DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Файл ParticleBase.c

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Структуры данных

class  ParticleEvents
 Invokers for ParticleBase events, called from events. Подробнее...


void ParticleBase ()
override bool IsParticle ()
 Have script recognize this as a Particle without casting.

Methods regarding playing/stopping of particle

void PlayParticle (int particle_id=-1)
 Method to tell the particle to start playing.
bool PlayParticleEx (int particle_id=-1, int flags=0)
 Method to tell the particle to start playing.
bool StopParticle (int flags=0)
 Method to tell the particle to stop playing.
bool ResetParticle ()
 Method to tell the particle to reset.
bool RestartParticle ()
 Method to tell the particle to restart (reset + play)
bool IsParticlePlaying ()
 Ask if the particle is still playing.
ParticleEvents GetEvents ()
 Get the events.

ParticleBase events For ParticleSource, these are handed on C++ side For more information, read ParticleEvents

void OnParticleStart ()
 Event when the particle starts.
void OnParticleStop ()
 Event when the particle stops.
void OnParticleReset ()
 Event when the particle is restarted.
void OnParticleEnd ()
 Event when the particle ends.
void OnParticleParented (IEntity parent)
 Event when the particle receives a parent.
void OnParticleUnParented (IEntity parent)
 Event when the particle is orphaned.


class ParticleEvents m_IsPlaying
 Engine base class with internal functionality.
ref ParticleEvents m_EventInvokers
 Event invokers.