Dayz 1.25
Dayz Code Explorer by KGB
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См. исходные тексты.

Структуры данных

class  AnimEvent
class  SoundEvent
class  vobject
class  PacketInputAdapter
class  Material
class  Link< Class T >

Определения типов

typedef int[] vobject


class vobject WriteBool (bool value)
proto native IEntitySource ToEntitySource ()
proto native void WriteInt (int value)
proto native void WriteFloat (float value)
proto native void WriteString (string value)
proto native void WriteVector (vector value)
proto native void WriteMatrixAsQuaternionVector (vector mat[4])
proto native void WriteIntAsByte (int value)
proto native void WriteIntAsUByte (int value)
proto native void WriteIntAsHalf (int value)
proto native void WriteIntAsUHalf (int value)
proto native void WriteFloatAsByte (float value, float min, float max)
proto native void WriteFloatAsHalf (float value, float min, float max)
proto native void MakeScreenshot (string name)
proto native int GetFPS ()
SkyDome API
proto native int LoadSkyPresets (string presetsFile)
proto native int InitSky (string presetName)
proto native int SetSkyPreset (string presetName, float stormy, float dayTime)
proto native int LerpSkyPreset (string presetName1, string presetName2, float dayTime, float stormy1, float stormy2, float lerpVal)
proto native int LerpSkyPreset3 (string presetName1, string presetName2, string presetName3, float dayTime, float stormy1, float stormy2, float stormy3, float w1, float w2, float w3)
proto native void SetSkyUserPlanets (bool enabled)
proto native bool SetSkyPlanet (int index, float azimuthDeg, float zenithDeg)
proto native bool SetSkyPlanetSize (int index, float angleDeg)
proto native void SetStarsObserverTime (int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, float sec, int offsetSec)
proto native void SetStarsObserverPosition (float latitudeDeg, float longitudeDeg)
proto native void SetRealStarAutoUpdate (bool update)
proto native void SetNightLayerRotMatrix (vector mat[3])
proto native void SetStarsRotMatrix (vector mat[3])


class PacketInputAdapter WriteBool

Materials API

typedef int[] Material
int VectortoRGBA (vector vec, float h)
int ARGB (int a, int r, int g, int b)
int ARGBF (float fa, float fr, float fg, float fb)
 Converts <0.0, 1.0> ARGB into color.
int AWHITE (int a)
int LerpARGB (int c1, int c2)


◆ Material

typedef int [] Material

◆ vobject

typedef int [] vobject


◆ ARGB()

int ARGB ( int a,
int r,
int g,
int b )
324 a = a << 24;
325 r = r << 16;
326 g = g << 8;
327 return a | r | g | b;

Используется в AddModifier(), BleedingIndicatorDropData::AdjustColorSaturation(), ARGBF(), CalculateEyeAccoTarget(), UIScriptedMenu::ColorDisable(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::ColorDisabled(), OptionSelectorBase::ColorDisabledConsole(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::ColorDisabledConsole(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::ColorFocussed(), UIScriptedMenu::ColorHighlight(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::ColorHighlight(), OptionSelectorBase::ColorHighlight(), ColorHighlight(), ServerBrowserTab::ColorHighlight(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::ColorHighlightConsole(), UIScriptedMenu::ColorNormal(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::ColorNormal(), OptionSelectorBase::ColorNormal(), ColorNormal(), ServerBrowserTab::ColorNormal(), OptionSelectorBase::ColorNormalConsole(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::ColorNormalConsole(), OptionSelectorBase::ColorOption(), UIScriptedMenu::ColorRed(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::ColorRed(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::ColorRed(), ScriptConsoleEnfScriptTab::ColorRunButton(), UIScriptedMenu::ColorWhite(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::ColorWhite(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::ColorWhite(), HandsPreview::CreateNewIcon(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::Darken(), Transport::DebugFreeAreaAtDoor(), EntityAI::DebugFreeAreaAtDoor(), HandsPreview::DeleteIcon(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::DeselectTabControl(), Hud::DisplayTendencyNormal(), Hud::DisplayTendencyTemp(), Icon::FullScreen(), ScriptConsoleItemsTab::GetFilterColor(), GetTemperatureColor(), ScriptConsoleItemsTab::Init(), Hud::InitBadgesAndNotifiers(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::Lighten(), ScriptConsoleItemsTab::OnChange(), InventoryGridController::OnItemDraggingOver(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::OnMouseEnter(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::OnMouseLeave(), OnWidgetScriptInit(), ScriptConsoleItemsTab::PrepareFilters(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::Preview(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::Select(), ScriptedWidgetEventHandler::SelectTabControl(), Hud::Update() и UIScriptedMenu::UpdateQuickbarItemCard().



int AWHITE ( int a)
340 return a << 24 | 0xffffff;

◆ GetFPS()

proto native int GetFPS ( )

Returns actual fps (average in last 10 frames)

◆ InitSky()

proto native int InitSky ( string presetName)

initialize sky with preset, must be called to set the global planets setting

presetNamename of preset to be set (one of presets from file loaded using LoadSkyPresets)

◆ LerpARGB()

int LerpARGB ( int c1,
int c2 )
346 int cb1, cb2;
347 const int cmask = 0x00ff00ff;
349 cb1 = c1 >> 8 & cmask;
350 cb2 = c2 >> 8 & cmask;
351 cb1 = cb1 + cb2 >> 1;
353 c1 = c1 & cmask;
354 c2 = c2 & cmask;
355 c1 = c1 + c2 >> 1;
357 return cb1 << 8 | c1;

◆ LerpSkyPreset()

proto native int LerpSkyPreset ( string presetName1,
string presetName2,
float dayTime,
float stormy1,
float stormy2,
float lerpVal )

lerp two sky presets and set the result using day time

presetName1name of preset1 to be set (one of presets from file loaded using LoadSkyPresets)
presetName2name of preset2 to be set (one of presets from file loaded using LoadSkyPresets)
dayTimeday of time <0, 1>
stormy1stormy parameter for preset1 <0, 1>
stormy2stormy parameter for preset2 <0, 1>
lerpVallerp value between two presets

◆ LerpSkyPreset3()

proto native int LerpSkyPreset3 ( string presetName1,
string presetName2,
string presetName3,
float dayTime,
float stormy1,
float stormy2,
float stormy3,
float w1,
float w2,
float w3 )

lerp three sky presets using barycentric coordinates and set the result using day time

presetName1name of preset1 to be set (one of presets from file loaded using LoadSkyPresets)
presetName2name of preset2 to be set (one of presets from file loaded using LoadSkyPresets)
presetName2name of preset3 to be set (one of presets from file loaded using LoadSkyPresets)
dayTimeday of time <0, 1>
stormy1stormy parameter for preset1 <0, 1>
stormy2stormy parameter for preset2 <0, 1>
stormy3stormy parameter for preset3 <0, 1>
w1weight for preset1
w2weight for preset2
w3weight for preset3

◆ LoadSkyPresets()

proto native int LoadSkyPresets ( string presetsFile)

load all sky presets from xml file

presetFilename of XML file with presets

◆ MakeScreenshot()

proto native void MakeScreenshot ( string name)

makes screenshot and stores it in to a DDS format file if the name begins with '$' the screenshot in stored in the fullpath according to the name parameter otherwise the screenshot is stored in "$profile:ScreenShotes/DATE" where DATE, TIME AND NAME are replaced by actual values

namename of the screenshot

◆ SetNightLayerRotMatrix()

proto native void SetNightLayerRotMatrix ( vector mat[3])

night sky layer rotation matrix

matrotation matrix

◆ SetRealStarAutoUpdate()

proto native void SetRealStarAutoUpdate ( bool update)

update of stars

updatetrue = automatic stars update, false = update is on user by SetStarsRotMatrix

◆ SetSkyPlanet()

proto native bool SetSkyPlanet ( int index,
float azimuthDeg,
float zenithDeg )

set planet position

indexindex of planet, 0 = sun usually
azimuthDegazimuth position in degrees
zenithDegzenith position in degrees

◆ SetSkyPlanetSize()

proto native bool SetSkyPlanetSize ( int index,
float angleDeg )

set planet size in degrees

indexindex of planet, 0 = sun usually
angleDegangle size in degrees

◆ SetSkyPreset()

proto native int SetSkyPreset ( string presetName,
float stormy,
float dayTime )

set sky preset to day time and stormy parameter

presetNamename of preset to be set (one of presets from file loaded using LoadSkyPresets)
stormystormy parameter <0, 1>
dayTimeday of time <0, 1>

◆ SetSkyUserPlanets()

proto native void SetSkyUserPlanets ( bool enabled)

user can set planets to its own positions on skydome using SetSkyPresetPlanet function, if disabled, the planets are positioned automatically using sky preset setting


◆ SetStarsObserverPosition()

proto native void SetStarsObserverPosition ( float latitudeDeg,
float longitudeDeg )

set observer position

latitudeDeglatitude in degrees
longitudeDeglongitude in degrees

◆ SetStarsObserverTime()

proto native void SetStarsObserverTime ( int year,
int month,
int day,
int hour,
int minute,
float sec,
int offsetSec )

set UTC time for real time stars

offsetSecto take into account time difference between Greenwich and local time (position dependency, summer/winter time)

◆ SetStarsRotMatrix()

proto native void SetStarsRotMatrix ( vector mat[3])

stars rotation matrix, is different from night rotation matrix because we don't know the time when night layers was captured

matrotation matrix

◆ ToEntitySource()

proto native IEntitySource ToEntitySource ( )

◆ VectortoRGBA()

int VectortoRGBA ( vector vec,
float h )
300float x,y,z;
301int r,g,b,a,rgba;
303 x = vec[0];
304 y = vec[1];
305 z = vec[2];
307 x = x * 127.0 + 128.0;
308 y = y * 127.0 + 128.0;
309 z = z * 127.0 + 128.0;
310 h = h * 255.0;
312 a = (int)h << 24;
313 r = (int)x << 16;
314 g = (int)y << 8;
315 b = z;
317 return r | g | b | a;
Param3 int
Icon x
Icon y

Перекрестные ссылки x и y.

◆ WriteBool()

class vobject WriteBool ( bool value)

◆ WriteFloat()

proto native void WriteFloat ( float value)

◆ WriteFloatAsByte()

proto native void WriteFloatAsByte ( float value,
float min,
float max )

◆ WriteFloatAsHalf()

proto native void WriteFloatAsHalf ( float value,
float min,
float max )

◆ WriteInt()

proto native void WriteInt ( int value)

◆ WriteIntAsByte()

proto native void WriteIntAsByte ( int value)

◆ WriteIntAsHalf()

proto native void WriteIntAsHalf ( int value)

◆ WriteIntAsUByte()

proto native void WriteIntAsUByte ( int value)

◆ WriteIntAsUHalf()

proto native void WriteIntAsUHalf ( int value)

◆ WriteMatrixAsQuaternionVector()

proto native void WriteMatrixAsQuaternionVector ( vector mat[4])

◆ WriteString()

proto native void WriteString ( string value)

◆ WriteVector()

proto native void WriteVector ( vector value)


◆ WriteBool