatus
state of hydration (thirst) (current state)
int m_CntLootFood
count of any food or consumables collected during interval
float m_DistanceOnFoot
traveled distance on foot (meters) during interval
int m_HealthStatus
state of health (current state)
vector m_PositionKiller
position of killer
string m_CharacterId
character ID
int m_KillDistance
distance in meters (rounded) between killer and victim
vector m_PositionVictim
position of victim
string m_WeaponName
name of weapon which killed player (victim)
int m_Lifetime
lifetime of character in seconds
int m_DaytimeHour
current time in hour (hour in 24h)
int m_Population
population of current gameplay (server)
vector m_Position
position of spawn
string m_CharacterId
character ID