DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Файл FishingRod_Base.c

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class  FishingRod_Base_New


void FishingRod_Base ()
void Init ()
 Launched from 'DayZGame.DeferredInit' to make earlier access, use, and updates impossible (downside of a non-static system)
bool IsFishingActive ()
void ActivateFishing ()
void DeactivateFishing ()
void FishPull ()
void Catching ()
void Pulling ()
void End (int result)
void AddPull (float delta)
void DisplayState ()
override bool CanPutInCargo (EntityAI parent)
override void SetActions ()
float GetFishingEffectivityBonus ()


FishingRod_Base_New ANIM_PHASE_OPENED = "OpenRod"
const string ANIM_PHASE_CLOSED = "CloseRod"
const float BREAK_PULL = 36
const float TOO_MUCH_PULL = 32
const float HIGH_PULL = 22
const float LOW_PULL = 18
const float TOO_FEW_PULL = 8
const float LOOSE_PULL = 0
const int LOSS_BREAK = 0
const int LOSS_LOOSE = 1
const int WIN = 2
const int INTERUPTED = 3
const float INIT_LINE_STRETCH = 15
const float MIN_FISHING_TIME = 100
const float MAX_FISHING_TIME = 150
const int FISH_PULL_CHANCE = 15
const int FISH_AGILITY = 15
int m_FishProximity
bool m_Fishing
ref Timer m_CyclerCatching
ref Timer m_Cycler
float m_Pull
float m_DeltaT
bool m_WasPulled
bool m_IsFishPulling
float m_PullTime
float m_FishPull
int m_FishingTime
PlayerBase m_Player
int m_ChanceRange