DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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См. документацию.
1class CraftBaseBallBatBarbed extends RecipeBase
3 override void Init()
4 {
5 m_Name = "#STR_CraftBaseBallBatBarbed0";
6 m_IsInstaRecipe = false;//should this recipe be performed instantly without animation
7 m_AnimationLength = 1;//animation length in relative time units
8 m_Specialty = 0.02;// value > 0 for roughness, value < 0 for precision
10 //conditions
22 //ingredient 1
23 InsertIngredient(0,"BarbedWire");//you can insert multiple ingredients this way
26 m_IngredientSetHealth[0] = -1; // -1 = do nothing
28 m_IngredientDestroy[0] = true;
29 m_IngredientUseSoftSkills[1] = false;// set 'true' to allow modification of the values by softskills on this ingredient
31 //ingredient 2
32 InsertIngredient(1,"BaseballBat");//you can insert multiple ingredients this way
35 m_IngredientSetHealth[1] = -1; // -1 = do nothing
37 m_IngredientDestroy[1] = true;
38 m_IngredientUseSoftSkills[1] = false;// set 'true' to allow modification of the values by softskills on this ingredient
40 // crafting multiple results
41 //AddResult("CombatKnife");//additional results, must be processed individually in Do method (as "results" parameter)
44 AddResult("BarbedBaseballBat");//single result
46 m_ResultSetQuantity[0] = -1;
47 m_ResultSetHealth[0] = -1;
48 m_ResultInheritsHealth[0] = 1;// (value) == -1 means do nothing; a (value) >= 0 means this result will inherit health from ingredient number (value);(value) == -2 means this result will inherit health from all ingredients averaged(result_health = combined_health_of_ingredients / number_of_ingredients)
49 m_ResultInheritsColor[0] = -1;// (value) == -1 means do nothing; a (value) >= 0 means this result classname will be a composite of the name provided in AddResult method and config value "color" of ingredient (value)
50 m_ResultToInventory[0] = 1; //(value) == -2 spawn result on the ground;(value) == -1 place anywhere in the players inventory, (value) >= 0 means switch position with ingredient number(value)
51 m_ResultUseSoftSkills[0] = false;// set 'true' to allow modification of the values by softskills on this result
52 m_ResultReplacesIngredient[0] = 0;// value == -1 means do nothing; a value >= 0 means this result will transfer item propertiesvariables, attachments etc.. from an ingredient value
53 }
56 override void Do( ItemBase ingredients[], PlayerBase player, array<ItemBase> results, float specialty_weight )//gets called upon recipe's completion
57 {
58 ItemBase gloves = ItemBase.Cast(player.FindAttachmentBySlotName("Gloves"));
59 if ( gloves && !gloves.IsDamageDestroyed() )
60 return;
62 int rand = Math.RandomIntInclusive(0,9);
63 if ( rand == 0 )
64 {
65 rand = Math.RandomIntInclusive(0,1);
66 if ( rand == 0 && !player.GetBleedingManagerServer().AttemptAddBleedingSourceBySelection("LeftForeArmRoll") )
67 {
68 player.GetBleedingManagerServer().AttemptAddBleedingSourceBySelection("RightForeArmRoll");
69 }
70 else if ( rand == 1 && !player.GetBleedingManagerServer().AttemptAddBleedingSourceBySelection("RightForeArmRoll") )
71 {
72 player.GetBleedingManagerServer().AttemptAddBleedingSourceBySelection("LeftForeArmRoll");
73 }
74 }
75 }
Определения InventoryItem.c:731
Определения EnMath.c:7
Определения PlayerBaseClient.c:2
bool m_IngredientDestroy[MAX_NUMBER_OF_INGREDIENTS]
Определения RecipeBase.c:36
int m_ResultToInventory[MAXIMUM_RESULTS]
Определения RecipeBase.c:43
bool m_IngredientUseSoftSkills[MAX_NUMBER_OF_INGREDIENTS]
Определения RecipeBase.c:32
string m_Name
Определения RecipeBase.c:17
float m_ResultSetHealth[MAXIMUM_RESULTS]
Определения RecipeBase.c:41
float m_ResultSetQuantity[MAXIMUM_RESULTS]
Определения RecipeBase.c:40
bool m_ResultSetFullQuantity[MAXIMUM_RESULTS]
Определения RecipeBase.c:39
bool m_IsInstaRecipe
Определения RecipeBase.c:24
override void Do(ItemBase ingredients[], PlayerBase player, array< ItemBase > results, float specialty_weight)
Определения CraftBaseBallBatBarbed.c:56
void AddResult(string item)
Определения RecipeBase.c:174
bool m_ResultUseSoftSkills[MAXIMUM_RESULTS]
Определения RecipeBase.c:47
int m_ResultReplacesIngredient[MAXIMUM_RESULTS]
Определения RecipeBase.c:46
float m_IngredientAddHealth[MAX_NUMBER_OF_INGREDIENTS]
Определения RecipeBase.c:33
float m_Specialty
Определения RecipeBase.c:23
float m_IngredientSetHealth[MAX_NUMBER_OF_INGREDIENTS]
Определения RecipeBase.c:35
int m_ResultInheritsHealth[MAXIMUM_RESULTS]
Определения RecipeBase.c:44
float m_MinQuantityIngredient[MAX_NUMBER_OF_INGREDIENTS]
Определения RecipeBase.c:27
float m_AnimationLength
Определения RecipeBase.c:22
override void Init()
Определения CraftBaseBallBatBarbed.c:3
int m_ResultInheritsColor[MAXIMUM_RESULTS]
Определения RecipeBase.c:45
float m_MaxQuantityIngredient[MAX_NUMBER_OF_INGREDIENTS]
Определения RecipeBase.c:28
float m_IngredientAddQuantity[MAX_NUMBER_OF_INGREDIENTS]
Определения RecipeBase.c:34
float m_MinDamageIngredient[MAX_NUMBER_OF_INGREDIENTS]
Определения RecipeBase.c:29
float m_MaxDamageIngredient[MAX_NUMBER_OF_INGREDIENTS]
Определения RecipeBase.c:30
void InsertIngredient(int index, string ingredient, DayZPlayerConstants uid=DayZPlayerConstants.CMD_ACTIONFB_CRAFTING)
Определения RecipeBase.c:143
Определения RecipeBase.c:6
Result for an object found in CGame.IsBoxCollidingGeometryProxy.
static int RandomIntInclusive(int min, int max)
Returns a random int number between and min [inclusive] and max [inclusive].
Определения EnMath.c:54