86 return ( 1 -
Pow( 1 - userprob, ( 1 / 1200 ) ) );
EStatLevels GetPotencyEx(PlayerBase player)
float GetDieOffSpeedEx(PlayerBase player)
float CalculateAutoinfectProbability(float userprob)
float m_TransferabilityAirOut
float GetDigestibilityEx(PlayerBase player)
float GetTransferabilityOut()
float GetTransferabilityAirOut()
float m_AutoinfectProbability
number of agents injected during the autoinfection
bool CanAutoinfectPlayer(PlayerBase player)
float m_TransferabilityIn
float GetInvasibilityEx(PlayerBase player)
bool GrowDuringMedicalDrugsAttack(EMedicalDrugsType drugType, PlayerBase player)
should this agent grow based on invasibility even during usage of specific medical drugs attack
float GetAntiboticsResistance()
float GetAntibioticsResistanceEx(PlayerBase player)
float m_TransferabilityOut
float GetTransferabilityIn()
float m_AntibioticsResistance
bool AutoinfectCheck(float deltaT, PlayerBase player)
bool GrowDuringAntibioticsAttack(PlayerBase player)
should this agent grow based on invasibility even during antibiotics attack
void MessageReceiverBase()
static float RandomFloat01()
Returns a random float number between and min [inclusive] and max [inclusive].
static proto float Pow(float v, float power)
Return power of v ^ power.