34 return -1 + ( 4 - 2 * t ) * t;
45 return t1 * t1 * t1 + 1;
53 return ( t - 1 ) * ( 2 * t - 2 ) * ( 2 * t - 2 ) + 1;
64 return 1 - t1 * t1 * t1 * t1;
73 return 8 * t * t * t * t;
75 return 1 - 8 * t1 * t1 * t1 * t1;
80 return t * t * t * t * t;
86 return 1 + t1 * t1 * t1 * t1 * t1;
95 return 16 * t * t * t * t * t;
99 return 1 + 16 * t1 * t1 * t1 * t1 * t1;
110 return Math.
Pow( 2, 10 * ( t - 1 ) );
119 return ( -
Pow( 2, -10 * t ) + 1 );
125 if( t == 0 || t == 1 )
130 float scaledTime = t * 2;
131 float scaledTime1 = scaledTime - 1;
135 return 0.5 *
Pow( 2, 10 * scaledTime1 );
138 return 0.5 * ( -
Pow( 2, -10 * scaledTime1 ) + 2 );
144 float scaledTime = t / 1;
145 return -1 * (
Sqrt( 1 - scaledTime * t ) - 1 );
157 float scaledTime = t * 2;
158 float scaledTime1 = scaledTime - 2;
162 return -0.5 * (
Sqrt( 1 - scaledTime * scaledTime ) - 1 );
165 return 0.5 * (
Sqrt( 1 - scaledTime1 * scaledTime1 ) + 1 );
168 static float EaseInBack(
float t,
float magnitude = 1.70158 )
170 return t * t * ( ( magnitude + 1 ) * t - magnitude );
175 float scaledTime = ( t / 1 ) - 1;
176 return (scaledTime * scaledTime * ( ( magnitude + 1 ) * scaledTime + magnitude )) + 1;
182 float scaledTime = t * 2;
183 float scaledTime2 = scaledTime - 2;
185 float s = magnitude * 1.525;
189 return 0.5 * scaledTime * scaledTime * (( ( s + 1 ) * scaledTime ) - s);
192 return 0.5 * (scaledTime2 * scaledTime2 * ( ( s + 1 ) * scaledTime2 + s ) + 2);
197 if( t == 0 || t == 1 )
200 float scaledTime = t / 1;
201 float scaledTime1 = scaledTime - 1;
203 float p = 1 - magnitude;
206 return -(
Pow( 2, 10 * scaledTime1 ) *
Sin( ( scaledTime1 - s ) * ( 2 *
PI ) / p ));
211 float p = 1 - magnitude;
212 float scaledTime = t * 2;
214 if( t == 0 || t == 1 ) {
219 return (
Pow( 2, -10 * scaledTime ) *
Sin( ( scaledTime - s ) * ( 2 *
PI ) / p )) + 1;
224 float p = 1 - magnitude;
226 if( t == 0 || t == 1 )
231 float scaledTime = t * 2;
232 float scaledTime1 = scaledTime - 1;
238 return -0.5 * (
Pow( 2, 10 * scaledTime1 ) *
Sin( ( scaledTime1 - s ) * ( 2 *
PI ) / p ));
241 return (
Pow( 2, -10 * scaledTime1 ) *
Sin( ( scaledTime1 - s ) * ( 2 *
PI ) / p ) * 0.5) + 1;
247 float scaledTime = t / 1;
249 if( scaledTime < ( 1 / 2.75 ) ) {
251 return 7.5625 * scaledTime * scaledTime;
253 }
else if( scaledTime < ( 2 / 2.75 ) ) {
255 float scaledTime2 = scaledTime - ( 1.5 / 2.75 );
256 return ( 7.5625 * scaledTime2 * scaledTime2 ) + 0.75;
258 }
else if( scaledTime < ( 2.5 / 2.75 ) ) {
260 scaledTime2 = scaledTime - ( 2.25 / 2.75 );
261 return ( 7.5625 * scaledTime2 * scaledTime2 ) + 0.9375;
265 scaledTime2 = scaledTime - ( 2.625 / 2.75 );
266 return ( 7.5625 * scaledTime2 * scaledTime2 ) + 0.984375;
static float EaseInQuint(float t)
static float EaseInBack(float t, float magnitude=1.70158)
static float EaseInOutBounce(float t)
static float EaseInOutQuint(float t)
static float EaseOutBack(float t, float magnitude=1.70158)
static float EaseOutSine(float t)
static float EaseInSine(float t)
static float EaseInOutCirc(float t)
static float EaseInOutElastic(float t, float magnitude=0.65)
static float EaseInOutSine(float t)
static float EaseOutQuart(float t)
static float EaseInQuart(float t)
static float EaseInOutCubic(float t)
static float EaseInBounce(float t)
static float EaseOutElastic(float t, float magnitude=0.7)
static float EaseInCubic(float t)
static float EaseInOutBack(float t, float magnitude=1.70158)
static float EaseOutQuad(float t)
static float EaseOutExpo(float t)
static float EaseOutCubic(float t)
static float EaseOutQuint(float t)
static float EaseInOutQuad(float t)
static float EaseInOutQuart(float t)
static float EaseInOutExpo(float t)
static float EaseOutBounce(float t)
static float EaseInExpo(float t)
static float EaseInElastic(float t, float magnitude=0.7)
static float EaseInQuad(float t)
static float EaseOutCirc(float t)
static float EaseInCirc(float t)
Input value between 0 and 1, returns value adjusted by easing, no automatic clamping of input(do your...
static proto float Asin(float s)
Returns angle in radians from sinus.
static proto float Sqrt(float val)
Returns square root.
static proto float Cos(float angle)
Returns cosinus of angle in radians.
static proto float Sin(float angle)
Returns sinus of angle in radians.
static proto float Pow(float v, float power)
Return power of v ^ power.