DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
Не найдено

◆ GetOnScreenPosition()

void ActionTargetsCursor::GetOnScreenPosition ( out float x,
out float y )

kept for backward compatibility

Get memory LOD from p3d

save selection from memory lod

cache current object and the widget world pos


single vertex in selection

multiple vertices in selection

cache current object and the widget world pos

do not store component index for doors/handles

ladders handling

cache current object and the widget world pos

do not store component index for ladders

См. определение в файле ActionTargetsCursor.c строка 471

473 {
474 const float DEFAULT_HANDLE_OFFSET = 0.2;
475 const string CE_CENTER_COMP_NAME = "ce_center";
476 const string MEM_LOD_NAME = LOD.NAME_MEMORY;
478 int compIdx;
479 float pivotOffset = 0.0;
480 float memOffset = 0.0;
481 string compName;
483 bool isTargetForced = false;
485 vector worldPos;
486 vector modelPos;
488 LOD lod;
490 array<Selection> memSelections = new array<Selection>();
491 array<string> components = new array<string>; // for components with multiple selection
493 Object object;
495 if (m_Target)
496 {
497 object = m_Target.GetObject();
498 compIdx = m_Target.GetComponentIndex();
500 if (m_Target.GetCursorHitPos() == vector.Zero)
501 isTargetForced = true;
502 }
503 else
504 {
505 return;
506 }
508 if (object)
509 {
510 if (!isTargetForced)
511 {
512 compName = object.GetActionComponentName(compIdx);
513 object.GetActionComponentNameList(compIdx, components);
515 if (!object.IsInventoryItem() && (object.HasFixedActionTargetCursorPosition() || object.GetActionComponentNameList(compIdx, components) == 0))
516 {
517 m_FixedOnPosition = true;
518 return;
519 }
521 pivotOffset = object.ConfigGetFloat("actionTargetPivotOffsetY");
522 memOffset = object.ConfigGetFloat("actionTargetMemOffsetY");
525 lod = object.GetLODByName(MEM_LOD_NAME);
526 if (lod != null)
527 {
529 lod.GetSelections(memSelections);
531 // items with CE_Center mem point
532 if (MiscGameplayFunctions.IsComponentInSelection(memSelections, CE_CENTER_COMP_NAME))
533 {
534 for (int i2 = 0; i2 < memSelections.Count(); ++i2)
535 {
536 if (memSelections[i2].GetName() == CE_CENTER_COMP_NAME && memSelections[i2].GetVertexCount() == 1)
537 {
538 m_FixedOnPosition = false;
539 modelPos = object.GetSelectionPositionMS(CE_CENTER_COMP_NAME);
540 worldPos = object.ModelToWorld(modelPos);
541 if (memOffset != 0.0)
542 {
543 worldPos[1] = worldPos[1] + memOffset;
544 }
545 else
546 {
547 worldPos[1] = worldPos[1] + DEFAULT_HANDLE_OFFSET;
548 }
549 }
550 }
553 m_CachedObject.Store(object, worldPos, compIdx);
554 }
556 else if (!compName.Contains("ladder") && IsComponentInSelection(memSelections, compName))
557 {
558 for (int i1 = 0; i1 < memSelections.Count(); ++i1)
559 {
561 if (memSelections[i1].GetName() == compName && memSelections[i1].GetVertexCount() == 1)
562 {
563 modelPos = object.GetSelectionPositionMS(compName);
564 worldPos = object.ModelToWorld(modelPos);
566 m_FixedOnPosition = false;
567 if (object.GetType() == "Fence" || object.GetType() == "Watchttower" || object.GetType() == "GardenPlot")
568 m_FixedOnPosition = true;
570 if (memOffset != 0.0)
571 {
572 worldPos[1] = worldPos[1] + memOffset;
573 }
574 else
575 {
576 worldPos[1] = worldPos[1] + DEFAULT_HANDLE_OFFSET;
577 }
578 }
581 if (memSelections[i1].GetName() == compName && memSelections[i1].GetVertexCount() > 1)
582 {
583 for (int j = 0; j < components.Count(); ++j)
584 {
585 if (IsComponentInSelection(memSelections, components[j]))
586 {
587 modelPos = object.GetSelectionPositionMS(components[j]);
588 worldPos = object.ModelToWorld(modelPos);
590 m_FixedOnPosition = false;
591 if (memOffset != 0.0)
592 {
593 worldPos[1] = worldPos[1] + memOffset;
594 }
595 else
596 {
597 worldPos[1] = worldPos[1] + DEFAULT_HANDLE_OFFSET;
598 }
599 }
600 }
601 }
602 }
605 m_CachedObject.Store(object, worldPos, -1);
606 }
608 else if (compName.Contains("ladder") && IsComponentInSelection(memSelections, compName))
609 {
610 vector ladderHandlePointLS, ladderHandlePointWS;
611 vector closestHandlePos;
612 float lastDistance = 0;
614 for (int i3 = 0; i3 < memSelections.Count(); ++i3)
615 {
616 if (memSelections[i3].GetName() == compName && memSelections[i3].GetVertexCount() > 1)
617 {
618 ladderHandlePointLS = memSelections[i3].GetVertexPosition(lod, 0);
619 ladderHandlePointWS = object.ModelToWorld(ladderHandlePointLS);
620 closestHandlePos = ladderHandlePointWS;
621 lastDistance = Math.AbsFloat(vector.DistanceSq(ladderHandlePointWS, m_Player.GetPosition()));
623 for (int k = 1; k < memSelections[i3].GetVertexCount(); ++k)
624 {
625 ladderHandlePointLS = memSelections[i3].GetVertexPosition(lod, k);
626 ladderHandlePointWS = object.ModelToWorld(ladderHandlePointLS);
628 if (lastDistance > Math.AbsFloat(vector.DistanceSq(ladderHandlePointWS, m_Player.GetPosition())))
629 {
630 lastDistance = Math.AbsFloat(vector.DistanceSq(ladderHandlePointWS, m_Player.GetPosition()));
631 closestHandlePos = ladderHandlePointWS;
632 }
633 }
635 m_FixedOnPosition = false;
636 worldPos = closestHandlePos;
637 if (memOffset != 0.0)
638 {
639 worldPos[1] = worldPos[1] + memOffset;
640 }
641 else
642 {
643 worldPos[1] = worldPos[1] + DEFAULT_HANDLE_OFFSET;
644 }
645 }
646 }
649 m_CachedObject.Store(object, worldPos, -1);
650 }
651 else
652 {
653 m_FixedOnPosition = true;
654 }
655 }
656 else
657 {
658 m_FixedOnPosition = true;
659 }
660 }
661 else
662 {
663 m_FixedOnPosition = true;
664 }
666 vector pos = TransformToScreenPos(worldPos);
668 x = pos[0];
669 y = pos[1];
670 }
672 worldPos = vector.Zero;
673 isTargetForced = false;
eBleedingSourceType GetType()
Определения BleedingSource.c:63
override bool HasFixedActionTargetCursorPosition()
Определения DayZAnimal.c:120
Icon x
Icon y
bool IsComponentInSelection(array< Selection > selection, string compName)
Определения ActionTargetsCursor.c:676
PlayerBase m_Player
Определения ActionTargetsCursor.c:60
ActionTarget m_Target
Определения ActionTargetsCursor.c:61
bool m_FixedOnPosition
Определения ActionTargetsCursor.c:81
vector TransformToScreenPos(vector pWorldPos)
transform world pos to screen pos (related to parent widget size)
Определения ActionTargetsCursor.c:454
ref ATCCachedObject m_CachedObject
Определения ActionTargetsCursor.c:62
proto native bool GetSelections(notnull out array< Selection > selections)
static const vector Zero
Определения EnConvert.c:110
class LOD Object
bool Contains(string sample)
Returns true if sample is substring of string.
Определения EnString.c:286
proto native owned string GetName()
Test name getter. Strictly for UI porposes!
Определения SyncedValue.c:119

Перекрестные ссылки Math::AbsFloat(), string::Contains(), vector::DistanceSq(), GetName(), LOD::GetSelections(), GetType(), HasFixedActionTargetCursorPosition(), IsComponentInSelection(), m_CachedObject, m_FixedOnPosition, m_Player, m_Target, LOD::NAME_MEMORY, TransformToScreenPos(), x, y и vector::Zero.

Используется в BuildFloatingCursor().