DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Файл DayZPlayerUtils.c

См. исходные тексты.

Структуры данных

class  ComponentCollisionBox
class  ComponentCollisionCapsule


enum  QueryFlags


enum QueryFlags EnableDebugDraw (bool pEnable)
 enables debug draw in functions
static proto native void DrawDebugText (string text, vector pos, float size)
static proto native void DrawStartFrame ()
 clear info - new draw starts
static proto native void DrawDebugBox (vector pos, float size, int color)
 draws debug box (color=red)
static proto native bool DebugOverrideAnimationTranslation (string pAnimName, vector pTranslation)
 overrides total animation translation
static proto native bool DebugOverrideAnimationRotation (string pAnimName, vector pRotation)
 overrides total animation rotation
static proto native bool DebugOverrideAnimationSpeed (string pAnimName, float pSpeed)
 overrides total animation speed
static proto float LinearRangeClamp (float pValueX, float pValueY, float pLimits[])
static proto native void PhysicsGetEntitiesInBox (vector min, vector max, notnull out array< EntityAI > entList)
 returns entities overlapping/touching in AABB box -
static proto native void SceneGetEntitiesInBox (vector min, vector max, notnull out array< EntityAI > entList, int flags=QueryFlags.DYNAMIC)
 returns entities overlapping/touching in AABB box -
static proto native void GetEntitiesInCone (vector pos, vector dir, float angle, float dist, float minHeigh, float maxHeight, out array< Object > entList)
static Object GetMeleeTarget (vector pos, vector dir, float angle, float dist, float minHeight, float maxHeight, EntityAI pToIgnore, array< typename > targetableObjects, out array< Object > allTargets=NULL)
 returns fight target
static proto native bool PlayerCanChangeStance (DayZPlayer pPlayer, int pTargetStance, bool forceCheck=false)
static proto native bool FindMagazinesForAmmo (DayZPlayer player, string ammoTypeName, out array< Magazine > mags)
static Magazine SelectStoreCartridge (DayZPlayer player, Weapon_Base weapon, int muzzleIndex, Magazine exclude_mag, float damage, string magTypeName)
static bool HandleDropMagazine (DayZPlayer player, Magazine mag)
static bool HandleDropCartridge (DayZPlayer player, float damage, string cartTypeName, string magTypeName)
static bool HandleStoreCartridge (DayZPlayer player, Weapon_Base weapon, int muzzleIndex, float damage, string cartTypeName, string magTypeName, bool CanDrop=true)
static proto native bool InitComponentCollisions (Human player, array< ref ComponentCollisionBox > boxes, array< ref ComponentCollisionCapsule > capsules)
static proto native bool IsComponentCollisionInitialized ()
static proto native void ClearComponentCollisions ()
static proto native vector GetMemoryPointPositionBoneRelative (DayZPlayer pPlayer, int pBoneIndex, int pPointIndex)
static void InitPlayerComponentCollisions (Human player)
static int ConvertStanceMaskToStanceIdx (int stanceMask)
static EWaterLevels CheckWaterLevel (DayZPlayer pPlayer, out vector waterLevel)
void DayZPlayerUtils ()
 cannot be instantiated
static void InitCachedEntList ()


 Static objects are included in the query.
 Dynamic objects are included in the query.
 Check only distance to object origins, not BB.
 Only roadways are included in the query.
static ref array< Objectm_CachedEntList
class ComponentCollisionBox EnableDebugDraw