DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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◆ EnableAverage()

static proto void EnProfiler::EnableAverage ( bool enable)

Enable/disable returning calculated averages.

DEFAULT: false
When EnProfilerFlags.RESET flag is not present, it will divide by the session frame
When an interval is set, it will divide by the interval
Does not affect any data itself, only the fetching and displaying of it (therefore, no [SR] is ever triggered by this method)
[CI] will never be an average, it will always be the current count of the instance (allocations will be the value of how many times an instance is created)
enablebool Whether to enable or disable
// For example, take the situation where we only reset every 60 frames
// And a method is called once per frame, gathering the count of that function will be 1
// Or if a method is called twice per frame, gathering the count of that function will be 2
// Or if a method is 3 times every 3 frames, gathering the count of that function will be 1
// ...
// So you get the average amount of times the method is called per frame, out of the sample of 60 frames
Set of methods for accessing script profiling data.
Определения EnProfiler.c:73
static proto void EnableAverage(bool enable)
Enable/disable returning calculated averages.
Flags that influences the behaviour of the EnProfiler API, applied through ...Flags functions.
Определения EnProfiler.c:9
static proto void SetInterval(int interval, bool sessionReset=true)
Set the interval for the [SD] to update.
static proto int AddFlags(int flags, bool sessionReset=true)
Add flags to the currently used set of EnProfilerFlags across the API.