Dayz 1.25
Dayz Code Explorer by KGB
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Структуры данных

class  string


proto native int ToInt ()
 Converts string to integer.
proto native int HexToInt ()
 Converts string to integer.
proto native float ToFloat ()
 Converts string to float.
proto vector ToVector ()
 Returns a vector from a string.
vector BeautifiedToVector ()
 Convert beautified string into a vector.
proto native int ToAscii ()
 Converts string's first character to ASCII code.
proto native ToType ()
 Returns internal type representation. Can be used in runtime, or cached in variables and used for faster inheritance checking.
static proto string ToString (void var, bool type=false, bool name=false, bool quotes=true)
 Return string representation of variable.
proto string Substring (int start, int len)
 Substring of 'str' from 'start' position 'len' number of characters.
string SubstringInverted (string string_to_split, int position_start, int position_end)
 Inverted SubString. This deletes everything in between position_start and position_end.
proto string SubstringUtf8 (int startChar, int len)
 Substring of 'str' from 'startChar' position 'len' number of characters for UTF8 strings with multibyte chars.
proto int Replace (string sample, string replace)
 Replace all occurrances of 'sample' in 'str' by 'replace'.
proto int ToLower ()
 Changes string to lowercase. Returns length.
proto int ToUpper ()
 Changes string to uppercase. Returns length.
proto native int Length ()
 Returns length of string.
proto native int LengthUtf8 ()
 Returns number of characters in UTF8 string.
proto native int Hash ()
 Returns hash of string.
proto native int IndexOf (string sample)
 Finds 'sample' in 'str'. Returns -1 when not found.
proto native int LastIndexOf (string sample)
 Finds last 'sample' in 'str'. Returns -1 when not found.
proto native int IndexOfFrom (int start, string sample)
 Finds 'sample' in 'str' from 'start' position. Returns -1 when not found.
bool Contains (string sample)
 Returns true if sample is substring of string.
proto string Trim ()
 Returns trimmed string with removed leading and trailing whitespaces.
proto int TrimInPlace ()
 Removes leading and trailing whitespaces in string. Returns length.
proto int ParseStringEx (out string token)
 Parses one token from input string. Result is put into token string, and type of token is returned. Input string is left-truncated by the resulting token length.
proto int ParseString (out string tokens[])
 Parses string into array of tokens returns number of tokens.
void Split (string sample, out array< string > output)
 Splits string into array of strings separated by 'sample'.
static string Join (string separator, notnull TStringArray tokens)
proto string Get (int index)
 Gets n-th character from string.
proto void Set (int index, string input)
 Sets the n-th character in string with the input, replacing previous value.
proto void Insert (int index, string input)
 Inserts a string into the n-th index, increasing the string length by the size of the input.
static proto string Format (string fmt, void param1=NULL, void param2=NULL, void param3=NULL, void param4=NULL, void param5=NULL, void param6=NULL, void param7=NULL, void param8=NULL, void param9=NULL)
 Gets n-th character from string.


static const string Empty

Подробное описание


◆ BeautifiedToVector()

vector BeautifiedToVector ( )

Convert beautified string into a vector.

vecbeautified string
vector resulting vector
68 {
69 string copy = value;
70 copy.Replace("<", "");
71 copy.Replace(">", "");
72 copy.Replace(",", " ");
73 return copy.ToVector();
74 }
Definition EntityAI.c:95

Перекрестные ссылки string::Replace() и string::ToVector().

Используется в ScriptConsoleGeneralTab::OnClick().

◆ Contains()

bool Contains ( string sample)

Returns true if sample is substring of string.

samplestring Finding string expression
bool true if sample is substring of string
string str = "Hello World";
Print( str.IndexOfFrom( 3, "Hello" ) );
Print( str.IndexOfFrom( 3, "Mexico" ) );
>> true
>> false
proto void Print(void var)
Prints content of variable to console/log.
287 {
288 return value.IndexOf(sample) != -1;
289 }

Используется в BaseBuildingBase::CheckLevelVerticalDistance(), AttachmentsOutOfReach::CreateAttachmentPosition(), CreateMission(), ItemBase::ToggleAnimation() и ObjectSpawnerHandler::ValidatePath().

◆ Format()

static proto string Format ( string fmt,
void param1 = NULL,
void param2 = NULL,
void param3 = NULL,
void param4 = NULL,
void param5 = NULL,
void param6 = NULL,
void param7 = NULL,
void param8 = NULL,
void param9 = NULL )

Gets n-th character from string.

indexcharacter index
string character on index-th position in string
int a = 5;
float b = 5.99;
string c = "beta";
string test = string.Format("Ahoj %1 = %3 , %2", a, b, c);
>> 'Ahoj 5 = 'beta' , 5.99'

Используется в Add(), ItemBase::EEItemAttached(), ItemBase::EEItemDetached(), FullTimeData::FormatedWithZero(), GetAdminLogMessage(), ErrorProperties::GetClientMessage(), GetColorString(), GetComponentNamesFromDamageZone(), GetDamageZoneMap(), TentBase::GetMaterialPath(), ErrorProperties::GetServerMessage(), ErrorHandlerModule::GetSimpleMessage(), array::GetTestEx(), Entity::InitDamageZoneDisplayNameMapping(), LandMineTrap(), ParticleList::RegisterParticle(), TFModule::Result() и TripwireTrap().

◆ Get()

proto string Get ( int index)

Gets n-th character from string.

indexcharacter index
string character on index-th position in string
VME When index less than 0 or greater than string length
string str = "Hello World";
Print( str[4] ); // Print( str.Get(4) );
>> 'o'

Используется в FireworksLauncherClientEvent::FireworksLauncherClientEvent(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::Highlight() и ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::Select().

◆ Hash()

proto native int Hash ( )

Returns hash of string.

int - Hash of string
string str = "Hello World";
int hash = str.Hash();

Используется в Capture(), DayZPlayer::OnStepEvent() и ArrowManagerPlayer::Save().

◆ HexToInt()

proto native int HexToInt ( )

Converts string to integer.

int - Converted string.
string str = "0xFF";
int i = str.HexToInt();
>> i = 255

◆ IndexOf()

proto native int IndexOf ( string sample)

Finds 'sample' in 'str'. Returns -1 when not found.

samplestring Finding string
int - Returns position where sample starts, or -1 when sample not found
string str = "Hello World";
Print( str.IndexOf( "H" ) );
Print( str.IndexOf( "W" ) );
Print( str.IndexOf( "Q" ) );
>> 0
>> 6
>> -1

Используется в PluginBase::GetPlayerPrefix().

◆ IndexOfFrom()

proto native int IndexOfFrom ( int start,
string sample )

Finds 'sample' in 'str' from 'start' position. Returns -1 when not found.

startint Start from position
samplestring Finding string expression
int - Length of string s
string str = "Hello World";
Print( str.IndexOfFrom( 3, "H" ) );
Print( str.IndexOfFrom( 3, "W" ) );
Print( str.IndexOfFrom( 3, "Q" ) );
>> -1
>> 6
>> -1

Используется в ActionUnmountBarbedWire::ActionCondition() и CGame::SetMissionPath().

◆ Insert()

proto void Insert ( int index,
string input )

Inserts a string into the n-th index, increasing the string length by the size of the input.

indexindex to insert at
inputstring value to insert with
VME When index less than 0 or greater than string length
VME When string is empty
string str = "Hello World";
str.Insert(6, "Test ");
>> 'Hello Test World'

Используется в HFSMBase< Class FSMStateBase, Class FSMEventBase, Class FSMActionBase, Class FSMGuardBase >::GetHierarchyPath(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::LoadEntries() и string::Split().

◆ Join()

static string Join ( string separator,
notnull TStringArray tokens )
425 {
426 string output;
427 foreach (int i, string s: tokens)
428 {
429 if (i != 0)
430 output += separator;
431 output += s;
432 }
433 return output;
434 }

◆ LastIndexOf()

proto native int LastIndexOf ( string sample)

Finds last 'sample' in 'str'. Returns -1 when not found.

samplestring Finding string
int - Returns position where sample starts, or -1 when sample not found
string str = "Hello World";
Print( str.IndexOf( "l" ) );
>> 9

◆ Length()

◆ LengthUtf8()

proto native int LengthUtf8 ( )

Returns number of characters in UTF8 string.

int - Number of characters in UTF8 string
string str = "こんにちは世界";
int i = str.LengthUtf8();
>> i = 7

◆ ParseString()

proto int ParseString ( out string tokens[])

Parses string into array of tokens returns number of tokens.

[out]tokensarray[] Parsed string in array
int Number of tokens
string token[2];
string str = "Hello World";
int result = str.ParseString(token);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
>> 'Hello'
>> 'World'

◆ ParseStringEx()

proto int ParseStringEx ( out string token)

Parses one token from input string. Result is put into token string, and type of token is returned. Input string is left-truncated by the resulting token length.

[out]tokenstring Founded string token
int Type of token
Token types:
 0 - error, no token
 1 - defined token (special characters etc. . / * )
 2 - quoted string. Quotes are removed -> TODO
 3 - alphabetic string
 4 - number
 5 - end of line -> TODO
string input = "Hello*World";
string token1;
string token2;
int result1 = input.ParseStringEx(token1);
int result2 = input.ParseStringEx(token2);
Print( "Token1 = '" + token1 + "' Type = " + result1.ToString() ) );
Print( "Token2 = '" + token2 + "' Type = " + result2.ToString() ) );
>> 'Toke1 = 'Hello' Type = 3'
>> 'Toke1 = '*' Type = 1'

◆ Replace()

proto int Replace ( string sample,
string replace )

Replace all occurrances of 'sample' in 'str' by 'replace'.

samplestring to search in str
replacestring which replace sample in str
int - number of occurrances of 'sample' in 'str'
string test = "If the length of the C string in source is less than num, only the content up to the terminating null-character is copied.";
int count = test.Replace("the", "*");
>> string test = 'If the length of the C string in source is less than num, only the content up to the terminating null-character is copied.';
>> int count = 4
>> string test = 'If * length of * C string in source is less than num, only * content up to * terminating null-character is copied.'

Используется в string::BeautifiedToVector() и ResavePlugin::RunCommandline().

◆ Set()

proto void Set ( int index,
string input )

Sets the n-th character in string with the input, replacing previous value.

indexindex to be replaced
inputsingle non-terminated character value to replace with
VME When index less than 0 or greater than string length
(Diag) VME When string is empty or greater than length of 1 (Retail) Calls 'string.Insert' except it replaces only the initial character
string str = "Hello World";
str[4] = "O";
>> 'HellO World'
string str = "Hello World";
str[6] = "Test ";
>> 'Hello Test orld'

◆ Split()

void Split ( string sample,
out array< string > output )

Splits string into array of strings separated by 'sample'.

samplestring Strings separator
TStringArray Array with strings
string example = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
example.Split(" ", strs);
for (int i = 0; i < strs.Count(); i++)
>> 'The'
>> 'quick'
>> 'brown'
>> 'fox'
>> 'jumps'
>> 'over'
>> 'the'
>> 'lazy'
>> 'dog'
array< string > TStringArray
Definition EnScript.c:685
397 {
398 int txt_len = 0;
399 int sep_pos = -1;
400 int nxt_sep_pos = 0;
401 string text = "";
403 bool line_end = false;
404 while (line_end == false)
405 {
406 sep_pos = sep_pos + txt_len + 1;
407 nxt_sep_pos = value.IndexOfFrom(sep_pos, sample);
408 if ( nxt_sep_pos == -1 )
409 {
410 nxt_sep_pos = value.Length();
411 line_end = true;
412 }
415 if ( txt_len > 0 )
416 {
417 text = value.Substring(sep_pos, txt_len);
418 output.Insert(text);
419 }
420 }
421 }

Перекрестные ссылки string::Insert() и string::Substring().

Используется в ScriptConsoleConfigTab::OnClick() и ParseData().

◆ Substring()

proto string Substring ( int start,
int len )

Substring of 'str' from 'start' position 'len' number of characters.

startPosition in str
lenCount of characters
string - Substring of str
string str = "Hello World";
string strSub = str.Substring(2, 5);
>> strSub = llo W

Используется в ActionUnmountBarbedWire::ActionCondition(), PluginBase::GetPlayerPrefix(), CGame::SetMissionPath(), string::Split() и string::SubstringInverted().

◆ SubstringInverted()

string SubstringInverted ( string string_to_split,
int position_start,
int position_end )

Inverted SubString. This deletes everything in between position_start and position_end.

117 {
118 string first_half = string_to_split.Substring(0, position_start);
119 string second_half = string_to_split.Substring( position_end, string_to_split.Length() - position_end );
120 string result = first_half + second_half;
121 return result;
122 }

Перекрестные ссылки string::Length() и string::Substring().

◆ SubstringUtf8()

proto string SubstringUtf8 ( int startChar,
int len )

Substring of 'str' from 'startChar' position 'len' number of characters for UTF8 strings with multibyte chars.

startCharPosition in str.
lenCount of characters
string - Substring of str with startChar character and len characters
string str = "こんにちは世界";
string strSub = str.SubstringUtf8(2, 4);

◆ ToAscii()

proto native int ToAscii ( )

Converts string's first character to ASCII code.

strString for convert to ASCII code
ascii code int.
int ascii = "M".ToAscii();
>> ascii = 77

◆ ToFloat()

proto native float ToFloat ( )

Converts string to float.

float - Converted string in float.
string str = "56.6";
float f = str.ToFloat();
>> f = 56.6

◆ ToInt()

proto native int ToInt ( )

Converts string to integer.

int - Converted string.
string str = "56";
int i = str.ToInt();
>> i = 56

◆ ToLower()

proto int ToLower ( )

Changes string to lowercase. Returns length.

int - Length of changed string
string str = "Hello World";
int i = str.ToLower();
>> i = 11

Используется в AttachmentsOutOfReach::CreateAttachmentPosition() и DynamicMusicPlayerRegistry::PreloadData().

◆ ToString()

static proto string ToString ( void var,
bool type = false,
bool name = false,
bool quotes = true )

Return string representation of variable.

Используется в PrintElements() и ToStringLen().

◆ ToType()

proto native ToType ( )

Returns internal type representation. Can be used in runtime, or cached in variables and used for faster inheritance checking.

typename Type of class

Используется в CreateParticle(), ImpactMaterials::EvaluateImpactEffect(), PluginBase::GetModuleType(), EffectArea::GetRequesterIndex() и ImpactMaterials::RegisterSurface().

◆ ToUpper()

proto int ToUpper ( )

Changes string to uppercase. Returns length.

int - Length of changed string
string str = "Hello World";
int i = str.ToUpper();
>> i = 11
Definition EnProfiler.c:30

◆ ToVector()

proto vector ToVector ( )

Returns a vector from a string.

vector Converted s as vector
string str = "1 0 1";
vector v = str.ToVector();
>> v = <1,0,1>
Definition EnConvert.c:106

Используется в string::BeautifiedToVector().

◆ Trim()

proto string Trim ( )

Returns trimmed string with removed leading and trailing whitespaces.

string - Trimmed string
string str = " Hello World "
Print( str.Trim() );
>> ' Hello World '
>> 'Hello World'

◆ TrimInPlace()

proto int TrimInPlace ( )

Removes leading and trailing whitespaces in string. Returns length.

int - Count of chars
string str = " Hello World ";
int i = str.TrimInPlace();
>> str = 'Hello World'
>> i = 11


◆ Empty