DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Файл humanitems.c

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Структуры данных

class  HumanItemBehaviorCfg


class HumanItemBehaviorCfg OnItemInHandsChanged (bool pInstant=false)
 signalization from script to engine that item in hands changed
void SetIK (int pStance, int pMovement, bool pAim, bool pRArm, bool pLArm)
void SetIKStance (int pStance, bool pAim, bool pRArm, bool pLArm)
void SetIKMelee (int pHitType, bool pAim, bool pRArm, bool pLArm)
void SetIKAll (bool pAim, bool pRArm, bool pLArm)
proto native void ResetWeaponInHands ()
 reset weapon anim override in case of premature death
proto native void HideItemInHands (bool pState)
 hides item in hands visually
proto native bool IsItemInHandsHidden ()
 returns if item in hands is hidden visually
proto native bool IsItemInHandsWeapon ()
 returns true if item in hands is a weapon
proto native bool WeaponGetCameraPoint (out vector pPos, out vector pRot)
 returns true if weapon is item and it has camera point - local pos, dir in weapon space
proto native bool WeaponGetCameraPointMSTransform (notnull EntityAI pCamEntity, vector pCamPoint, vector pCamDir, out vector pTm[4])
 returns true if weapon is item and it has camera point - model space matrix -
proto native bool WeaponGetCameraPointBoneRelative (notnull EntityAI pCamEntity, vector pCamPoint, vector pCamDir, int pBoneIndex, out vector pTm[4])
 returns true if weapon is item and it has camera point - model space matrix -
proto native bool WeaponGetAimingModelDirTm (out vector pTm[4])
 return current aiming point from aiming model (additive swaying applied - no recoil points)
proto native HumanItemBehaviorCfg GetItemInHandsBehaviourCfg ()
void HumanItemAccessor ()
void ~HumanItemAccessor ()


static int IKSETTING_AIMING = 0x1
 bit mask of ik settings
static int IKSETTING_RHAND = 0x2
static int IKSETTING_LHAND = 0x4
int m_iType
int m_iStanceMask
 combinations of STANCEMASK_
int m_StanceMovements [6]
int m_StanceRotation [6]
 6 stances -> all has movement mask, STANCEIDX_ ... is index
int m_IKSettings [24]
int m_IKSettingsMelee [2]
 [stance][movement] mask for ik
int m_iPerItemCameraUserData
 [inpact type] mask for ik (0 - light/1 - heavy)
float m_fMoveHeadingFilterSpan
 per item camera user data - can be obtained in runtime by DayZPlayer.GetPerItemCameraUD()
float m_fMoveHeadingSprintFilterSpan
 default delay of alignment when moving
float m_fMoveHeadingProneFilterSpan
 delay of alignment when sprintinh
float m_fMoveHeadingFilterSpeed
 delay of alignment when moving in prone stance
float m_fMeleeEvadeHeadingFilterSpan
 max speed of alignment when moving
float m_fMeleeEvadeHeadingFilterSpeed
 delay of alignment when evading
bool m_bAttackLean
 max speed of alignment when evading
bool m_bJumpAllowed
 default false
bool m_bPlaceholder
 default true