DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
Не найдено
См. документацию.
1class UIPopupScriptConfigs extends UIPopupScript
3 private ButtonWidget m_BtnOk;
4 private ButtonWidget m_BtnCancel;
5 private ButtonWidget m_BtnCopyToClipboard;
7 private TextListboxWidget m_ConfigHierarchyTextListbox;
8 private TextListboxWidget m_ConfigVariablesTextListbox;
10 private PluginConfigViewer m_ModuleConfigViewer;
15 {
16 m_BtnOk = ButtonWidget.Cast( wgt.FindAnyWidget("btn_ppp_pc_ok") );
17 m_ConfigHierarchyTextListbox = TextListboxWidget.Cast( wgt.FindAnyWidget("ConfigHierarchy") );
18 m_ConfigVariablesTextListbox = TextListboxWidget.Cast( wgt.FindAnyWidget("ConfigVariables") );
19 m_BtnCopyToClipboard = ButtonWidget.Cast( wgt.FindAnyWidget("btn_ppp_pc_copy") );
20 m_ObjectConfigFilter = EditBoxWidget.Cast( wgt.FindAnyWidget("ObjectConfigFilter") );
21 }
24 {
25 if ( m_ObjectConfigFilter.GetText() == "" )
26 {
28 }
29 else
30 {
32 }
33 }
35 override void OnOpen(Param param)
36 {
37 m_ModuleConfigViewer = PluginConfigViewer.Cast( GetPlugin( PluginConfigViewer ) );
39 }
41 void AddItemToClipboard( TextListboxWidget text_listbox_widget )
42 {
43 int selected_row_index = text_listbox_widget.GetSelectedRow();
44 if ( selected_row_index != -1 )
45 {
46 string item_name;
47 text_listbox_widget.GetItemText( selected_row_index, 0, item_name );
48 GetGame().CopyToClipboard( item_name );
49 }
50 }
52 void RenderVariables( int row )
53 {
54 ConfigParams config_params;
55 if( row > -1 && row < m_ConfigHierarchyTextListbox.GetNumItems() )
56 {
57 m_ConfigHierarchyTextListbox.GetItemData( row, 0, config_params );
59 ref TStringArray variables;
60 string path = config_params.param4;
61 variables = m_ModuleConfigViewer.GetConfigVariables( path );
62 for ( int i = 0; i < variables.Count(); i++ )
63 {
64 m_ConfigVariablesTextListbox.AddItem( variables.Get(i), NULL, 0);
65 }
66 }
67 }
69 void ExpandHierarchy( int row )
70 {
71 if( row <= -1 && row >= m_ConfigHierarchyTextListbox.GetNumItems() )
72 {
73 return;
74 }
76 ref TStringArray variables;
78 // get current row data
79 ConfigParams config_params;
80 m_ConfigHierarchyTextListbox.GetItemData( row, 0, config_params );
82 string config_path = config_params.param4;
83 int deep = config_params.param5;
85 string offset = "";
86 for ( int i = 0; i < deep; i++)
87 {
88 offset = offset + " ";
89 }
91 // change selected node
92 variables = m_ModuleConfigViewer.GetConfigHierarchy( config_path );
93 int childrens_count = variables.Count();
94 m_ConfigHierarchyTextListbox.SetItem( row, offset + "- " + config_params.param2, new ConfigParams( true, config_params.param2, childrens_count, config_path, deep ), 0 );
96 offset = offset + " ";
98 // render childrens
99 deep = deep + 1;
100 childrens_count = 0;
101 for ( i = variables.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
102 {
103 string new_config_path = ( config_path + " " + variables.Get(i) ).Trim();
104 m_ConfigHierarchyTextListbox.AddItem( offset + "+ " + variables.Get(i), new ConfigParams( false, variables.Get(i), childrens_count, new_config_path, deep ), 0, (row + 1) );
105 }
106 }
108 // niekde je bug, ked su len 2 polozky a expand/collapse na prvu tak zmaze aj druhu. ak collapse a expand na druhu tak crash lebo sa snazi zmazat riadok co neexistuje
109 void CollapseHierarchy( int row )
110 {
111 if( row <= -1 && row >= m_ConfigHierarchyTextListbox.GetNumItems() )
112 {
113 return;
114 }
116 ConfigParams config_params;
117 ConfigParams config_params_next;
118 m_ConfigHierarchyTextListbox.GetItemData( row, 0, config_params );
119 m_ConfigHierarchyTextListbox.GetItemData( row + 1, 0, config_params_next );
121 int deep = config_params.param5;
122 int deep_next = config_params_next.param5;
123 int max_count = m_ConfigHierarchyTextListbox.GetNumItems();
124 int remove_lines_count = 0;
125 // Print(max_count);
126 for ( int i = row + 1; i < max_count; i++)
127 {
128 if ( deep < deep_next && i <= max_count )
129 {
130 remove_lines_count = remove_lines_count + 1;
131 m_ConfigHierarchyTextListbox.GetItemData( i, 0, config_params_next );
132 deep_next = config_params_next.param5;
133 }
134 }
136 // remove remove_lines_count lines from row
137 // remove_lines_count = remove_lines_count - 1;
138 for ( i = 1; i < remove_lines_count; i++ )
139 {
140 int x = row + 1;
141 if ( x < max_count )
142 {
143 m_ConfigHierarchyTextListbox.RemoveRow( x );
144 }
145 }
147 string offset = "";
148 for ( i = 0; i < deep; i++)
149 {
150 offset = offset + " ";
151 }
152 m_ConfigHierarchyTextListbox.SetItem( row, offset + "+ " + config_params.param2, new ConfigParams( false, config_params.param2, 0, config_params.param4, deep ), 0 );
153 }
156 {
157 // config hierarchy
158 // string config_path = "configfile CfgVehicles APC";
159 // string config_path = "";
161 m_ConfigHierarchyTextListbox.ClearItems();
162 m_ConfigVariablesTextListbox.ClearItems();
164 ref TStringArray base_classes = new TStringArray;
165 Debug.GetBaseConfigClasses( base_classes );
167 string config_path = "configfile";
168 ref TStringArray variables = m_ModuleConfigViewer.GetConfigHierarchy( config_path );
169 for ( int i = 0; i < variables.Count(); i++ )
170 {
171 string variable = variables.Get(i);
173 for ( int j = 0; j < base_classes.Count(); j++ )
174 {
175 if ( variable == base_classes.Get(j) )
176 {
177 string new_config_path = ( config_path + " " + variable ).Trim();
178 m_ConfigHierarchyTextListbox.AddItem( "+ " + variable, new ConfigParams( false, variable, 0, new_config_path, 0 ), 0);
179 }
180 }
181 }
182 }
185 {
186 m_ConfigHierarchyTextListbox.ClearItems();
187 m_ConfigVariablesTextListbox.ClearItems();
189 class_name.ToLower( );
190 string config_base_path = "configfile";
192 ref TStringArray base_classes = new TStringArray;
193 Debug.GetBaseConfigClasses( base_classes );
195 string filter_lower = class_name;
196 filter_lower.ToLower( );
198 ref TStringArray filters = new TStringArray;
199 filter_lower.Split( " ", filters );
201 for ( int i = 0; i < base_classes.Count(); i++ )
202 {
203 string config_path = config_base_path + " " + base_classes.Get(i);
204 ref TStringArray variables = m_ModuleConfigViewer.GetConfigHierarchy( config_path );
206 for ( int j = 0; j < variables.Count(); j++ )
207 {
208 string variable = variables.Get(j);
209 string variable_lower = variable;
210 variable_lower.ToLower( );
212 for ( int k = 0; k < filters.Count(); k++ )
213 {
214 if ( variable_lower.Contains(filters.Get(k)))
215 {
216 string new_config_path = ( config_path + " " + variable ).Trim();
217 m_ConfigHierarchyTextListbox.AddItem( "+ " + variable, new ConfigParams( false, variable, 0, new_config_path, 0 ), 0);
218 break;
219 }
220 }
221 }
222 }
223 }
225 override bool OnChange( Widget w, int x, int y, bool finished )
226 {
227 super.OnChange( w, x, y, finished );
229 if ( w == m_ObjectConfigFilter )
230 {
232 }
234 return false;
235 }
237 override bool OnClick( Widget w, int x, int y, int button )
238 {
239 super.OnClick( w, x, y, button );
241 if ( w == m_BtnOk )
242 {
243 PopupBack();
244 return true;
245 }
246 else if ( w == m_BtnCancel )
247 {
248 PopupBack();
249 return true;
250 }
251 else if ( w == m_BtnCopyToClipboard )
252 {
254 return true;
255 }
256 else if ( w == m_ConfigHierarchyTextListbox )
257 {
258 int objects_row_index = m_ConfigHierarchyTextListbox.GetSelectedRow();
260 if ( objects_row_index > -1 && objects_row_index < m_ConfigHierarchyTextListbox.GetNumItems() )
261 {
262 ConfigParams config_params;
263 m_ConfigHierarchyTextListbox.GetItemData( objects_row_index, 0, config_params );
265 if ( config_params.param1 == false )
266 {
267 ExpandHierarchy( objects_row_index );
268 }
269 else
270 {
271 CollapseHierarchy( objects_row_index );
272 }
273 RenderVariables( objects_row_index );
274 }
276 return true;
277 }
279 return false;
280 }
Icon x
Icon y
string path
Определения OptionSelectorMultistate.c:142
class OptionSelectorMultistate extends OptionSelector class_name
PluginBase GetPlugin(typename plugin_type)
Определения PluginManager.c:316
Param5< bool, string, int, string, int > ConfigParams
Определения ScriptConsoleConfigTab.c:1
proto native void CopyToClipboard(string text)
static void GetBaseConfigClasses(out TStringArray base_classes)
Returns some of base config classes strings like CfgVehicles, CfgWeapons, etc. for searching purposes...
Определения Debug.c:417
Определения Debug.c:2
Определения EnWidgets.c:354
Base Param Class with no parameters. Used as general purpose parameter overloaded with Param1 to Para...
Определения param.c:12
override bool OnClick(Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
Определения UIPopupScriptConfigs.c:237
void AddItemToClipboard(TextListboxWidget text_listbox_widget)
Определения UIPopupScriptConfigs.c:41
void UIPopupScriptConfigs(Widget wgt)
Определения UIPopupScriptConfigs.c:14
ButtonWidget m_BtnOk
Определения UIPopupScriptConfigs.c:3
TextListboxWidget m_ConfigHierarchyTextListbox
Определения UIPopupScriptConfigs.c:7
UIPopupScript PopupBack()
Определения UIPopupScript.c:37
void RenderVariables(int row)
Определения UIPopupScriptConfigs.c:52
void ChangeConfigFilter()
Определения UIPopupScriptConfigs.c:23
ButtonWidget m_BtnCancel
Определения UIPopupScriptConfigs.c:4
override void OnOpen(Param param)
Определения UIPopupScriptConfigs.c:35
void ExpandHierarchy(int row)
Определения UIPopupScriptConfigs.c:69
EditBoxWidget m_ObjectConfigFilter
Определения UIPopupScriptConfigs.c:12
PluginConfigViewer m_ModuleConfigViewer
Определения UIPopupScriptConfigs.c:10
void ClearHierarchy()
Определения UIPopupScriptConfigs.c:155
TextListboxWidget m_ConfigVariablesTextListbox
Определения UIPopupScriptConfigs.c:8
void FindInHierarchy(string class_name)
Определения UIPopupScriptConfigs.c:184
override bool OnChange(Widget w, int x, int y, bool finished)
Определения UIPopupScriptConfigs.c:225
ButtonWidget m_BtnCopyToClipboard
Определения UIPopupScriptConfigs.c:5
void CollapseHierarchy(int row)
Определения UIPopupScriptConfigs.c:109
Определения UIPopupScript.c:2
Определения EnWidgets.c:190
proto native CGame GetGame()
array< string > TStringArray
Определения EnScript.c:685
proto string Get(int index)
Gets n-th character from string.
bool Contains(string sample)
Returns true if sample is substring of string.
Определения EnString.c:286
void Split(string sample, out array< string > output)
Splits string into array of strings separated by 'sample'.
Определения EnString.c:396
proto int ToLower()
Changes string to lowercase. Returns length.