DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Файл WeaponStableState.c

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enum  MuzzleState { U = -1 , E = 0 , F = 1 , L = 2 }


void WeaponStableState (Weapon_Base w=NULL, WeaponStateBase parent=NULL, int anim_state=-1)
void SyncAnimState ()
override void OnEntry (WeaponEventBase e)
override void OnUpdate (float dt)
override void OnExit (WeaponEventBase e)
override bool IsIdle ()
int GetCurrentStateID ()
Weapon state properties

Properties defining the state in several properties for other systems Override these to set them up

Several systems depends on this: WeaponFSM.RandomizeFSMState, which picks out a suitable FSM state when attaching magazine through CE WeaponFSM.ValidateAndRepair, which will attempt to identify a desync and repair the FSM state if so

@WARNING So it is important to set these up correctly to prevent any desync of weapon FSM and actual wepon state

bool IsRepairEnabled ()
 Whether WeaponFSM.ValidateAndRepair should be applied on this state @NOTE: This property was implemented at the same time as ValARep To have it disabled by default In case there are modders who created their own state But potentially did not set up their properties correctly As having ValARep run on an improper setup would result in horrible VME spam and desync @WARNING: When enabling repair, it is imperative that all properties are set up correctly.
bool HasBullet ()
 Whether there is a bullet in the chamber @NOTE: This should only be false when it is empty So this is true when there is a bullet in the chamber Regardless of the bullet being loaded, firedout or jammed.
bool HasMagazine ()
 Whether there is a magazine attached.
bool IsJammed ()
 Whether the gun is jammed.
bool IsDischarged ()
 Whether the gun is discharged.
bool IsWeaponOpen ()
 Whether the gun is open.
void InitMuzzleArray ()
 Override with the filling of m_muzzleHasBullet.
bool IsSingleState ()
 Special one for when the weapon only has one singular state (like Magnum)
Weapon state properties helpers

Several helpers for better access of certain properties

MuzzleState GetMuzzleState (int idx)
 Get chamber state of the muzzle at index.
int GetMuzzleStateCount ()
bool IsChamberValid (int idx)
bool IsChamberFiredOut (int idx)
bool IsChamberFull (int idx)
void ValidateMuzzleArray ()
 Safety check and error message in case not set up correctly.


enum MuzzleState m_animState
ref array< MuzzleStatem_muzzleHasBullet = new array<MuzzleState>()