DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Файл Liquid.c

См. исходные тексты.

Структуры данных

class  LiquidInfo


static string GetLiquidClassname (int liquid_type)
static bool InitAllLiquids ()
static void Transfer (ItemBase source_ent, ItemBase target_ent, float quantity=-1)
static bool CanTransfer (ItemBase source_ent, ItemBase target_ent)
static void FillContainer (ItemBase container, int liquid_type, float amount)
static void FillContainerEnviro (ItemBase container, int liquid_type, float amount, bool inject_agents=true)
 Filled from any enviro source (fuel feed, pond, snow...)
static void AffectContainerOnFill (ItemBase container, int liquid_type, float amount)
 from enviro source
static void AffectContainerOnTransfer (ItemBase container, int liquidType, float amount, float sourceLiquidTransfer)
static bool IsLiquidDrinkWater (int liquidType)
static int TranslateLiquidType (int liquidType)
 Translates 'administrative' liquid types into liquid types with valid config class.
static bool CanFillContainer (ItemBase container, int liquid_type, bool ignore_fullness_check=false)
static float GetLiquidTypeEnviroTemperature (int liquidType)
 Gets liquid temperature from the enviroment.
static string GetLiquidConfigProperty (int liquid_type, string property_name, bool is_nutrition_property=false)
static NutritionalProfile GetNutritionalProfileByType (int liquid_type)
static NutritionalProfile GetNutritionalProfileByName (string class_name)
static NutritionalProfile SetUpNutritionalProfile (int liquid_type, string liquid_class_name)
static int GetAgents (int liquid_type)
static int GetAgentsPerDigest (int liquidType)
static float GetToxicity (int liquid_type)
static float GetWaterContent (int liquid_type)
static float GetEnergy (int liquid_type)
static float GetNutritionalIndex (int liquid_type)
static string GetDisplayName (int liquid_type)
static float GetFlammability (int liquid_type)
static float GetFullness (int liquid_type)
static float GetDigestibility (int liquid_type)
static float GetFreezeThreshold (int liquid_type)
static float GetThawThreshold (int liquid_type)
static float GetBoilThreshold (int liquid_type)
static string GetName (int liquid_type)


class LiquidInfo int
class LiquidInfo m_AllLiquidsByType = new map<int, ref NutritionalProfile>
static ref map< string, ref NutritionalProfilem_AllLiquidsByName = new map<string, ref NutritionalProfile>
static ref map< int, ref LiquidInfom_LiquidInfosByType = new map<int, ref LiquidInfo>
static ref map< string, ref LiquidInfom_LiquidInfosByName = new map<string, ref LiquidInfo>
static bool m_Init = InitAllLiquids()