proto bool | dBodyCreateStaticEx (notnull IEntity ent, PhysicsGeomDef geoms[]) |
proto bool | dBodyCreateGhostEx (notnull IEntity ent, PhysicsGeomDef geoms[]) |
proto bool | dBodyCreateDynamicEx (notnull IEntity ent, vector centerOfMass, float mass, PhysicsGeomDef geoms[]) |
proto native void | dBodyDestroy (notnull IEntity ent) |
| Destroys attached physics body.
proto native bool | dBodyIsSet (notnull IEntity ent) |
| Has the entity attached physics body?
proto native void | dBodySetInteractionLayer (notnull IEntity ent, int mask) |
proto native int | dBodyGetInteractionLayer (notnull IEntity ent) |
proto native void | dBodySetGeomInteractionLayer (notnull IEntity ent, int index, int mask) |
proto native int | dBodyGetGeomInteractionLayer (notnull IEntity ent, int index) |
proto native void | dBodyActive (notnull IEntity ent, ActiveState activeState) |
proto native void | dBodyDynamic (notnull IEntity ent, bool dynamic) |
proto native bool | dBodyIsDynamic (notnull IEntity ent) |
proto native bool | dBodyIsActive (notnull IEntity ent) |
proto native bool | dBodyEnableGravity (notnull IEntity ent, bool enable) |
proto native void | dBodySetDamping (notnull IEntity ent, float linearDamping, float angularDamping) |
proto native void | dBodySetSleepingTreshold (notnull IEntity body, float linearTreshold, float angularTreshold) |
proto native bool | dBodyIsSolid (notnull IEntity ent) |
proto native void | dBodySetSolid (notnull IEntity ent, bool solid) |
proto native void | dBodyEnableCCD (notnull IEntity body, float maxMotion, float sphereCastRadius) |
proto native void | dBodySetLinearFactor (notnull IEntity body, vector linearFactor) |
proto native vector | dBodyGetCenterOfMass (notnull IEntity body) |
| returns center of mass offset
proto native vector | GetVelocity (notnull IEntity ent) |
| Returns linear velocity.
proto native void | SetVelocity (notnull IEntity ent, vector vel) |
| Sets linear velocity (for Rigid bodies)
proto native dBlock | dBodyCollisionBlock (notnull IEntity ent1, notnull IEntity ent2) |
| Disables collisions between two entities.
proto native void | dBodyRemoveBlock (notnull IEntity worldEntity, dBlock block) |
proto native void | dBodySetInertiaTensorV (notnull IEntity body, vector v) |
proto native void | dBodySetInertiaTensorM (notnull IEntity body, vector m[3]) |
proto native float | dBodyGetMass (notnull IEntity ent) |
proto native void | dBodySetMass (notnull IEntity body, float mass) |
proto native void | dBodyApplyTorqueImpulse (notnull IEntity ent, vector torqueImpulse) |
proto native vector | dBodyGetInvInertiaDiagLocal (notnull IEntity ent) |
proto native float | dBodyComputeImpulseDenominator (notnull IEntity ent, vector position, vector normal) |
proto native float | dBodyComputeAngularImpulseDenominator (notnull IEntity ent, vector axis) |
proto native vector | dBodyGetLocalInertia (notnull IEntity ent) |
proto void | dBodyGetInvInertiaTensorWorld (notnull IEntity body, out vector inertiaTensorWS[3]) |
proto void | dBodyApplyImpulseAt (notnull IEntity body, vector impulse, vector pos) |
| Applies impuls on a pos position in world coordinates.
proto void | dBodyApplyImpulse (notnull IEntity body, vector impulse) |
| Applies impuls on a rigidbody (origin)
proto void | dBodyApplyForce (notnull IEntity body, vector force) |
| Applies constant force on a rigidbody (origin)
proto void | dBodyApplyForceAt (notnull IEntity body, vector pos, vector force) |
| Applies constant force on a position.
proto native void | dBodyApplyTorque (notnull IEntity body, vector torque) |
proto vector | dBodyGetAngularVelocity (notnull IEntity body) |
| Gets angular velocity for a rigidbody.
proto void | dBodySetAngularVelocity (notnull IEntity body, vector angvel) |
| Changed an angular velocity.
proto native void | dBodySetTargetMatrix (notnull IEntity body, vector matrix[4], float timeslice) |
| Sets target transformation. If timeslice == dt (simulation step delta time), it will happen in next step, otherwise in time = timeslice.
proto native void | dBodyGetWorldTransform (notnull IEntity body, out vector matrix[4]) |
proto native void | dBodyGetDirectWorldTransform (notnull IEntity body, out vector matrix[4]) |
proto native float | dBodyGetKineticEnergy (notnull IEntity body) |
proto native vector | dBodyGetVelocityAt (notnull IEntity body, vector globalpos) |