Enable the gathering of script profiling data.
- Заметки
- DEFAULT: disabled (unless launched with "-profile", then it is default enabled)
This is separate from the one in [DM], so toggling it in [DM] will not affect this, and toggling it here will not affect [DM]
It will ignore the call if trying to set the current state, except when "immediate" is used
- Аргументы
enable | bool Whether to enable or disable, if it was previously not enabled, it will cause [SR] |
- Заметки
- Disabling does not cause [SR], so all data will stay intact
- Аргументы
immediate | bool When true will instantly start/stop profiling, otherwise it will apply it at the end of the frame (to have one stable point in time) |
- Предупреждения
- Keep in mind that when using immediate, it will not be the data of the entire frame, which can skew data if not kept in mind
- Аргументы
sessionReset | bool When set to false, no [SR] will trigger, regardless of situation |
Set of methods for accessing script profiling data.
static proto void Enable(bool enable, bool immediate=false, bool sessionReset=true)
Enable the gathering of script profiling data.
Используется в RequestImmediateData(), EnProfilerTests::TestClassCountData(), EnProfilerTests::TestClassTimeData(), EnProfilerTests::TestFuncCountData(), EnProfilerTests::TestFuncTimeData(), EnProfilerTests::TestModule(), EnProfilerTests::TestToggling(), EnProfilerTests::TestTogglingImmediate() и EnProfilerTests::~EnProfilerTests().