DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
Не найдено

◆ TakeOrSplitToInventory()

static void SplitItemUtils::TakeOrSplitToInventory ( notnull PlayerBase player,
notnull EntityAI target,
notnull EntityAI item )

См. определение в файле SplitItemUtils.c строка 3

4 {
5 ItemBase item_base = ItemBase.Cast( item );
7 if( !item.GetInventory().CanRemoveEntity() || !player.CanManipulateInventory() )
8 return;
10 InventoryLocation il = new InventoryLocation;
11 if( target.GetInventory().FindFreeLocationFor( item, FindInventoryLocationType.ANY, il) )
12 {
13 if( item_base.GetTargetQuantityMax(il.GetSlot()) >= item_base.GetQuantity() )
14 {
15 if( il.GetType() == InventoryLocationType.ATTACHMENT )
16 {
17 player.PredictiveTakeEntityToTargetAttachmentEx(il.GetParent(), item, il.GetSlot());
18 }
19 else
20 {
21 InventoryLocation src = new InventoryLocation;
22 if (item.GetInventory().GetCurrentInventoryLocation(src))
23 player.PredictiveTakeToDst(src, il);
25 }
26 }
27 else
28 {
29 item_base.SplitIntoStackMaxClient( il.GetParent(), il.GetSlot() );
30 }
31 }
32 }
class GP5GasMask extends MaskBase ItemBase
flags for searching locations in inventory
Определения InventoryLocation.c:17
types of Inventory Location
Определения InventoryLocation.c:4
proto native EntityAI GetParent()
returns parent of current inventory location
proto native int GetSlot()
returns slot id if current type is Attachment
proto native int GetType()
returns type of InventoryLocation

Перекрестные ссылки InventoryLocation::GetParent(), InventoryLocation::GetSlot() и InventoryLocation::GetType().

Используется в AttachmentCategoriesRow::Combine(), PlayerContainer::OnDropReceivedFromGhostArea(), ClosableContainer::OnDropReceivedFromHeader(), HandsContainer::OnPerformCombination(), Icon::OnPerformCombination(), OnRightPanelDropReceived(), Icon::PerformCombination(), AttachmentCategoriesRow::Select(), ClosableContainer::TakeAsAttachment() и HandsContainer::TakeAsAttachment().