DayZ 1.27
DayZ Explorer by KGB
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Файл humansettings.c

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Структуры данных

class  SHumanGlobalSettings
class  SHumanCommandSwimSettings


class SHumanGlobalSettings SHumanCommandMoveSettings ()
void SHumanGlobalSettings ()
void ~SHumanGlobalSettings ()
void ~SHumanCommandMoveSettings ()
class SHumanCommandSwimSettings SHumanCommandClimbSettings ()
void SHumanCommandSwimSettings ()
void ~SHumanCommandSwimSettings ()
void ~SHumanCommandClimbSettings ()


float m_fPhysMoveMaxTracedDistance
 when actual phys step is lower than this -> distance is traced, otherwise it's just set
float m_fRunSpringTimeout
 filter span value [s]
float m_fRunSpringMaxChange
 filter speed value [val/s]
float m_fDirFilterTimeout
 direction filter timeout [s]
float m_fDirFilterSprintTimeout
 sprint direction filter timeout [s]
float m_fDirFilterSpeed
 direction filter max rot speed [rad/s]
float m_fMaxSprintAngle
 max sprint angle [rad]
float m_fTurnAngle
 when character starts to turn (45 deg default)
float m_fTurnEndUpdateNTime
 when turn values are not updated anymore (normalized time)
float m_fTurnNextNTime
 when next turn is started from previous turn
float m_fSlidingPoseAngle
 angle (0.707 * PI) - when angle is bigger - sliding pose is done (rad)
float m_fSlidingPoseTrackTime
 time change of angle is tracked in the past (sec)
float m_fSlidingPoseRepTime
 not to do sliding pose after another sliding pose (sec)
float m_fHeadingChangeLimiterIdle
float m_fHeadingChangeLimiterWalk
float m_fHeadingChangeLimiterRun
float m_fLeaningSpeed
float m_fWaterLevelSpeedRectrictionLow
 Water level (in meters) - m_iMaxSpeedNormal_WaterLevelLow and m_iMaxSpeedFast_WaterLevelLow are applied when character is deeper.
float m_fWaterLevelSpeedRectrictionHigh
 Water level (in meters) - m_iMaxSpeedNormal_WaterLevelHigh and m_iMaxSpeedFast_WaterLevelHigh are applied when character is deeper.
int m_iMaxSpeedNormal_WaterLevelLow
 Max movement speed for m_fWaterLevelSpeedRectrictionLow when character doesn't want to sprint (-1 means no change)
int m_iMaxSpeedFast_WaterLevelLow
 Max movement speed for m_fWaterLevelSpeedRectrictionLow when character wants to sprint (-1 means no change)
int m_iMaxSpeedNormal_WaterLevelHigh
 Max movement speed for m_fWaterLevelSpeedRectrictionHigh when character doesn't want to sprint (-1 means no change)
int m_iMaxSpeedFast_WaterLevelHigh
 Max movement speed for m_fWaterLevelSpeedRectrictionHigh when character wants to sprint (-1 means no change)
float m_fAlignIdleTimeout
float m_fAlignIdleMaxChanged
 align filters in idle, slow, fast
float m_fAlignSlowTimeout
float m_fAlignSlowMaxChanged
float m_fAlignFastTimeout
float m_fAlignFastMaxChanged
float m_fMovementSpeed
float m_fMovementSpeedFltTime
float m_fMovementSpeedFltMaxChange
float m_fWaterLevelSwim
 when swimming - entity position depth (1.4 m)
float m_fWaterLevelIn
 when entering water - what level cases swimming (1.5m)
float m_fWaterLevelOut
 what water level causes to stop swimming (1.2m)
float m_fToCrouchLevel
 when to crouch
float m_fToErectLevel
 when to stand
float m_fCharHeight
 generic settings
float m_fCharWidth
 forward pass
float m_fFwMinHeight
float m_fFwMaxHeight
float m_fFwMaxDistance
float m_fStepFreeSpace
 forward step
float m_fStepPositionAfterEdge
 must be a space to step there
float m_fStepDownRadius
float m_fStepMinNormal
float m_fStepVariation
float m_fStepMinWidth
float m_fClimbOverMaxWidth
float m_fClimbOverMinHeight
float m_fBackwardsCheckDist
 absolute distance for backwards check if necessary