DayZ 1.26
DayZ Explorer by KGB
Структуры данных | |
class | string |
Функции | |
proto native int | ToInt () |
Converts string to integer. | |
proto native int | HexToInt () |
Converts string to integer. | |
proto native float | ToFloat () |
Converts string to float. | |
proto vector | ToVector () |
Returns a vector from a string. | |
vector | BeautifiedToVector () |
Convert beautified string into a vector. | |
proto native int | ToAscii () |
Converts string's first character to ASCII code. | |
proto native | ToType () |
Returns internal type representation. Can be used in runtime, or cached in variables and used for faster inheritance checking. | |
static proto string | ToString (void var, bool type=false, bool name=false, bool quotes=true) |
Return string representation of variable. | |
proto string | Substring (int start, int len) |
Substring of 'str' from 'start' position 'len' number of characters. | |
string | SubstringInverted (string string_to_split, int position_start, int position_end) |
Inverted SubString. This deletes everything in between position_start and position_end. | |
proto string | SubstringUtf8 (int startChar, int len) |
Substring of 'str' from 'startChar' position 'len' number of characters for UTF8 strings with multibyte chars. | |
proto int | Replace (string sample, string replace) |
Replace all occurrances of 'sample' in 'str' by 'replace'. | |
proto int | ToLower () |
Changes string to lowercase. Returns length. | |
proto int | ToUpper () |
Changes string to uppercase. Returns length. | |
proto native int | Length () |
Returns length of string. | |
proto native int | LengthUtf8 () |
Returns number of characters in UTF8 string. | |
proto native int | Hash () |
Returns hash of string. | |
proto native int | IndexOf (string sample) |
Finds 'sample' in 'str'. Returns -1 when not found. | |
proto native int | LastIndexOf (string sample) |
Finds last 'sample' in 'str'. Returns -1 when not found. | |
proto native int | IndexOfFrom (int start, string sample) |
Finds 'sample' in 'str' from 'start' position. Returns -1 when not found. | |
bool | Contains (string sample) |
Returns true if sample is substring of string. | |
proto string | Trim () |
Returns trimmed string with removed leading and trailing whitespaces. | |
proto int | TrimInPlace () |
Removes leading and trailing whitespaces in string. Returns length. | |
proto int | ParseStringEx (out string token) |
Parses one token from input string. Result is put into token string, and type of token is returned. Input string is left-truncated by the resulting token length. | |
proto int | ParseString (out string tokens[]) |
Parses string into array of tokens returns number of tokens. | |
void | Split (string sample, out array< string > output) |
Splits string into array of strings separated by 'sample'. | |
static string | Join (string separator, notnull TStringArray tokens) |
proto string | Get (int index) |
Gets n-th character from string. | |
proto void | Set (int index, string input) |
Sets the n-th character in string with the input, replacing previous value. | |
proto void | Insert (int index, string input) |
Inserts a string into the n-th index, increasing the string length by the size of the input. | |
static proto string | Format (string fmt, void param1=NULL, void param2=NULL, void param3=NULL, void param4=NULL, void param5=NULL, void param6=NULL, void param7=NULL, void param8=NULL, void param9=NULL) |
Gets n-th character from string. | |
Переменные | |
static const string | Empty |
inlineprivate |
Convert beautified string into a vector.
vec | beautified string |
resulting vector Перекрестные ссылки string::Replace() и string::ToVector().
Returns true if sample is substring of string.
sample | string Finding string expression |
true if sample is substring of string Используется в BaseBuildingBase::CheckLevelVerticalDistance(), AttachmentsOutOfReach::CreateAttachmentPosition(), CreateMission(), ItemBase::ToggleAnimation() и ObjectSpawnerHandler::ValidatePath().
staticprivate |
Gets n-th character from string.
index | character index |
character on index-th position in string Используется в Add(), ItemBase::EEItemAttached(), ItemBase::EEItemDetached(), FullTimeData::FormatedWithZero(), GetAdminLogMessage(), ErrorProperties::GetClientMessage(), GetColorString(), GetComponentNamesFromDamageZone(), GetDamageZoneMap(), TentBase::GetMaterialPath(), ErrorProperties::GetServerMessage(), ErrorHandlerModule::GetSimpleMessage(), array::GetTestEx(), Entity::InitDamageZoneDisplayNameMapping(), LandMineTrap(), CfgPlayerRestrictedAreaHandler::LoadData(), ParticleList::RegisterParticle(), TFModule::Result() и TripwireTrap().
Gets n-th character from string.
index | character index |
character on index-th position in string Используется в FireworksLauncherClientEvent::FireworksLauncherClientEvent(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::Highlight() и ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::Select().
Returns hash of string.
- Hash of string Используется в Capture(), DayZPlayer::OnStepEvent(), ArrowManagerPlayer::Save() и SetupProbabilityArray().
Finds 'sample' in 'str'. Returns -1 when not found.
sample | string Finding string |
- Returns position where sample
starts, or -1 when sample
not found Используется в PluginBase::GetPlayerPrefix().
Finds 'sample' in 'str' from 'start' position. Returns -1 when not found.
start | int Start from position |
sample | string Finding string expression |
- Length of string s
Используется в ActionUnmountBarbedWire::GetZoneSelection() и CGame::SetMissionPath().
Inserts a string into the n-th index, increasing the string length by the size of the input.
index | index to insert at |
input | string value to insert with |
Используется в HFSMBase< Class FSMStateBase, Class FSMEventBase, Class FSMActionBase, Class FSMGuardBase >::GetHierarchyPath(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::LoadEntries() и string::Split().
inlinestaticprivate |
Returns length of string.
- Length of string Используется в FireworksLauncherClientEvent::FireworksLauncherClientEvent(), ItemBase::GetSlotIndexBySelection(), ActionUnmountBarbedWire::GetZoneSelection(), ActionCarDoors::OnEnd(), DayZPlayer::OnStepEvent(), string::SubstringInverted() и ToStringLen().
Parses one token from input string. Result is put into token string, and type of token is returned. Input string is left-truncated by the resulting token length.
[out] | token | string Founded string token |
Replace all occurrances of 'sample' in 'str' by 'replace'.
sample | string to search in str |
replace | string which replace sample in str |
- number of occurrances of 'sample' in 'str' Используется в string::BeautifiedToVector() и ResavePlugin::RunCommandline().
Sets the n-th character in string with the input, replacing previous value.
index | index to be replaced |
input | single non-terminated character value to replace with |
Splits string into array of strings separated by 'sample'.
sample | string Strings separator |
Array with strings Перекрестные ссылки string::Insert() и string::Substring().
Используется в GetServersResultRow::GetIP(), ScriptConsoleConfigTab::OnClick() и ParseData().
Substring of 'str' from 'start' position 'len' number of characters.
start | Position in str |
len | Count of characters |
- Substring of str
Используется в PluginBase::GetPlayerPrefix(), ActionUnmountBarbedWire::GetZoneSelection(), CGame::SetMissionPath(), string::Split() и string::SubstringInverted().
inlineprivate |
Inverted SubString. This deletes everything in between position_start and position_end.
Перекрестные ссылки string::Length() и string::Substring().
Substring of 'str' from 'startChar' position 'len' number of characters for UTF8 strings with multibyte chars.
startChar | Position in str . |
len | Count of characters |
- Substring of str
with startChar
character and len
staticprivate |
Return string representation of variable.
Используется в PrintElements() и ToStringLen().
Returns internal type representation. Can be used in runtime, or cached in variables and used for faster inheritance checking.
Type of class Используется в CreateParticle(), ImpactMaterials::EvaluateImpactEffect(), PluginBase::GetModuleType() и ImpactMaterials::RegisterSurface().
Используется в ActionTuneFrequencyOnGround::ActionTuneFrequencyOnGround(), PluginBase::GetFileName(), PluginBase::GetSubFolderName(), ActionBase::GetTargetName(), PlayerSpawnPresetComplexChildrenType::IsValid(), Debug::LogMessage(), WeaponStateBase::OnEntry(), WeaponStateBase::OnExit(), DebugPrint::TrimStackTrace(), UIScriptedMenu::UpdateDisconnectTexts() и ReplaceItemWithNewLambdaBase::WantCreateNewEntity().