DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
Не найдено

◆ CreateHandEventFromContext()

static HandEventBase CreateHandEventFromContext ( ParamsReadContext ctx)

См. определение в файле Hand_Events.c строка 133

134 {
135 int eventID = -1;
136 if (!ctx.Read(eventID))
137 {
138 Error("[hndfsm] CreateHandEventFromContext - cannot read eventID");
139 return null;
140 }
141 Man player;
142 if (!ctx.Read(player))
143 {
144 Error("[hndfsm] CreateHandEventFromContext - cannot read player");
145 return null;
146 }
150 int animID = -1;
151 if (!ctx.Read(animID))
152 {
153 Error("[hndfsm] CreateHandEventFromContext - cannot read animID");
154 return null;
155 }
156 HandEventBase b = HandEventFactory(eventID, player, src);
157 if (b)
158 {
159 b.m_AnimationID = animID;
160 b.ReadFromContext(ctx);
161 }
162 return b;
163 }
static HandEventBase HandEventFactory(HandEventID id, Man p=null, InventoryLocation src=null)
Определения Hand_Events.c:107
bool OptionalLocationReadFromContext(out InventoryLocation loc, notnull ParamsReadContext ctx)
Определения InventoryLocation.c:662
override void ReadFromContext(ParamsReadContext ctx)
Определения Hand_Events.c:276
Abstracted event, not to be used, only inherited.
Определения Hand_Events.c:209
Определения InventoryLocation.c:29
proto bool Read(void value_in)
void Error(string err)
Messagebox with error message.
Определения EnDebug.c:90

Перекрестные ссылки Error(), HandEventFactory(), OptionalLocationReadFromContext(), Serializer::Read() и HandEventBase::ReadFromContext().