DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
Не найдено
См. документацию.
1typedef int[] WBModuleDef;
2typedef int[] ScriptEditor;
3typedef int[] ResourceBrowser;
4typedef int[] WorldEditor;
8 static proto native WBModuleDef GetModule(string type);
9 static proto native bool OpenModule(string type);
10 static proto native bool CloseModule(string type);
11 static proto native void Dialog(string caption, string text);
12 static proto int ScriptDialog(string caption, string text, Class data);
13 static proto bool SearchResources(string filter, func callback);
14 static proto native int RunCmd(string command, bool wait = false);
15 static proto void GetCwd(out string currentDir);
16 static proto bool GetAbsolutePath(string relativePath, out string absPath);
21 proto native external bool SetOpenedResource(string filename);
22 proto native external int GetNumContainers();
23 proto native external BaseContainer GetContainer(int index = 0);
24 proto external bool GetCmdLine(string name, out string value);
25 proto native external bool Save();
26 proto native external bool Close();
31 proto external bool GetCurrentFile(out string filename);
32 proto native external int GetCurrentLine();
37 proto external bool GetCurrentFile(out string filename);
42 proto native external WorldEditorAPI GetAPI();
47 proto native bool BeginTerrainAction(string historyPointName = "", string historyPointIcon = "");
48 proto native void EndTerrainAction(string historyPointName = "");
49 proto native bool BeginEntityAction(string historyPointName = "", string historyPointIcon = ""); //begin of logical edit action
50 proto native bool EndEntityAction(string historyPointName = ""); //end of edit action
51 proto native bool IsDoingEditAction(); //true, if code stay betwen BeginEntityAction() and EndEntityAction()
52 proto native bool UndoOrRedoIsRestoring(); //true, if editor is restoring undo or redo state
53 proto native bool IsModifyingData();
54 proto native IEntity SourceToEntity(IEntitySource entSrc);
56 proto native IEntitySource FindEntityByName(string name);
58 proto native external void SetEntitySelection(IEntity ent);
59 proto native external void AddToEntitySelection(IEntity ent);
60 proto native void ClearEntitySelection();
61 proto native void RemoveFromEntitySelection(IEntity ent);
62 proto native void SetPropertySelection(string id);
64 proto native external bool ModifyEntityKey(IEntity ent, string key, string value);
65 proto native external bool ModifyEntityTemplateKey(IEntitySource tmpl, string key, string value);
67 proto native external IEntity CreateEntity(string className, string name, int layerId, vector coords, vector angles);
68 proto native external IEntity CreateClonedEntity(IEntity ent, string name);
69 proto native external bool DeleteEntity(IEntity ent);
70 proto native bool DeleteEntities(out array<IEntity> ents);
73 proto native external bool TraceWorldPos(int x, int y, int traceFlags, out vector traceStart, out vector traceEnd, out vector traceDir);
75 proto native int GetSelectedEntitiesCount();
76 proto native IEntity GetSelectedEntity(int n = 0);
78 private void WorldEditorAPI() {}
79 private void ~WorldEditorAPI() {}
87 void OnKeyPressEvent(int key) {}
88 void OnKeyReleaseEvent(int key) {}
89 void OnEnterEvent() {}
90 void OnLeaveEvent() {}
91 void OnMouseMoveEvent(float x, float y) {}
92 void OnMouseDoubleClickEvent(float x, float y) {}
93 void OnMousePressEvent(float x, float y) {}
94 void OnMouseReleaseEvent(float x, float y) {}
95 void OnWheelEvent(int delta) {}
97 private void WorldEditorTool() {}
98 private void ~WorldEditorTool() {}
103 void Run() {}
105 void Configure() {}
110 string m_Label;
113 void ButtonAttribute(string label = "ScriptButton", bool focused = false)
114 {
115 m_Label = label;
116 m_Focused = focused;
117 }
130 string m_Name;
131 string m_Icon;
136 void WorkbenchPluginAttribute(string name, string description = "", string shortcut = "", string icon = "", array<string> wbModules = null)
137 {
138 m_Name = name;
139 m_Icon = icon;
140 m_Shortcut = shortcut;
141 m_Description = description;
142 m_WBModules = wbModules;
143 }
PlayerSpawnPresetDiscreteItemSetSlotData name
one set for cargo
Icon x
Icon y
Определения EnEntity.c:6
bool m_Focused
Определения workbenchApi.c:111
string m_Label
Определения workbenchApi.c:110
void ButtonAttribute(string label="ScriptButton", bool focused=false)
Определения workbenchApi.c:113
Super root of all classes in Enforce script.
Определения EnScript.c:11
Определения EnEntity.c:165
Определения EnEntity.c:16
proto external bool GetCurrentFile(out string filename)
Определения workbenchApi.c:36
proto external bool GetCurrentFile(out string filename)
proto native external int GetCurrentLine()
Определения workbenchApi.c:30
proto native external bool SetOpenedResource(string filename)
proto native external bool Save()
proto native external int GetNumContainers()
proto native external bool Close()
proto native external BaseContainer GetContainer(int index=0)
proto external bool GetCmdLine(string name, out string value)
Определения workbenchApi.c:20
static proto native bool CloseModule(string type)
static proto native void Dialog(string caption, string text)
static proto native int RunCmd(string command, bool wait=false)
static proto void GetCwd(out string currentDir)
static proto native WBModuleDef GetModule(string type)
static proto bool SearchResources(string filter, func callback)
static proto native bool OpenModule(string type)
static proto int ScriptDialog(string caption, string text, Class data)
static proto bool GetAbsolutePath(string relativePath, out string absPath)
Определения workbenchApi.c:7
void Run()
Определения workbenchApi.c:103
void RunCommandline()
Определения workbenchApi.c:104
void Configure()
Определения workbenchApi.c:105
string m_Description
Определения workbenchApi.c:133
string m_Icon
Определения workbenchApi.c:131
ref array< string > m_WBModules
Определения workbenchApi.c:134
void WorkbenchPluginAttribute(string name, string description="", string shortcut="", string icon="", array< string > wbModules=null)
Определения workbenchApi.c:136
string m_Name
Определения workbenchApi.c:130
string m_Shortcut
Определения workbenchApi.c:132
Определения workbenchApi.c:102
proto native external WorldEditorAPI GetAPI()
proto native IEntity SourceToEntity(IEntitySource entSrc)
proto native IEntitySource FindEntityByName(string name)
proto native void RemoveFromEntitySelection(IEntity ent)
proto native IEntity GetSelectedEntity(int n=0)
proto native external void SetEntitySelection(IEntity ent)
proto native bool IsDoingEditAction()
proto native bool UndoOrRedoIsRestoring()
proto native external IEntity CreateEntity(string className, string name, int layerId, vector coords, vector angles)
void ~WorldEditorAPI()
Определения workbenchApi.c:79
proto native external void AddToEntitySelection(IEntity ent)
void WorldEditorAPI()
Определения workbenchApi.c:78
proto native external bool DeleteEntity(IEntity ent)
proto native bool BeginTerrainAction(string historyPointName="", string historyPointIcon="")
proto native int GetSelectedEntitiesCount()
proto native bool DeleteEntities(out array< IEntity > ents)
proto native external bool ModifyEntityKey(IEntity ent, string key, string value)
proto native void ClearEntitySelection()
proto native void SetPropertySelection(string id)
proto native bool IsModifyingData()
proto native bool BeginEntityAction(string historyPointName="", string historyPointIcon="")
proto native external IEntity CreateClonedEntity(IEntity ent, string name)
proto native IEntity GetEntityUnderCursor()
proto native external bool TraceWorldPos(int x, int y, int traceFlags, out vector traceStart, out vector traceEnd, out vector traceDir)
proto native void EndTerrainAction(string historyPointName="")
proto native bool EndEntityAction(string historyPointName="")
proto native external bool ModifyEntityTemplateKey(IEntitySource tmpl, string key, string value)
proto native IEntitySource EntityToSource(IEntity ent)
Определения workbenchApi.c:46
Определения workbenchApi.c:41
void OnEnterEvent()
Определения workbenchApi.c:89
void OnMouseMoveEvent(float x, float y)
Определения workbenchApi.c:91
void WorldEditorTool()
Определения workbenchApi.c:97
void OnLeaveEvent()
Определения workbenchApi.c:90
void OnMousePressEvent(float x, float y)
Определения workbenchApi.c:93
void OnMouseDoubleClickEvent(float x, float y)
Определения workbenchApi.c:92
WorldEditorAPI m_API
Filled by workbench.
Определения workbenchApi.c:85
void OnWheelEvent(int delta)
Определения workbenchApi.c:95
void OnMouseReleaseEvent(float x, float y)
Определения workbenchApi.c:94
void ~WorldEditorTool()
Определения workbenchApi.c:98
void OnKeyPressEvent(int key)
Определения workbenchApi.c:87
void OnKeyReleaseEvent(int key)
Определения workbenchApi.c:88
Result for an object found in CGame.IsBoxCollidingGeometryProxy.
Определения EnConvert.c:11
Определения EnConvert.c:106