Структуры данных | |
class | EnProfiler |
Set of methods for accessing script profiling data. Подробнее... | |
Определения типов | |
typedef Param2< float, typename > | EnProfilerTimeClassPair |
typedef Param2< int, typename > | EnProfilerCountClassPair |
typedef Param2< float, string > | EnProfilerTimeFuncPair |
typedef Param2< int, string > | EnProfilerCountFuncPair |
Перечисления | |
enum | EnProfilerFlags { NONE = 0 , RESET , RECURSIVE , ALL } |
Flags that influences the behaviour of the EnProfiler API, applied through ...Flags functions. Подробнее... | |
Current base scripted modules. Подробнее... | |
enum | EnProfilerEnabledFlags { NONE = 0 , DIAG , SCRP , SCRC } |
There are 3 states which can be toggled that governs whether script profiling is enabled or not. Подробнее... | |
Функции | |
static proto void | EnProfiler::Enable (bool enable, bool immediate=false, bool sessionReset=true) |
Enable the gathering of script profiling data. | |
static proto int | EnProfiler::IsEnabled () |
Return if script profiling is enabled. | |
static bool | EnProfiler::IsEnabledD () |
Return if script profiling is enabled through [DM]. | |
static bool | EnProfiler::IsEnabledP () |
Return if script profiling is enabled through EnProfiler. | |
static bool | EnProfiler::IsEnabledC () |
Return if script profiling is actually turned on inside of the script context. | |
static proto void | EnProfiler::SortData () |
The internal sorting that happens at the end of the frame (so it is NOT necessary to call this manually) to supply Get...Per... functions. | |
static proto void | EnProfiler::ResetSession (bool fullReset=false) |
Perform [SR], clearing SessionFrame, ProfiledSessionFrames, [SD] and [PD] (except for [CI]) | |
EnProfilerFlags | |
Set of functions to configure the currently active EnProfilerFlags | |
static proto int | EnProfiler::SetFlags (int flags, bool sessionReset=true) |
Override the currently used set of EnProfilerFlags across the API. | |
static proto int | EnProfiler::GetFlags () |
Get the currently used flags across the API. | |
static proto bool | EnProfiler::IsFlagsSet (int flags) |
Check if the flags are set. | |
static proto int | EnProfiler::AddFlags (int flags, bool sessionReset=true) |
Add flags to the currently used set of EnProfilerFlags across the API. | |
static proto int | EnProfiler::RemoveFlags (int flags, bool sessionReset=true) |
Remove flags from the currently used set of EnProfilerFlags across the API. | |
static proto int | EnProfiler::ClearFlags (bool sessionReset=true) |
Remove all flags from the currently used set of EnProfilerFlags across the API. | |
EnProfilerModule | |
Set of functions to configure the currently profiled EnProfilerModule | |
static proto void | EnProfiler::SetModule (EnProfilerModule module, bool sessionReset=true) |
Set the module to be profiled. | |
static proto EnProfilerModule | EnProfiler::GetModule () |
Get the currently profiled module. | |
static proto owned string | EnProfiler::ModuleToName (EnProfilerModule module) |
Helper to convert EnProfilerModule to string. | |
static proto bool | EnProfiler::NameToModule (string moduleName, out EnProfilerModule module) |
Convert string to EnProfilerModule. | |
static proto void | EnProfiler::SetInterval (int interval, bool sessionReset=true) |
Set the interval for the [SD] to update. | |
static proto int | EnProfiler::GetInterval () |
Get the currently set interval. | |
static proto void | EnProfiler::SetTimeResolution (int resolution) |
Set the resolution of the fetched Time data. | |
static proto int | EnProfiler::GetTimeResolution () |
Get the currently set time resolution. | |
static proto void | EnProfiler::EnableAverage (bool enable) |
Enable/disable returning calculated averages. | |
static proto bool | EnProfiler::IsAverage () |
Check if returning of average data is enabled. | |
static proto void | EnProfiler::Dump () |
Print out [SD] to script log. | |
Frame data | |
Set of functions to obtain information about frame counts | |
static proto int | EnProfiler::GetGameFrame () |
Get the total amount of frames passed. | |
static proto int | EnProfiler::GetSessionFrame () |
Get the total amount of frames in this profiling session. | |
static proto int | EnProfiler::GetTotalFrames () |
Get the total amount of frames across all profiling session. | |
static proto int | EnProfiler::GetProfiledSessionFrames () |
Get the total amount of frames profiled in this profiling session. | |
static proto int | EnProfiler::GetProfiledFrames () |
Get the total amount of frames profiled across all profiling session. | |
Sorted data | |
Set of functions to obtain [SD]
| |
static proto void | EnProfiler::GetTimePerClass (notnull out array< ref EnProfilerTimeClassPair > outArr, int count=int.MAX) |
Obtain [SD] for Time Per Class. | |
static proto void | EnProfiler::GetAllocationsPerClass (notnull out array< ref EnProfilerCountClassPair > outArr, int count=int.MAX) |
Obtain [SD] for Allocations Per Class. | |
static proto void | EnProfiler::GetInstancesPerClass (notnull out array< ref EnProfilerCountClassPair > outArr, int count=int.MAX) |
Obtain [SD] for Instances Per Class. | |
static proto void | EnProfiler::GetTimePerFunc (notnull out array< ref EnProfilerTimeFuncPair > outArr, int count=int.MAX) |
Obtain [SD] for Time Per Function. | |
static proto void | EnProfiler::GetCountPerFunc (notnull out array< ref EnProfilerCountFuncPair > outArr, int count=int.MAX) |
Obtain [SD] for Count Per Function. | |
Specific data | |
Set of functions to obtain specific data | |
static proto float | EnProfiler::GetTimeOfClass (typename clss, bool immediate=false) |
Obtain [SD] or [PD] regarding the time a specific class consumed. | |
static proto int | EnProfiler::GetAllocationsOfClass (typename clss, bool immediate=false) |
Obtain [SD] or [PD] regarding the allocations of a specific class. | |
static proto int | EnProfiler::GetInstancesOfClass (typename clss, bool immediate=false) |
Obtain [SD] or [PD] regarding the [CI] of a specific class. | |
static proto float | EnProfiler::GetTimeOfFunc (string funct, typename clss, bool immediate=false) |
Obtain [SD] or [PD] regarding the time consumed by a specific function. | |
static proto float | EnProfiler::GetTimeOfFuncG (string funct, bool immediate=false) |
Obtain [SD] or [PD] regarding the time consumed by a specific global function. | |
static proto int | EnProfiler::GetCountOfFunc (string funct, typename clss, bool immediate=false) |
Obtain [SD] or [PD] regarding the amount of times a specific function was called. | |
static proto int | EnProfiler::GetCountOfFuncG (string funct, bool immediate=false) |
Obtain [SD] or [PD] regarding the amount of times a specific function was called. | |
Misc | |
Set of helper functions | |
static bool | EnProfiler::RequestImmediateData () |
Helper method to ascertain the profiler will record [PD] right after this call. | |