10 int year, month, day, hour, minute, second;
13 string datetimeUTC =
DATETIME_FORMAT, year, month.ToStringLen(2), day.ToStringLen(2), hour.ToStringLen(2), minute.ToStringLen(2), second.ToStringLen(2));
19 errorMessage =
"Cannot open file \"%1\" for writing", filename);
37 string worldName =
51 PrintToRPT(
"[Autotest] %1", message));
static void LogRPT(string message)
static void SetWorldName()
static string GetWorldName()
static const string DATETIME_FORMAT
static bool SaveXMLReport(string data, out string errorMessage)
static EntityAI SpawnEntityAI(string typeName, int flags=ECE_PLACE_ON_SURFACE)
static const string REPORT_FILE_NAME_TEMPLATE
static string m_WorldName
proto void GetWorldName(out string world_name)
proto native CGame GetGame()
proto void PrintToRPT(void var)
Prints content of variable to RPT file (performance warning - each write means fflush!...
proto void CloseFile(FileHandle file)
Close the File.
proto void FPrint(FileHandle file, void var)
Write to file.
proto FileHandle OpenFile(string name, FileMode mode)
Opens File.
proto int ToLower()
Changes string to lowercase. Returns length.
proto void GetYearMonthDayUTC(out int year, out int month, out int day)
Returns UTC system date.
proto void GetHourMinuteSecondUTC(out int hour, out int minute, out int second)
Returns UTC system time.