DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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◆ DayZPlayerTypeStepSoundLookupTableImpl()

void DayZPlayerTypeAttachmentSoundLookupTableImpl::DayZPlayerTypeStepSoundLookupTableImpl ( )

См. определение в файле DayZPlayerCfgSounds.c строка 106

106 {
110 string attachCfgPath = "CfgVehicles SurvivorBase AnimEvents Attachments ";
111 int attachCount = GetGame().ConfigGetChildrenCount(attachCfgPath);
112 for(int i = 0; i < attachCount; i++)
113 {
114 string defName;
115 GetGame().ConfigGetChildName(attachCfgPath, i, defName);
116 string defPath = attachCfgPath + defName + " ";
118 string slotName;
119 GetGame().ConfigGetText(defPath + "slot", slotName);
121 int id = GetGame().ConfigGetInt(defPath + "id");
123 string tableName;
124 GetGame().ConfigGetText(defPath + "soundLookupTable", tableName);
126 AttachmentSoundLookupTable table = m_pSoundTableInstances.Get(tableName.Hash());
127 if(table == NULL)
128 {
129 table = new AttachmentSoundLookupTable();
130 table.LoadTable(tableName);
131 m_pSoundTableInstances.Insert(tableName.Hash(), table);
132 }
PlayerSpawnPreset slotName
Определения ControlsXboxNew.c:4
autoptr map< int, StepSoundLookupTable > m_pSoundTables
Определения DayZPlayerCfgSounds.c:202
autoptr map< int, ref StepSoundLookupTable > m_pSoundTableInstances
Определения DayZPlayerCfgSounds.c:201
proto bool ConfigGetChildName(string path, int index, out string name)
Get name of subclass in config class on path.
proto native int ConfigGetInt(string path)
Get int value from config on path.
proto bool ConfigGetText(string path, out string value)
Get string value from config on path.
proto native int ConfigGetChildrenCount(string path)
Get count of subclasses in config class on path.
proto native CGame GetGame()
proto native int Hash()
Returns hash of string.

Перекрестные ссылки CGame::ConfigGetChildName(), CGame::ConfigGetChildrenCount(), CGame::ConfigGetInt(), CGame::ConfigGetText(), GetGame(), string::Hash(), m_pSoundTableInstances, m_pSoundTables и slotName.

Используется в DayZPlayerTypeAttachmentSoundLookupTableImpl() и DayZPlayerTypeRegisterSounds().