DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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RigidBody API


 Geometry API definition

Структуры данных

class  PhysicsGeomDef


 state of a rigidbody Подробнее...


proto bool dBodyCreateStaticEx (notnull IEntity ent, PhysicsGeomDef geoms[])
proto bool dBodyCreateGhostEx (notnull IEntity ent, PhysicsGeomDef geoms[])
proto bool dBodyCreateDynamicEx (notnull IEntity ent, vector centerOfMass, float mass, PhysicsGeomDef geoms[])
proto native void dBodyDestroy (notnull IEntity ent)
 Destroys attached physics body.
proto native bool dBodyIsSet (notnull IEntity ent)
 Has the entity attached physics body?
proto native void dBodySetInteractionLayer (notnull IEntity ent, int mask)
proto native int dBodyGetInteractionLayer (notnull IEntity ent)
proto native void dBodySetGeomInteractionLayer (notnull IEntity ent, int index, int mask)
proto native int dBodyGetGeomInteractionLayer (notnull IEntity ent, int index)
proto native void dBodyActive (notnull IEntity ent, ActiveState activeState)
proto native void dBodyDynamic (notnull IEntity ent, bool dynamic)
proto native bool dBodyIsDynamic (notnull IEntity ent)
proto native bool dBodyIsActive (notnull IEntity ent)
proto native bool dBodyEnableGravity (notnull IEntity ent, bool enable)
proto native void dBodySetDamping (notnull IEntity ent, float linearDamping, float angularDamping)
proto native void dBodySetSleepingTreshold (notnull IEntity body, float linearTreshold, float angularTreshold)
proto native bool dBodyIsSolid (notnull IEntity ent)
proto native void dBodySetSolid (notnull IEntity ent, bool solid)
proto native void dBodyEnableCCD (notnull IEntity body, float maxMotion, float sphereCastRadius)
proto native void dBodySetLinearFactor (notnull IEntity body, vector linearFactor)
proto native vector dBodyGetCenterOfMass (notnull IEntity body)
 returns center of mass offset
proto native vector GetVelocity (notnull IEntity ent)
 Returns linear velocity.
proto native void SetVelocity (notnull IEntity ent, vector vel)
 Sets linear velocity (for Rigid bodies)
proto native dBlock dBodyCollisionBlock (notnull IEntity ent1, notnull IEntity ent2)
 Disables collisions between two entities.
proto native void dBodyRemoveBlock (notnull IEntity worldEntity, dBlock block)
proto native void dBodySetInertiaTensorV (notnull IEntity body, vector v)
proto native void dBodySetInertiaTensorM (notnull IEntity body, vector m[3])
proto native float dBodyGetMass (notnull IEntity ent)
proto native void dBodySetMass (notnull IEntity body, float mass)
proto native void dBodyApplyTorqueImpulse (notnull IEntity ent, vector torqueImpulse)
proto native vector dBodyGetInvInertiaDiagLocal (notnull IEntity ent)
proto native float dBodyComputeImpulseDenominator (notnull IEntity ent, vector position, vector normal)
proto native float dBodyComputeAngularImpulseDenominator (notnull IEntity ent, vector axis)
proto native vector dBodyGetLocalInertia (notnull IEntity ent)
proto void dBodyGetInvInertiaTensorWorld (notnull IEntity body, out vector inertiaTensorWS[3])
proto void dBodyApplyImpulseAt (notnull IEntity body, vector impulse, vector pos)
 Applies impuls on a pos position in world coordinates.
proto void dBodyApplyImpulse (notnull IEntity body, vector impulse)
 Applies impuls on a rigidbody (origin)
proto void dBodyApplyForce (notnull IEntity body, vector force)
 Applies constant force on a rigidbody (origin)
proto void dBodyApplyForceAt (notnull IEntity body, vector pos, vector force)
 Applies constant force on a position.
proto native void dBodyApplyTorque (notnull IEntity body, vector torque)
proto vector dBodyGetAngularVelocity (notnull IEntity body)
 Gets angular velocity for a rigidbody.
proto void dBodySetAngularVelocity (notnull IEntity body, vector angvel)
 Changed an angular velocity.
proto native void dBodySetTargetMatrix (notnull IEntity body, vector matrix[4], float timeslice)
 Sets target transformation. If timeslice == dt (simulation step delta time), it will happen in next step, otherwise in time = timeslice.
proto native void dBodyGetWorldTransform (notnull IEntity body, out vector matrix[4])
proto native void dBodyGetDirectWorldTransform (notnull IEntity body, out vector matrix[4])
proto native float dBodyGetKineticEnergy (notnull IEntity body)
proto native vector dBodyGetVelocityAt (notnull IEntity body, vector globalpos)

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