DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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◆ Event_OnClick()

void Event_OnClick ( )

См. определение в файле PluginDayZCreatureAIDebug.c строка 595

596 {
597 if (m_IsActive == false)
598 return;
600 const float MAX_RAYCAST_RANGE = 1000;
602 {
606 // Raycast
607 vector from = pos;
608 vector to = pos + (dir * MAX_RAYCAST_RANGE);
609 vector contact_pos;
610 vector contact_dir;
611 int contact_component;
612 set<Object> objects = new set<Object>;
614 if (DayZPhysics.RaycastRV(from, to, contact_pos, contact_dir, contact_component, objects, NULL, GetGame().GetPlayer()))
615 {
616 for ( int i = 0; i < objects.Count(); i++ )
617 {
618 Object obj = objects.Get(i);
619 if (obj && obj.IsInherited(DayZCreature))
620 {
621 m_bIsCaptureMode = false;
623 return;
624 }
625 }
626 }
627 }
628 }
bool m_IsActive
Определения ModifierBase.c:19
PlayerBase GetPlayer()
Определения ModifierBase.c:51
bool m_bIsCaptureMode
Определения PluginDayZCreatureAIDebug.c:90
void GUIAction_InitDebugObject(Object obj)
Определения PluginDayZCreatureAIDebug.c:634
proto native vector GetPointerDirection()
Returns the direction where the mouse points, from the camera view.
proto native vector GetCurrentCameraPosition()
Определения DayZAnimal.c:148
static proto bool RaycastRV(vector begPos, vector endPos, out vector contactPos, out vector contactDir, out int contactComponent, set< Object > results=NULL, Object with=NULL, Object ignore=NULL, bool sorted=false, bool ground_only=false, int iType=ObjIntersectView, float radius=0.0, CollisionFlags flags=CollisionFlags.NEARESTCONTACT)
Raycasts world by given parameters.
Определения DayZPhysics.c:124
Определения ObjectTyped.c:2
Определения EnConvert.c:106
proto native CGame GetGame()

Перекрестные ссылки CGame::GetCurrentCameraPosition(), GetGame(), GetPlayer(), CGame::GetPointerDirection(), GUIAction_InitDebugObject(), m_bIsCaptureMode, m_IsActive и DayZPhysics::RaycastRV().