vobject CreateXOB(
int nsurfaces,
int nverts[],
int numindices[],
string materials[]);
PlayerSpawnPresetDiscreteItemSetSlotData name
one set for cargo
bool RestartParticle()
Method to tell the particle to restart (reset + play)
proto native bool GetBoneMatrix(notnull IEntity ent, int bone, vector mat[4])
proto native void SetAnimFrame(notnull IEntity ent, int slot, float frame)
proto void UpdateIndices(vobject obj, int surf, int indices[])
proto native bool GetBoneLocalMatrix(notnull IEntity ent, int bone, vector mat[4])
class BoneMask NOANIMEND
EntityEvent.ANIMEND will not be called.
proto native int ClearAnimMask(notnull IEntity ent, int mask)
proto native void ChangeAnimSlotMask(notnull IEntity ent, int slot, float blendin, BoneMask mask)
proto native void SetBoneGlobal(notnull IEntity ent, int bone, vector mat[4])
proto native int IsAnimSlotPlaying(notnull IEntity ent, int mask)
proto vobject CreateXOB(int nsurfaces, int nverts[], int numindices[], string materials[])
Dynamic MeshObject.
proto native bool SetMorphState(notnull IEntity ent, string morph, float value)
proto native bool SetBoneMatrix(notnull IEntity ent, int bone, vector mat[4])
proto native void SetAnimSlot(notnull IEntity ent, int slot, vobject anim, float blendin, float blendout, BoneMask mask, int fps, AnimFlags flags)
proto native void ChangeAnimSlotFPS(notnull IEntity ent, int slot, int fps)
proto void UpdateVertsEx(notnull IEntity ent, int surf, vector verts[], float uv[])
proto native void SetAnimMask(notnull IEntity ent, int mask)
proto int GetObjectMaterials(vobject object, string materials[])
proto native void SetBone(notnull IEntity ent, int bone, vector angles, vector trans, float scale)
class BoneMask NOANIMHOOKS
Animhooks will not be called.
proto bool HasActiveParticle(notnull IEntity ent)
proto void SetParticleParm(notnull IEntity ent, int emitor, EmitorParam parameter, void value)
bool ParticleHasActive(IEntity ent)
proto void GetParticleParmOriginal(notnull IEntity ent, int emitor, EmitorParam parameter, out void value)
proto native int GetParticleCount(notnull IEntity ent)
int ParticleGetCount(IEntity ent)
proto int GetParticleEmitorCount(notnull IEntity ent)
proto int GetParticleEmitors(notnull IEntity ent, out string emitors[], int max)
proto native void ResetParticlePosition(notnull IEntity ent)
begin with random rotation. Bool R/W
number of active particles. Int R
Float R/W.
Float R/W.
Bool R/W.
Float R/W.
Float R/W.
current efector's time. Float R/W
efector's total time. Float R/W
rotate in random direction. Bool R/W
should efector repeate after time up? Bool R/W
Float R/W.
proto void GetParticleParm(notnull IEntity ent, int emitor, EmitorParam parameter, out void value)
When present, will reset [PD] on sorting, otherwise will accumulate on top of it.
proto native int GetNumAnimFrames(vobject anim)
Returns number of frames, if the object is animation.
proto string vtoa(vobject vobj)
Returns name of visual object.
proto native void ReleaseObject(vobject object, int flag=0)