DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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◆ GetCountOfFunc()

static proto int EnProfiler::GetCountOfFunc ( string funct,
typename clss ,
bool immediate = false )

Obtain [SD] or [PD] regarding the amount of times a specific function was called.

functstring Function name
clsstypename Typename of class the function belongs to
immediatebool When true, it will pull from [SD], when false it will pull from [PD]
int Amount of calls to the specified function or -1 when function was not found
int callCountOfFunc = EnProfiler.GetCountOfFunc("StringFormat", StaticGetType(EnProfilerTests), true);
Set of methods for accessing script profiling data.
Определения EnProfiler.c:73
Определения EnProfilerTests.c:2
static proto int GetCountOfFunc(string funct, typename clss, bool immediate=false)
Obtain [SD] or [PD] regarding the amount of times a specific function was called.

Используется в EnProfilerTests::TestFuncCountData().